Chapter 9 Terms Flashcards
A candidate who is the current officeholder
A form of nomination in which a form document is signed by a specific number of qualified voters in favor of a candidate in the election district
Occurs when one desirous of running for a particular office announces his intention of running or has someone else make the announcement
Independent announcement
Preliminary election held to select candidates and it delegates to the party’s convention
Direct primary
A primary in which participants must be registered as members of ones party and may vote only for the candidates from that party
Closed primary
Primary in which voters do not have to declare their party membership
Open primary
Wide open , primary in which every voter receives a ballot losing all party candidates for nomination and selects one candidate for each office
Blanket primary
The election used to fill elective offices
General election
Residents of a district represented by an election official
Occurs when a strong candidate on the ballot helps attracts voters to other candidates from he same party
Coattail effect
To vote for all the candidates in one party
Straight ticket
Paid advertisements used by state and local candidates
Campaign activities covered on the nightly news or by other media outlets
Free media
Individuals sponge by political parties and candidates to observe the polls on Election Day
Poll watcher
Location in a specific precinct where those who live in the area go to vote
Polling place
To officially enroll for the purpose of voting
Voters unable to vote at tier polling place on Election Day who use absentee ballots prior to the election to cast their votes
Absentee voters
Composing minutes raised for a specific candidate in federal elections and spent according To federal laws and restrictions
Hard money
Campaign money raised apart from federal regulations and given local, state, and national party organizations or PACs to be use for voting related activities
Soft money
Committees formed by special Interest groups that raise money and make contributions to specific individuals campaigns or causes
Political action committees
Expenses by a person or group tht desires to help elect or defeat a candidate
Independent expenditures
Naming candidates for public office