Chapter 9: Reading and speech perception Flashcards
lexical decision task
a task in which individuals decide as rapidly as possible whether a letter string forms a word
naming task
a task in which visually presented words are pronounced aloud as rapidly as possible
info about the spellings of words
info about the sounds of words and parts of words
the meaning conveyed by words and sentences
influencing the processing of (and response to) a target by presenting a stimulus related to it in some way beforehand
words having the same pronunciations but that differ in the way they are spelled
word superiority effect
a target letter is more readily detected in a letter string when the string forms a word than when it does not
a pronounceable nonword (e.g. “tave”)
orthographic neighbours
with reference to a given word, those other words that can be formed by changing one of its letters
semantic priming
the finding that word identification is facilitated when there is priming by a semantically related word
a store of detailed info about words, including orthographic, phonological, semantic, and syntactic knowledge)
lexical access
entering the lexicon with its store of detailed info about words
cascade model
a model in which info passes from one level to the next before processing is complete at the first level
surface dyslexia
a condition in which regular words can be read but there is impaired ability to read irregular words
phonological dyslexia
a condition in which familiar words can be read but there is impaired ability to read unfamiliar words and nonwords
deep dyslexia
a condition in which reading unfamiliar words is impaired and there are semantic reading errors (e.g. reading “missile” as “rocket”)
fast eye movements that cannot be altered after being initiated).
perceptual span
the effective field of view in reading (letters to the left and right of fixation that can be processed
spillover effect
any given word is fixated longer during reading when preceded by rare word rather than a common one
- Phoneme: basic speech sounds conveying meaning
an instrument used to produce visible records of the sound frequencies in speech
peaks in the frequencies of speech sounds; revealed by a spectograph
The segmentation problem
the listener´s problem of dividing the almost continuous sounds of speech into separate phonemes and words