Chapter 3 - Organizational Commitment Flashcards
What is organizational commitment?
An employee’s desire to remain a member of the organization, by being retained and staying, rather than turning over.
What is withdrawal behaviour?
Set of employee actions that avoid work situations, behaviours that eventually could culminate in quitting the organization.
How are organizational commitment and withdrawal behaviour linked?
When organizational commitment is high, withdrawal behaviour is low, and vice-versa.
What is affective commitment?
A desire to remain a member of an organization as result of an emotional attachment to, and involvement with, that organization = Emotion-based commitment.
Why do employees with high levels of affective commitment stay?
They WANT To.
What happens when affectively-committed employees leave their organization?
They feel sad :(
How do affectively-committed employees view their organizational membership?
It becomes as important as their sense of self.
They identify with the organization, accept the organization’s goals and values, and are more willing to exert extra effort on behalf of the organization.
What does the erosion model suggest?
Employees with fewer bonds are more likely to quit their organization, because they have less affective commitment.
What does the erosion model suggest?
Employees with fewer bonds have less affective commitment, hence less emotional attachment to work colleagues. This makes it easy for them to quit the organization.
What is continuance commitment?
The desire to remain a member of an organization, being aware of the costs associated with leaving and the profits associated with staying = Cost-based commitment.
Why do employees with high levels of continuance commitment stay?
Because they need to.
How do employees with continuance commitment feel when leaving their organization?
What increases continuance commitment?
-The total amount of investment (time, effort, energy) employees make in mastering their work roles, or fulfilling their organizational duties.
-The lack of employment alternatives.
What is embeddedness?
Concept that demonstrates the work and non-work forces that bind us to our employer.
What is included in embeddedness?
-Employee’s links to their organization and community;
-Employee’s sense of fit with their organization and community;
-What an employee would need to sacrifice by changing jobs.
What does the social influence model suggest?
Employees with direct linkages with “leavers” are more likely to leave themselves = Contagious reductions in affective commitment.
What is normative commitment?
The desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation, because it is the ‘right’/’moral’ thing to do,
Why do employees with high levels of normative commitment stay?
Because they ought to.
How do normatively-committed employees feel when they leave their organization?
They feel guilty.
How does one’s life experience play a role in their normative commitment?
The sense that one should stay may result from personal work philosophies, general codes of right/wrong.
How can organizations increase normative commitment?
Make employees feel like they are in the organization’s debt;
Become a particularly charitable organization.
What defines psychologically-attached employees?
Those who experience affective, normative, and continuance commitment.
What is the focus of commitment?
The various people, places, and things inspire the desire to remain a part of an organization.
How is organizational commitment related to one’s work environment?
It is felt, overall, in reference to one’s company, top management, department, supervisor, work team, and/or specific coworkers.
How do people respond to negative events at work?
What is exit? How is it evidenced?
Active, destructive response to negative events at work, in which an individual ends/restricts their organizational membership.
The employee removes oneself from work situations, by absence, or by leaving the organization entirely.
What is voice?
Active, constructive response to negative events at work in which individuals attempt to improve the situation.
What is loyalty?
Passive, constructive response to negative events at work in which individuals maintain their public support for the situation, while internally, being hopeful for improvement.
What is neglect?
Passive, destructive response to negative events at work in which the interest and effort in the job declines.
How do people with greater levels of organizational commitment respond to negative work events?
It decreases their likelihood of responding destructively (exit, neglect), while it increases their likelihood of responding constructively (voice, loyalty).
What are star employees?
Those with high commitment and high performance.
How do star employees influence other employees?
They serve as role models.
How do star employees respond to negative events?
Using their voice.
Can star employees help institute organizational change?
Yes! They desire to improve the status quo, while holding the credibility to inspire change.
What are citizen employees?
Those with high commitment, but low performance,
What types of activities do citizen employees engage in?
Voluntary, “extra-role” activities.
