Chapter 3 - Diveristy and Inclusion Flashcards
Intent of RAF Equality and Diversity Policy is to ensure Service and Civilian personnel are treated fairly irrespective of which 6 characteristics?
1) race
2) ethnic origin
3) religion/belief
4) gender
5) sexual orientation
6) social background
All personnel have a right to live and work in an environment:
Free from - _____, ______, ______ ______
In which all have equal ______ and ______ to realise their ____ ______.
Harassment, intimidation, unlawful discrimination.
Equal opportunity, encouragement, full potential.
Bullying or unlawful discrimination at any level undermines operational effectiveness by… (3 things)
1) undermining confidences
2) eroding morale
3) destroying cohesion
The RAF has a ____ tolerance to bullying and harassment.
Diversity is linked to equality and compliance with the law. Recognising the benefits of diversity and difference will not be achieved unless all individuals….
Acknowledge their own prejudices and set them aside.
Any _____ _____ by one or more people, whether intentional or not, which violates a person’s _____ and creates feelings of anxiety, humiliation, awkwardness, distress or discomfort which can have _____ _____ for that person.
Unwanted behaviour.
Devastating consequences.
Harassment has both a legal and generic definition.
Legal: there are ____ which make unlawful any unreasonable behaviour based on conscious or unconscious ____ or ____.
Generic: no legally defined characteristics present or significant. In this case it can be more closely defined as _____.
Prejudice or bigotry.
Sexual harassment is unwanted ____, non-_____ or _____ conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s ____ or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the recipient.
Verbal, non-verbal, physical.
Name the two types of sexual harassment
1) unwanted conduct based on the grounds of your sex
2) unwanted physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature
Bullying often involves an ____ of ____ where someone takes advantage of his/her status to mistreat a _____.
Bullying can also take place between ____ and occasionally by juniors on ____.
Abuse of power.
Harassment and bullying involve _____ and _____ behaviours which cause significant damage.
The damage results in detriment to _____ _____, inefficiencies caused by _____, sickness and a lack of ______, and tarnishing of the MoD’s _____ _____ and thus its ability to recruit and retain people.
Unwelcome and unreasonable.
Operational effectiveness.
Public image.
Victimisation is _____. It occurs when a colleague, supervisor or an employer treats and employee less favourably than others because they ____ or have previously _____ their rights under current ___ ______ legislation.
Care must be taken to ensure anyone providing information or acting as a witness for a complainants case is not _____. In addition the person being complained against must have their _____ protected.
Assert, asserted.
Equal opportunities legislation.
One of the purposes of the Race Relations Act and Sexual Discrimination Act is to ensure personnel….
Are not dissuaded from bringing discrimination claims because of their fear of victimisation.
Making malicious or vexatious allegations is harmful to both
If after investigation, it is found that a complaint has been made maliciously, _____ or ____ action should be considered.
1) the person against whom the allegation is made
2) the RAF as a whole
Administrative or disciplinary
Line managers have a duty to ensure that those they are responsible for are aware of their ____ and ____.
They must be vigilant in identifying _____ and taking prompt _____ to deal with it rather than awaiting for complaints to arise.
They should set the highest _____ and act as ____ _____.
Rights and obligations.
Harassment, action.
Standards, role models.
All personnel must:
1) ensure their own conduct downs not cause _____.
2) ____ colleagues who harass others.
3) be prepared to offer _____ to those who suffer or witness _____.
4) be prepared to _____ any incident of harassment.
1) offence
2) challenge
3) support, harassment
4) report
The Equality and Diversity Policy works along side the RAF Cuber Policy to combat inappropriate _____ _____.
You may identify yourself as a Serviceperson/ MoD however, you must state your views and comments do not officially represent those of the ____ or ____.
Comments online.
If you wish to start a poll, petition or other campaign that relates to the RAF, you must seek permission from…
Higher authority.
Every member of the RAF has the right to submit a formal complaint in accordance with Section ___ of the Armed Forces Act 2006 and QR ____, if they believe unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying has taken place.
Wherever possible the complainant should try to resolve the situation by ____ means.
Details of complaints procedure are contained in JSP ___ ( MoD B&H Complaints Procedure)
Section 334, QR 1000
JSP 763
Where a complainant wishes to discuss an incident ‘in confidence’ before making a decision on whether to proceed with a complaint, he/she is advised to contact:
1) The Equality and Diversity Adviser
2) Padre
3) Medical Officer
4) SSAFA Social Work Staff