Chapter 9 - The Digestive Sytem Flashcards
The breakdown of food into components that can be used within the body is called digestion.
Types of Digestion
Digestion occurs in two ways: Mechanical and Chemical
Mechanical Digestion
Mechanical Digestion is the physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces
Chemical Digestion
Chemical Digestion is the chemical breakdown of food by substances known as enzymes.
Food is Intaken
Food is intaken into the body through the mouth, where both mechanical and chemical digestion first occur.
The digestive process
- Ingestion is the intake of food into the mouth, where it is chewed and swallowed
- Digestion is the breakdown of food by mechanical and chemical means
- Absorption takes place when food that has been digested enters the bloodstream.
- Assimilation is the use and conversion of absorbed nutrients within the body.
- Egestion is the removal from the body of undigested matierial remaining from the digestive process.
Teeth are used in the first stages of digestion to break up food into smaller pieces by tearing, crushing and grinding it.
Types of Tooth
There are four types of tooth: incisor, canine, premolar and molar. Each has a different shape and function.
Number and Type of teeth
The number and type of teeth present in an animal’s mouth is related to the diet of the animal.
Chisel-like tooth used for cutting and biting
Pointed, sharp tooth used for tearing food
Relatively flat tooth used for grinding
Flat tooth used for crushing food.
Herbivores only eat plant material. The use their premolars and molars for crushing and grinding material such as grass. Sheep, cattle and horses are all herbivores.
Carnivores only eat meat. They use their canine teeth for tearing flesh.