Chapter 9: Persuasive Messages Flashcards
What is persuasion in terms of communication?
Persuasion in communication is the attempt to influence opinions, attitudes, and behaviors. It motivates readers to accept recommendations and act on requests by appealing to their needs, interests, values, and powers of reason. It is not coercive, but rather, it makes the audience want to perform the recommended actions.
What are the key elements in creating a convincing persuasive message?
Key elements include
reasonable propositions,
well-framed arguments,
vivid supporting evidence,
and an effort to establish credibility and rapport in a way that makes the message relatable to the reader.
How is the ability to write persuasively applicable in the workplace?
The ability to write persuasively is a valued workplace skill that encourages action.
It is needed in creating favour requests, contestable claims, collection letters, sales and fundraising letters, and job application letters.
In today’s small group work environments, persuasive skills help make things happen both inside and outside of traditional hierarchies.
What are some points to remember when writing persuasive messages?
Know your purpose and what you want your reader to do, understand what motivates your reader, consider design and layout, be positive and accurate, anticipate objections and plan how to deal with them.
How does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs relate to persuasive writing?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be used to understand what motivates the reader. By analyzing the audience’s goals and needs in relation to the hierarchy, the writer can create a persuasive pitch that answers a need and benefits the reader by saving them money, solving a problem, or helping them achieve an objective.
How can design and layout affect the perception of a persuasive message?
Opinions can be formed before a message is read, based solely on its appearance. A proper layout that conveys non-verbal messages through proportioning, typography, and use of white space can make a message more attractive and professional.
What are the three processes of influence necessary for overcoming resistance in persuasive writing?
The three processes of influence are:
compliance through rewards/benefits or punishments,
identification or finding commonality,
and internalization or affirmation of goals and values.
What are some arguments to counter resistance and gain compliance in persuasive writing?
Some arguments include the idea of short-term pain for long-term gain, the advantages outweighing the disadvantages, spending money or time now to save in the long run, and the investment of time or money will bring other benefits.
How does one deal with objections in persuasive writing?
Serious objections should be dealt with early, but trivial objections should not be given undue importance. A persuasive writer should anticipate objections and plan how to deal with them using data and clear, compelling counter-arguments.
What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory consisting of five tiers. From the bottom to the top, these tiers represent
physiological needs,
safety and security,
love and a sense of belonging,
and self-actualization.
These needs motivate human behavior.
What are the three types of appeals in persuasive communication?
The three types of appeals in persuasive communication are:
the appeal to reason,
the appeal to emotion,
and the appeal to ethics
What is an appeal to reason?
An appeal to reason in persuasion involves building a logical and well-justified argument based on evidence such as non-numerical facts, expert opinions, statistics, examples, or analogies. Clear, logical development in the presentation of these facts encourages readers to agree with the conclusion and support the proposed action.
What is a logical fallacy?
A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that weakens a persuasive argument. Common logical fallacies include post hoc ergo propter hoc, circular arguments, begging the question, and false analogy.
What is an appeal to emotion in persuasive writing?
An appeal to emotion in persuasive writing seeks to motivate the audience to act by invoking feelings such as pride, hope, honour, pleasure, respect, or fear.
However, if handled poorly, it can come off as inauthentic or manipulative.
A balanced approach that combines an emotional appeal with a logical one is more reliable.
What is an appeal to ethics in persuasive writing?
An appeal to ethics in persuasive writing involves influencing people based on moral principles. It requires establishing credibility and maintaining a respectful and benefit-oriented tone, avoiding sarcasm, hostility, and personal gain.
What is the purpose of an indirect persuasive strategy?
The purpose of an indirect persuasive strategy is to break down resistance and prepare readers for a request or proposal that could easily fail if made directly.
It allows the writer to earn trust and show readers how they will benefit from the proposed action.
What is the three-step plan of an indirect persuasive strategy?
