Chapter 12 - Security Flashcards
Name the 5 major threats to security.
Espionage (spying)
Organised crime
Name the two types of espionage
Legal spying
Illegal spying
Legal spying is usually carried out by who?
What are the three types of illegal spy?
Legal - by members of embassies who have diplomatic status - immune from criminal proceedings
1) ideological spy - spies against his own country because of the belief in the cause of the nation they are spying for.
2) mercenary spy - spy for money.
3) blackmailed spy - because being blackmailed
What is subversion?
Any activity calculated to undermine the fighting spirit, loyalty and discipline of service personnel. E.g. spreading of vicious rumours through the media or propaganda.
What is sabotage?
Acts intended to cause physical damage to assist a foreign power in furtherance of a political aim.
This is in the form of a non-conventional military attack on military or civilian installations.
E.g. tampering with water supply on a unit.
What is terrorism?
The systematic use of violence and intimidation for political gain.
Why is organised crime becoming a military security issue?
Local criminal organisations breaking into buildings and compounds, theft of IT equipment and other removable media and other items of value.
Name the three main aims of terrorist organisations.
1) to publicise their existence and cause
2) to coerce people into supporting them
3) to discredit authorities by provoking repressive counter-measures
Terrorist Groups
Irish Republican Terrorism (PIRA)
On the 28/7/05 the PIRA released a statement of a?
Threat level reduced from moderate (level 4) to?
Formal end to its armed campaign.
Low (level 5)
Al-Qaeda declaration in 1998 called on all Muslims to kill Americans and their allies.
Name the 5 main groups that follow this ideology
Egyptian Islamic Jihad
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Islamic army of Eden
In the past service personnel have been attacked in a number of ways.
Give 7 examples
Attacks on buildings Under vehicle booby traps (UVBT) IEDs Close quarter attacks Suicide bombings CBRN Animal rights activists
Who is responsible for security?
Name the three main types of countermeasure security
Building security - check for IEDs at start of work, lock up securely.
Physical security - designed to safeguard personnel and prevent unauthorised access to equip, facilities, materials and documents.
Personal security - vetting of individuals, security clearance levels
What is operation ROUND UP?
If an intruder has gained access to the unit and Op ROUND UP is called, all personnel are to immediately go to nearest building on the unit where they will be asked for their ID card.
Remain in the building until Op ROUND UP is terminated.
What is Op WIDE-AWAKE?
A thorough check of all the buildings on the unit for suspected IEDs.
Normally implemented following Op ROUND UP and after extended leave periods (Christmas etc)
What are Counter Terrorist Response Levels?
Levels used by the MoD to convey earnings of possible terrorist attacks of a non-specific nature.
More specific warning system is provided by the _____ response level.
Which is used to warn of which two threats?
Terrorist use of small arms fire SAFIRE and Man Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADs) against service aircraft.
Name the three counter terrorist response levels.
Normal - routine baseline protective security measures
Heightened - consideration of additional security countermeasures above NORMAL (sustainable indefinitely)
Exceptional - maximum security measures to minimalist vulnerabilities and risk (limited period only)
Protective markings
All military information has some intelligence value and therefore needs to be protected.
What is the classification system called?
How many categories are there?
Government Security Classification (GSC)
Name the 4 GSC levels and what colour folders they are contained in.
Top secret: info can cause exceptionally grave damage to security of the UK - dark red file.
Secret: can cause serious damage - pink file.
Official sensitive: could cause risk to individual safety or result in hem to Work, Defence or Government - no coloured file
Official: can be physically taken and worked on at home or in public and disposed of in normal waste - no coloured file
If you suspect a breach of security e.g. building being left open, loss of protective marked documents you must…
This includes your…
It is an offence to lose your…
Report it to an officer or NCO immediately
ID card (MOD 90)
MOD 90 and disciplinary action may be taken
The Official Secrets Act was formed in?
Name the 4 main offences under this act
1) disclosure of official information
2) prohibited copying
3) prohibited place - peacetime = military and government establishments, war time other places can be prohibited
4) ‘need to know’ principle - personnel given only the information needed to complete their task. Regardless of security clearance only tell people what they need to know
Individual precautions:
Carry your __ at all times and if you lose it…
When away from work and not in uniform…
Lock your car, preferably in a garage and check your car regularly for…
When travelling do not… and make sure your belongings are
ID, report it immediately
Do not advertise your service connections
Suspicious objects
Wear uniform or use service kit bag, secured and can’t be tampered with
If you travel into work from off-base accommodation, make sure you…
Do not _____ regularly at the same ___ and ___ when meeting colleagues.