How do citizen employees respond to negative events?
Can citizen employees inspire change?
Not really - they do, however, possess the desire to remain a member of their organization.
What are lone wolf employees?
Those with low commitment, high task performance.
Who do lone wolf employees work for?
Themselves and their personal goals; not those of the organization.
How do lone wolf employees respond to negative work events?
With exit.
Do lone wolf employees instil organizational change?
Not really. They have the credibility to do so (thanks to their high performance), but they are not attached to the company.
What are apathetic employees?
Those with low commitment and low performance.
What degree of effort do apathetic employees exert?
Low - only the bare minimum level of effort needed to keep their jobs.
How do apathetic employees respond to negative events?
With neglect.
Can apathetic employees contribute to organizational change?
No. They lack performance and commitment.
What is psychological withdrawal?
Actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment.
What are the various forms of psychological withdrawal?
-Daydreaming: Appearing to be working, while in fact being distracted by random thoughts/concerns.
-Socializing: Verbal chatting about non-work topics.
-Looking busy: Intentionally looking like one is doing work (but not actually).
-Moonlighting: Using work time and resources to complete something other than their job duties.
-Cyberloafing: Using technologies for personal enjoyment, not work duties.
What is physical withdrawal?
Actions that provide a physical escape, either short-term or long-term, from the work environment.
What are the various forms of physical withdrawal?
-Tardiness: Arriving late, leaving early.
-Long breaks
-Missing meetings: Neglecting important functions while being away from the office.
-Absenteeism: Missing full days of work.
-Quitting: Voluntarily leaving the organization, in consideration of better jobs, money.
Why do employees quit?
They are dissatisfied with supervision, working conditions, work schedules;
They have family factors to consider;
They have health-related concerns.
What does the independent forms model argue?
That various withdrawal behaviours are uncorrelated and occur for different reasons. As such, engaging in one type does not stop the employee from engaging in another.
What does the compensatory forms model argue?
That various withdrawal behaviours are negatively correlated. As such, engaging in one type stops the employee from engaging in another.
What does the progression forms model argue?
That various withdrawal behaviours are positively correlated. As such, engaging in one type makes the employee engage in another.
How can organizations boost employee retention?
Stop withdrawal as soon as it manifests in its psychological form, before it reaches physical forms.
What reduces the frequency of psychological and physical withdrawal?
High levels of overall organizational commitment.
How does the trend of diversity affect organizational commitment?
It makes it more challenging to retain valued employees.
How does the trend of the changing employee-employer relationship affect organizational commitment?
Downsizing is a form of involuntary turnover that has become normalized, without any consideration of employees’ levels of commitment.
What is ‘survivor syndrome’?
The result of the trend of downsizing. Those who remain in the organization feel strong negative emotions, reducing their emotional and normative attachment to their organization.
What are psychological contracts?
Contracts are increasingly prevalent due to the changing employer-employee relationship.
They reflect employees’ beliefs about what they owe the organization, and what the organization owes them.
What are psychological contracts shaped by?
Recruitment and socialization activities, which convey promises and expectations that shape beliefs about reciprocal obligations.
What are transactional contracts?
Psychological contracts which are purely based on a narrow set of monetary obligations.
What are relational contracts?
Psychological contracts which are based on a broad set of open-ended, subjective obligations.
What roles to psychological contracts play in the trend of downsizing?
When others are fired, employees see this as a breach of their own psychological contract, leading to physical and psychological withdrawal.
What is perceived organizational support?
The degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being.
How can companies increase their employees’ perceived organizational support?
-Provide adequate rewards;
-Protect job security;
-Improve working conditions;
-Minimizing the impact of politics.
How can organizations increase affective commitment?
Increasing the bonds that link employees together.
How can organizations increase continuance commitment?
Granting a salary and benefits package that creates a financial need to stay.
How can organizations increase normative commitment?
Providing training and development opportunities for employees.