Chapter 11 - Surface Integrals Flashcards
Surface in R^3
The image S= F (D) = {F(u,v) such that (u,v) is an element of D}
The edge of S
dS = F (c)
The map F
A parameterisatiob of the surface
Smooth surface
If the derivative matrix D(F)(u,v) has rank 2 (i.e. the two columns are linearly independent) for all points (u,v) in D
Singular point
A point F(u,v) on the surface S is singular if the rank of D(F)(u,v) is less than 2
Open surface
Every pair of points in R^3 not lying in S can be joined by a continuous curve that doesn’t cross S
Closed surface
It divides R^3 into distinct regions, R1 and R2, such that every continuous curve joining a point in R1 to a point in R2 crosses S at least once
Simple surface
The union of a finite number of smooth surfaces. Also referred to as piecewise smooth or regular
The vector N
N = (dr/du) * (dr/dv). This is a non-zero vector that it normal to the surface s at point P. This occurs when (dr/du) and (dr/dv) are linearly independent
Unit vector n hat
N hat = (1/(|N|)) * N. This is a unit normal vector to S at P
Two orientations of S
The two optiona for choice of the sign of n hat. They are designated the positive and negative orientations
Oriented surface
This occurs once a particular side of a surface has been chosen as positive
Surface element
Let P0(u,v) be a point on the surface S with position vector r(u,v). Consider infinitesimal displacements from P0 to P1(u + du, v), P2 (u, v + dv) and P3 (u + du, v + dv), where the points are joined by the u and v coordinate lines. The portion of S that is bounded by P0P1P3P2 is called a sueface element
Surface area of S
Double integral of [|(dr/du) cross product (dr/dv)|] dudv
Cross product of (dr/du) and (dr/dv)
If (dr/du) = (a,b,c) and (dr/dv) = (d,e,f), then the cross product is equal to the determinant of the matrix
Integral of (phi) dS
Double integral of [phi (u,v) * |cross product of (dr/du and dr/dv)| dudv
Integral of v • dS
= integral of (v • n hat)dS
= double integral of [v (u,v) • (cross product of dr/du and dr/dv)] dudv
Flux of v across S
Phi(v) = integral of [v (x,y,z) • n hat (x,y,z)dS
Divergence theorem
Let R be a region of R^3 bounded by a closed simple surface S, which is oriented outwards. If v (x,y,z) is a vector field whose components have continuous partial derivatives on some open set containing R, and if n hat (x,y,z) is the outward-directrd normal at position (x,y,z) on S, then Integral over S of (v•n hat)dS = integral over R of (div v) dV
Stokes’ Theorem
Let S be a piecewise smooth orinted surface that is bounded by a simple, closed piecewise smooth curve C with positive orientation. If v (x,y,z) is a continuous vector field with continuous first partial derivatives on some open set containing S, then Closed integral over C of (v•dr) = integral over c of (curlv • n hat)dS Where n hat is the cross product of dr/du and dr/dv