Do not ____ parties that are being held off base.
Vary your routes each day.
Congregate, time and place.
What is Sharkwatch?
What does it involve?
A procedure for self protection that should be adopted whenever service groups intend to hold a function outside the station.
At least one member of the group being responsible for security whilst travelling to and from the venue and during the function.
If you want to hold an off-base function you must apply for permission through the?
They will give a ___ ___ if permission is granted.
The paperwork you have to submit is called? And should be submitted how many weeks before the event?
Why does it have to be submitted so early?
Station Security Officer.
Detailed brief.
Public Military Event Proforma (PME), 6 weeks.
To allow contact with Civil Police to ensure the event does not clash with any other event which could bring embarrassment or disrepute upon the military.
The enemy has another potent weapon in its armoury…
Electronically transmitted communications are at risk from which two things?
The ability to intercept electronic transmissions and access computer systems from remote sites.
1) accidental overhearing
2) deliberate interception
Name the title of the countermeasures used against these threats.
What is the aim of these measures?
Communication Security (COMSEC)
The use of devices or procedures to prevent eavesdropping by unauthorised persons.
Discuss the COMSEC for radio transmissions
What shouldn’t be passed by radio transmission?
What should you apply during radio transmission?
All information passed by unprotected radio transmissions must be regarded as compromised as they can be easily intercepted.
No protective marked information is to be passed by radio.
Correct voice procedures.
COMSEC telephone
Speech on the telephone is insecure because?
No request for official information should be acted upon without confirming the identity of the caller. How can you do this?
You DO NOT USE the…
It can be easily tapped or overheard.
By taking the name and address of the caller and arranging to call back on the number you find in the directory.
Number the caller has given you or pass protective marked info.
The biggest risk to COMSEC is?
Give three examples of when this can happen.
Careless talk - personnel saying too much.
Calling friends and family.
Using radios and/or CB
Holding a conversation in a public place
What is meant by ‘Essential Elements oh Friendly Information’? (EEFI).
Name the 10 categories
Information that is likely to be of use to an enemy.
1) communications information
2) locations
3) electronic warfare
4) logistics
5) movements
6) personnel information
7) operations
8) intelligence
9) enemy action
10) service capabilities
What is ‘Beadwindow’?
It is recognised across…
A phrase you say when using communications if someone is contravening COMSEC procedures by mentioning EEFI.
The Armed Forces.
All computers should have a system to protect them from misuse. These systems are called?
You are not permitted to use personal disks that have been used on home computers, why?
Do not install any software or packages that have not been ____ ____.
Disk authorisation or anti-virus software.
There is a potential to unknowingly bring in computer viruses.
Officially authorised.
Do not take copies of official programmes and software for your own use.
Do not take discs with you to?
Before using any computer you should be issued with?
In accordance with the ‘need to know’ principle don’t attempt to access…
Work on at home.
Computer Security Operating Procedures for each PC in use.
Information you don’t have permission to view.
Social websites
Geo-tagging: many social networking sites allow your location to be broadcast.
Users need to be aware when using such tools and NEVER give their location on…
Privacy settings
Be aware of who has access to your information. Keep ____ and your ____ and ____ safe.
Yourself, friends and family.
Status updates and pictures
Foreign intelligence services and terrorist organisations constantly surf social media sites.
Be careful what you post. Even innocent pictures as…
Locations can be found by looking at the backgrounds in photos.
Public image
As RAF members it is our duty to maintain the reputation, security and standing of our organisation.
Refrain from…
Discussing RAF business on your social media.
The media
You are NOT permitted to speak to anyone or contribute articles unless you have been given ____ to do so.
If you are approached, do not comment - direct them to who?
The station press liaison officer or press relations officer
What is counter-intelligence?
The gathering of information and implementing measures to lessen the effect of various threats.
What is it about?
The Government’s strategy to stop individuals or groups becoming involved in violent extremism or supporting terrorism, in all its forms.
Intercepting influencing behaviour that takes place across all media channels including social media, prevent offences being committed by encouraging individuals and groups to challenge extremist ideologies and behaviours.
Give 5 reasons why a young person might’ve drawn toward extremist ideologies
1) they might be searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging
2) driven by desire for adventure and excitement
3) to raise self esteem and agreed cred
4( drawn to a group/individual who can offer identity, a social network or support
5) May be influenced by world events and a sense of grievance resulting in a need to make a difference
The internet is a powerful tool to reach out to young people to…
Communicate radical and extremist messages.