Chapter 8 - Compliments Flashcards
Saluting/paying of compliments evolved from what?
This is recognised as a mark of mutual ___ and ____.
The showing of an empty right hand, which showed individuals were unarmed.
Mutual trust and respect.
In the services, compliments are usually paid by saluting - which is the civilian equivalent of?
And demonstrates respect and loyalty between?
Shaking hands
Officers and airmen
You only salute?
Commissioned officers. A warrant officer holds the Sovereign’s Warrant not commission.
You normally salute with your ____ hand.
You must always be wearing _____ when you salute.
If the officer is not wearing a hat, you?
Right hand
Still salute
How do you pay compliments if not wearing a headdress?
Describe the process.
If you are carrying an item that uses both hands, you should give what? (Even if wearing headdress)
Eyes left/eyes right
Bring your arms smartly to your side and give eyes left or right
Eyes left/right
Party on the March
When you are part of a squad/flight, you will be required to give ____ as directed by the person in charge of the party.
The person in charge of the party then what?
Eyes left/right
Salutes the officer
When you approach a group of officers, only one will return your salute.
This will normally be?
If all the same rank, who will return salute?
The senior rank
The person nearest to you
You should pay compliments to an officer under which 4 circumstances?
1) when you are approached by or are approaching an officer
2) when you recognise an officer in civilian clothes - they hold commission whether in uniform or not
3) when you enter and leave an officer’s office
4) when wearing service headdress
Other occasions when to salute:
- when you approach or are passed by a vehicle displaying a ___ ___ or ____
- when the ____ ____ is being played
- when boarding/leaving a military ____
- when passed by a ____ that is carrying a ___
- when passes by ____ or ____
Star plate or pennant
National anthem
Hearse/funeral cortège, coffin
Standards or colours
Under which 7 circumstances do you not salute?
1) when marching in formation
2) on stairs or in narrow corridors
3) in shops or churches
4) carrying something heavy in both hands
5) when riding a bicycle
6) when NOT wearing military headdress
7) when YOU are in civilian clothing
A pennant on a car (small flag) indicates that it’s the?
Officers of air rank are which rank and above?
What do they display on their vehicles?
Station commander/commanding officer
Air commodore
Star plates
Individual operational squadrons have their achievements commemorated with the award of?
Which are comparable to the army’s?
Ceremonial standards
Regimental colours
The highest honour that the Sovereign can bestow is a?
The only station in the RAF to be awarded this is? In what year?
RAF Halton, 1997
The Ensign is raised and lowered every day on all RAF units.
What time is the flag raised? How many blows of the whistle indicates this?
What time is the ensign lowered in winter months? Summer months? How many whistles?
What do you do?
0800, 1 whistle
1600 winter, 1800 summer, 2 whistles
If outside and hear whistle, stop, face ensign, stand to attention until end of ceremony
Who usually raises and lowers the ensign?
Who salutes the ensign?
Raised and lowered by Orderly Sgt
Saluted by Orderly Officer
I’m the RAF, there are certain items of protocol that are a mark I’d respect to personnel of a higher rank. What are these called?
Customs and practices
When you enter an officer’s office you should?
The officer will either ask you to remain standing or sit and …
Once you are finished you should…
Keep your headdress on and salute them.
Remove your hat
Salut before leaving the office and put your hat back on if you have been ordered to take it off
If you are working in an office, generally you remain seated unless an officer of the rank ____ ____ or above enters the room.
In other instances, you should continue working and only stand up if spoken to by officers of a lower rank than ….
Group captain
Group captain
If an officer or NCO enter a rest room or barrack block, you should?
In the mess you? Unless specifically directed otherwise.
Stand up
Continue to eat and remain seated
Whilst in a teaching environment, if an officer or NCO enters or leaves the room, you should?
Remain seated but sit to attention.