Chapter 9 - Personality Flashcards
What is personality?
Structures and propensities explaining individual characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behaviour (aka, what people are like).
What is personality a function of?
Both genes and environment.
For extraversion and openness to experience especially, genes seem to play a large role.
However, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism tend to change significantly over a person’s life span.
What is an important environmental factor to personality?
The culture in which one is raised.
What does personality create at a social level?
People’s social reputation - how they are prceived.
What are traits?
Recurring regularities or trends in people’s responses to their environment.
What are cultural values?
Shared beliefs about desirable end states/modes of conduct in a given culture.
What is the connection between personality and cultural values?
Cultural values may influence the development of people’s personality traits, and how these are expressed in daily life.
Big Five Taxonomy: What is conscientiousness?
-Hard-working nature
Big Five Taxonomy: What is agreeableness?
Big Five Taxonomy: What is neuroticism?
Degree of emotional stability/adjustment.
Big Five Taxonomy: What is openness to experience?
Big Five Taxonomy: What is extraversion?
What is accomplishment striving?
A strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.
Working harder and longer on task assignments.
Characteristic of conscientious individuals.
How is conscientiousness related to health?
Those who are conscientious are less likely to abuse substance/render in mortal situations.
Where is conscientiousness important?
Across all jobs/professions.
What is communion striving?
A strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships, as a means of expressing personality.
Where is agreeableness important?
Not in management jobs that may demand dealing with unreasonable requests or demands.
Important in service-sector jobs.
When is extraversion most visible?
In zero-acquaintance situations, where people have just met.
What is status striving?
The strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure, as a means of expressing personality.
Constantly directing one’s work efforts toward moving up, developing strong reputation, and obtaining leadership roles.
Especially important in extroverted individuals.
What is extraversion related to?
-Job Satisfaction, thanks to positive affectivity
-Life Satisfaction
What is positive affectivity?
Dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.
What is negative affectivity?
Dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods, such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.
What is differential exposure to stressors?
The appraisal that one has for day-to-day situations to come across as stressful.
Neuroticism elevates exposure to stressors.
What is differential reactivity to stressors?
The belief that one has that they can cope with the stressors they experience.
Neuroticism elevates reactivity to stressors.
What is neuroticism related to?
-Lower job and life satisfaction;
-Type A behaviour pattern;
-External locus of control.
What are the two types of locus of control?
External: Belief that events occurring around them are driven by luck, chance, or fate.
Internal: Belief that one’s own behaviour dictates events.