The three-step plan involves obtaining interest by defining a problem or stating a relevant fact, proving how the proposal or product can benefit the reader, and asking for action linked to reader benefits
Can you give examples of appeals to emotion?
Examples of appeals to emotion include a memo that asks for safer working conditions, appealing to a sense of responsibility and pride in the company’s reputation, and a final letter in a series of collection letters arousing fear about the consequences of not paying immediately, such as damaging a previously good credit rating.
FIGURE 9.2 Four Key Sources of Credibility
What is an indirect strategy in asking for favours or action requests?
An indirect strategy in asking for favours or action requests allows you to gain acceptance for invitations, requests for volunteer services, and appeals for unpaid help by focusing on the indirect benefits of complying.
It includes:
gaining favourable attention,
persuading the reader to accept the request,
and asking for action.
How can you persuade a reader to accept a favour or action request?
You can persuade a reader to accept a favour or action request by associating the request with opportunities such as the chance to assume a leadership role, showcase talents, network, develop professional contacts, gain exposure for their views, help others, or bring about positive change in their workplace or community
What is a persuasive memo and how does it function?
A persuasive memo is a communication document that uses an indirect problem-solution strategy, describing a problem to management or colleagues before presenting a solution that ends in a related proposal or request.
It communicates facts and benefits before pushing for action, reducing the chance that the initiative will be misunderstood or rejected prematurely.
What are the steps to follow when writing a problem-solving memo?
The steps to follow when writing a problem-solving memo are
summarizing the problem,
explaining how the problem can be solved,
minimizing resistance by anticipating possible objections and counter-arguments,
and asking for a specific action while setting a deadline for the readers to act or respond.
How can managers use persuasive techniques for managing change?
Managers can use persuasive techniques to help employees adapt to change, reduce push-back, and encourage buy-in. These techniques may include using plain language for easy comprehension, making the same message understandable in different ways, and using stories to build trust.
What are the goals of internal corporate communication?
The goals of internal corporate communication are encouraging internal relations and commitment, promoting a positive sense of belonging, developing employees’ awareness of change, and the need to evolve.
What types of motivating language can leaders use in their messages?
Leaders can use direction-giving and uncertainty-reducing language to clarify goals and duties, empathetic language that encourages and inspires the workforce and shows gratitude, and meaning-making language that outlines norms and expectations, such as strategic storytelling and references to teams
When might a claim request require persuasive strategies?
A claim request might require persuasive strategies if a warranty has lapsed, if a term of a contract has been contravened, or if a product is no longer under guarantee. In such cases, you need to first prove the legitimacy of your claim with clear reasoning before you can ask for an adjustment
What are the steps to follow when presenting a persuasive claim request?
When presenting a persuasive claim request, you should gain
positive attention,
prove your claim is valid by describing the problem calmly and credibly with supporting data,
and ask for a specific action such as a refund, replacement, or apology while expressing confidence in the company’s ethical standards
What is the purpose of a collection letter?
The purpose of a collection letter is to collect an overdue bill while preserving the customer relationship. These letters, usually written in a series of three to five, put polite yet persistent pressure on readers, persuading them to promptly pay debts owing for goods already received or services already rendered
What are the three stages that collection letters generally follow?
The three stages are:
the Reminder stage where the customer is reminded of the overdue payment in a friendly manner.
The Inquiry stage, which is firmer and more direct, trying to determine the reasons for non-payment and requesting immediate payment or an explanation.
The Demand stage, where unequivocal demands for immediate payment are made, including warnings about the potential penalties for non-payment.
How do successful sales people approach their sales messages?
Successful sales people approach their sales messages by building a business through direct advertising to individual customers or business accounts. They rely on direct-mail marketing, using market research to adapt their sales messages to targeted groups. They avoid hard-sell pitches, empty hype, and deceptive product claims, providing instead product information and building confidence in the product’s value and performance
How can sales writing skills be beneficial even outside of traditional sales roles?
