Chapter 4 - Job Satisfaction Flashcards
What is job satisfaction?
Pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job / job experiences. How one feels, thinks about their job.
Why are some employees more satisfied than others?
Their job provides them with things that they value, that they consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain.
What is the value-percept theory?
Theory that argues that job satisfaction depends on whether the job is perceived to supply all the things that one values.
How is dissatisfaction measured, according to the value-percept theory?
Dissatisfaction = (V want - V have) x V importance = (How much of a value that an employee wants - How much of that value the job supplies) x (How important that value is to the employee).
What creates job satisfaction?
Various facets including pay, promotion, supervision, coworkers, and the work itself.
What is pay satisfaction?
Employees’ feelings about their pay, including whether it is as much as they deserve, secure, and adequate for both normal and luxury items.
What is promotion satisfaction?
Employees’ feelings about the company’s promotion policies and their execution, including whether promotions are frequent, fair, and based on ability.
Why is a promotion not always desired by employees?
Responsibility and increased work hours.
What does promotion bring in value?
Opportunities for personal growth, better wages, and more prestige.
What is supervision satisfaction?
Employees’ feelings about their boss, including whether their boss is competent, polite, and a good communicator.
What questions do employees ask when they assess their supervisor?
Can they help me attain the things that I value? Do they reward me for good performance, provide me with the necessary resources, and protect me from unnecessary distractions?
Are they generally likeable? Do their personalities, values, and beliefs match the employee’s philosophies?
What is coworker satisfaction?
Employees’ feelings about their fellow employees, including whether coworkers are smart, responsible, helpful, fun, and interesting.
What questions do employees ask when assessing their coworkers?
Can they help me do my job?
Do I enjoy being around them?
What is satisfaction with the work itself?
Employees’ feelings about their actual work tasks, including whether those tasks are challenging, interesting, respected, and use key skills.
What is the strongest driver of overall job satisfaction?
Satisfaction with the work itself, followed by supervision and coworker satisfaction.
What are the effects of promotion and pay satisfaction on overall job satisfaction?
Moderately strong.
What are the three “critical psychological states” that make work satisfying?
-Meaningfulness of work: Degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that “counts”, in the employee’s system of philosophies and beliefs.
-Responsibility for outcomes: Degree to which employees feel that they are key drivers of the quality of their unit’s work.
-Knowledge of results: Degree to which employees know how well/how poorly they are doing.
What is the job characteristics theory?
A theory that describes the five core, central characteristics of intrinsically satisfying jobs.
What are the components of the job characteristics theory?
What is variety?
The degree to which a job requires a number of different activities that involve a number of different skills and talents.
What is identity?
The degree to which a job requires completing a whole, identifiable piece of work from beginning to end, with a visible outcome.
Why is identity important?
So that employees feel a distinct sense of beginning and closure.
What is significance?
The degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large.
What is autonomy?
The degree to which a job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual who is performing the work.
What is feedback?
The degree to which employees are provided with clear information about how they are performing, in carrying out their activities themselves.
What moderates the characteristics inherent in the job characteristics theory?
-Knowledge and skill
-Growth need strength
What is ‘growth need strength’?
The degree to which employees have strong needs for personal accomplishment or for developing themselves beyond where they currently are.
What happens when ‘growth need strength’ increaes?
The relationship between core job characteristics and satisfaction becomes stronger.
What is the “satisfaction potential score”?
A way for organizations to assess the current level of job characteristics that bring satisfaction to employees.
What is job enrichment?
Redesigning job aspects to expand job duties and responsibilities, hence increasing job characteristics.
What is the goal behind job enrichment?
To heighten work accuracy and customer satisfaction.
What does job enrichment incur?
Training and labour costs.
What is job crafting?
The way by which employees shape, mold, and redefine their jobs proactively.
What is the role of emotions and moods in job satisfaction?
Satisfaction levels fluctuate over time, depending on how employees feel one moment to the next.
Do satisfied employees always feel good about their job?
No, they are satisfied on average.
What are moods?
States of feeling, often mild in intensity.
On which two dimensions are moods categorized?
- Pleasantness: Are you in a good mood or a bad mood?
- Activation: Degree of arousal.
What is the most intense positive mood that one can feel?
Enthusiasm, excitement, elation.
What is the most intense negative mood that one can feel?
Hostility, nervousness, annoyance.
In the work setting, when are intense positive moods experienced?
When the work activities themselves generate them directly.
What are the conditions for experiencing intense positive moods?
- The activity in question needs to be challenging.
- The employee possesses the unique skills to meet that challenge.
What is ‘flow’?
The combination of high-challenge, high-skill activities resulting in a state in which employees feel completely immersed in the task, often losing track of time.
Being “in the zone”.
What characterizes the feeling of ‘flow’?
-Heightened states of clarity, control, and concentration;
-Sense of enjoyment, interest, and loss of self-consciousness.
What is the affective events theory?
Theory that stipulates that workplace events can generate affective reactions, that can go on to influence work attitudes and behaviours = Emotion triggers.
What role does emotion play in satisfaction and ensuing behaviours?
Emotions create the ebb and flow of satisfaction levels;
Emotions trigger spontaneous behaviours.
What are emotions?
Intense states of feelings lasting for a brief period of time, clearly directed and caused by someone or something (circumstance).
What are various types of positive emotions?
Joy, pride, relief, hope, love, compassion.
What are various types of negative emotions?
Anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, sadness, envy, disgust.
What is emotional labour?
A pre-condition to successful job duty completion, which entails managing one’s own emotions while at work.
What is emotional contagion?
The idea that people “catch” / “infect” others with their emotions.
What is the link between emotional contagion and emotional labour?
The concept of emotional contagion explains the need for emotional labour.
What is the relationship between job satisfaction and task performance?
Job satisfaction is moderately correlated with task performance.
When employees are satisfied, how do they perform better in their tasks?
-Better fulfillment of duty;
-More creativity;
-Better problem-solving and decision-making;
-Enhanced memory, information recall;
-Improved task persistence;
-Increased colleague help and support.
What is the relationship between job satisfaction and citizenship behaviour?
Job satisfaction is moderately correlated with citizenship behaviour.
When employees are satisfied, how do they engage in citizenship behaviour?
-There is an increased desire to interact with others;
-They engage in spontaneous acts of helping.
What is the relationship between job satisfaction and counterproductive behaviour?
Job satisfaction is moderately negatively correlated with counterproductive behaviour.
How does job satisfaction manifest its relationship with counterproductive behaviour?
There are decreased temptations to “lash out” against the organization.
How is job satisfaction related to the three types of commitment?
-Strong correlation with affective commitment (Employees want to stay)
-Strong correlation with normative commitment (Employees feel obliged to stay)
-No correlation with continuance commitment (Satisfaction does not create a cost-based need to remain with an organization).
What is life satisfaction?
The degree to which employees feel a sense of happiness with their lives.
How is job satisfaction related to life satisfaction?
They are strongly related.
What are attitude surveys? What are they used for?
A way by which organization can assess their workforce’s satisfaction, and trends in satisfaction levels. They can also be used to explore the effectiveness of major job changes.
What is the Job Descriptive Index (JDI)?
The JDI is a “facet” measure of job satisfaction, meaning that participants are asked to think about specific facets of their job and rate their satisfaction with those specific facets.