Chapter 9 - Quadratic Forms, Orthogonal And Symmetric Matrices Flashcards
Properties of dot product ( inner product)
Symmetry : x • y = y • x
Bilinearity: for all x,y,x’,y’ in R^n and s,t (real numbers),
(sx + tx’) • y = sx • y + x’ • y
x • (sy + ty’) = sx • y + x • y’
Non-negativity: x • x > or equal to 0
|x| = sqrt (x • x). This is the length of x
x = 0 iff |x| = 0
If x doesn’t equal 0, then x/|x| has length 1
Orthogonal vectors x, y
If x • y = 0
Orthonormal set of vectors
If vi • vi = delta (ij) = 1 if i=j
0 if i doesn’t equal j
Delta (ij) is the Kornecker delta function
Orthogonal matrix
Ax • Ay = x • y for all x, y in R^n Has an inverse A^-1 = A^T which is also orthogonal A^T * A = E If A and B are orthogonal, so is AB Det(A) = 1 or -1
Orthogonal group
The set of all orthogonal n by n matrices
O (n) = {A in Mn (R) | A^T * A = E
A^-1 = A^T
A is in O (n) if
Its columns (considered as a set of vectors) form an orthonormal set
Symmetric matrix
If Ax • y = x • Ay for all x, y in R^n
All eigenvalues of A are real numbers
If Au = lamdau and Av = muv and lamda doesn’t equal mu, then u • v = 0
(i.e. if u and v are eigenvectors of A with distinct eigenvalues, then they are orthogonal)
There is an orthogonal matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that A = PDP^-1 = PDP^T
Diagonal matrix
A square matrix with zero entries in every position that isn’t on the leading diagonal
Quadratic form as a matrix equation
Q (x) = x^T * B * x
Rank of Q
r + s
Signature of Q
r - s
Positive definite
If Q (x) is positive for all values of x not equal to 0
If the eigenvalues (of B) are positive
Negative definite
If Q (x) is negative for all values of x not equal to 0
If the eigenvalues (of B) are negative
Positive semidefinite
If Q (x) > or = to 0 for all values of x not equal to 0
If the eigenvalues (of B) are > or = to 0
Negative semidefinite
If Q (x) < or = to 0 for all values of x not equal to 0
If the eigenvalues (of B) are < or = to 0
If Q (x) can take both positive and negative values
If there is at least one positive and at least one negative eigenvalue (of B)
Taylor series
f (x0 + deltax) = f (x0) + (1/2) (deltax)^T * H (deltax)
= f (x0) + (1/2)Q (deltax)
where Q (delta*x) is a quadratic form associated with the hessian matrix H
Hessian matrix
H = matrix of:
[Fxx fxy]
[Fxy fyy]
Stattionary point is local minimum
If the eigenvalues of H are positive
Local maximum stationary point
If the eigenvalues of H are negative
Saddly point stationary point
If at least one eigenvalue of H is positive and at least one is negative
Method to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Work out A-lamda*Identity matrix Find determinant of this Put that equal to 0 Factorise to find values of lamda Sub these values back into the 1st step Normalise eigenvectors
To normalise an eigenvector (a,b)
Do 1/(sqrt of (a^2 + b^2) (a,b)