Even if your job doesn’t involve sales and promotions, sales writing has broad applications. Knowing how to do it well can help you sell not just your company’s products, mission, and values but also your own ideas and skills. For example, job application letters are closely related to sales letters.
What is the first preliminary step in creating an effective sales message?
The first step is studying the product or service. This includes understanding the problem it solves, its design, construction, materials, manufacturing process, operation, ease of use, performance, durability, efficiency, warranty, available colours and finishes, servicing arrangements, special features, and price compared to other similar products.
What are the devices that can be used to gain attention in a sales message?
To gain attention, sales messages can use thought-provoking facts or statements, good news, special offers, product features, questions, or stories. Some of these devices can be bolded, underlined, or incorporated as captions and headlines for extra emphasi
How do you introduce the product in a sales letter?
After gaining attention, forge a link between the need you have identified and how the product you are selling meets that need
How do you make the product desirable in a sales message?
To make the product desirable, describe it from the reader’s point of view, suggest what it’s like to use and benefit from it, use hype-free language, provide risk-reducing inducements, rely on statistics and testimonials, and strategically mention the price
How do you ask for a simple action in a sales message?
After creating a desire for the product, use a positive emphasis and the imperative voice to tell readers how easy it is to purchase it and urge them to act quickly. Make the action simple by providing a toll-free order number, a website, an email address, or an order form
What is the purpose of a postscript in a sales letter?
A postscript is useful for spotlighting free offers, summarizing the central selling point, or making a final appeal to readers, urging them to act promptl
What is the role of a sales follow-up?
A sales follow-up confirms to customers that they have made the right decision by purchasing a product. It expresses appreciation for an order, reinforces goodwill, and promotes future business.
What are the considerations for an effective sales message according to the provided checklist?
An effective sales message has:
a commanding opening,
concrete language for product description,
clearly identifies selling points,
employs persuasive appeals,
anticipates and addresses resistance,
strategically introduces the price,
clearly instructs the reader in the closing,
and may include a postscript for added emphasis.
What are the steps to write an effective fundraising message?
Identify an important problem and explain why the reader should care.
Show that the problem is solvable and link a need to your organization’s ability to respond.
Explain what your organization is doing to solve the problem.
Ask for a donation, explain deficiencies in public funding, and suggest other ways readers can support.
What are the techniques to achieve social media persuasion?
The techniques include reciprocation, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity.
What is the role of social media influencers in digital marketing?
Social media influencers are third-party endorsers who shape audience attitudes through social media postings. They have built trust with specific audiences, making their endorsements valuable.
How is digital marketing different from traditional marketing?
Digital marketing is cost-effective, measurable, provides real-time results, enables greater customer engagement, and can target specific audiences.
Traditional marketing has a wide reach, offers physical materials, and is easier for some demographics to understand.
What forms does digital marketing take?
Digital marketing can include explainer videos, social media promotions, search engine optimization (SEO), optimized articles, and email newsletters with exclusive offers.
What is digital content marketing (DCM)?
DCM involves creating, distributing, and sharing relevant, compelling, and timely content to attract and engage a defined group of customers, keep them engaged, and convert their interest to sales. It can be distributed through various online platforms
What are the best practices for digital content marketing (DCM)?
Establish goals for your content marketing
Identify your audience
Develop a unique and compelling brand story
Create desirable quality content and keep it updated
Interact and listen by using platforms that facilitate real-time conversation.
How is self-branding important in the new digital and reputation economies?
Self-branding, or the “brand called you,” is part of employment at all levels in all industries. It involves managing impressions, adapting your self-presentation to each social platform, and creating authentic, business-targeted, and context-specific self-brands
What are some strategies for effective self-promotion?
Strategies include creating a professional profile that builds trust, curating content and updating it frequently, and interacting with colleagues and clients.
What are some key points to review when crafting a persuasive message?
Some points include capturing the reader’s interest, choosing the right persuasive strategy, overcoming the reader’s resistance, building credibility, justifying the request, and inspiring the reader to act.