Chapter 9 - RAF And The MoD Flashcards
What is the main aim of the MoD?
It does this through subordinate organisations such as?
To enact government security policy for the UK and overseas territories.
HM Forces and intelligence-gathering agencies.
Within the UK and overseas territories, security policy is weighted toward what?
Through interaction and assistance with the ___ ____.
This includes:
- measures to minimise the risk of?
- promoting and international framework that?
Maintaining the law of the land
Civil authorities
External aggression towards our territory and national interests
Favours freedom and open trading relationships
The RAF makes a vital contribution to the fulfilment of ____ ____ _____, offering which 4 things across the full spectrum of conflict?
British security policy
1) flexibility
2) mobility
3) combat power
4) utility
The modern role of the RAF is extremely diverse. It covers many areas and we work under many different organisations. Name the three main organisations.
Name the 4 main tasks.
United Nations, European Union, NATO
Humanitarian aid, peacekeeping, defence of the uk, national strikes
Who is at the very top of our chain of command?
Who do they delegate the responsibility of the Armed Forces to?
Who do they delegate responsibility of the services to?
The Sovereign (Queen Elizabeth II)
Ministry of Defence
Name the 4 main roles of the Royal Navy.
1) counter-piracy: protects vital shipping lanes, deters aggressors from attacking British ships and nationals.
2) counter-terrorism: gathers intel and supports military action.
3) counter-narcotics: gathers intel or directly intervenes in drug smuggling.
4) maintains and represents the UK nuclear deterrent. 4x trident class subs armed with up to 16 nuclear warheads - at least one permanently patrolling.
Name the army’s 3 main roles
1) to ensure the protection + security of UK+territories even when there is no major external threat.
2) Insure against any major external threat to the UK and our allies.
3) to promote the UK’s wider security interests through the maintenance of international peace and stability.
Increasingly, military operations are being conducted on a tri-service basis.
A Permanent __ __ (_ _ _ _) has been stablished in ____ and has responsibility for the operational command of all UK forces deployed on Joint, National or Coalition operations overseas.
Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ).
The highest formation in the RAF is called a what?
Name the only one we have now and where it’s based.
A command
Air Command in RAF High Wycombe
Subordinate to air command, the RAF is split into 4 groups. Name the 4 groups.
No.1 Group - Air Combat (fast jet force elements)
No. 2 Group - Air Combat Support (ISTAR, search and rescue, mountain rescue)
No. 22 Group - Training (training, education, recruitment cradle to grave, air cadets)
No. 38 Group - Air Combat Service Support Units (logistics, communications, medical)
Whole force concept
Concept was adopted in order to meet the _____ _____ mandated by the government in 2010.
Number of regulars service has decreased, the ‘whole force’ has been adjusted to cover the shortfalls. Name the three categories that make up the whole force.
Manpower deduction
Reservists, contractors and civilians
The two reserve air forces are?
RAF Reserves and the Royal Auxiliary Air Force
The RAFR is made up of who?
Ex regulars can only be recalled by a directive issued by who?
Personnel who have done 12 years and are now in their 6 year reserve and have been recalled
Her majesty the queen or the Secretary of State
Most members of the RAFR serve as what?
They are in individual posts that are mostly left open to ex-service personnel.
Full time reservists (FTRS)
What are Sponsored Reserves?
Civil servants or private sector employees who’s employers have an agreement with the MoD for the provision of support services.
Members of the RAFR work full time or part time in the RAF. Members of the RAuxAF is made up volunteers who work…
RAuxAF was formed in?
They can be called-up into?
How many days a year?
Full-time in civilian employment and are called upon by the RAF in times of need.
Full time service in periods of hostility.