Chapter 9: Materials and Resources Flashcards
Chain to Custody
A number issued by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and assigned to each order of certified wood purchased by a consumer.
Cradle to Cradle
A term applied to a product if a new use can be applied to it after the end of its first useful life, diverting it from a landfill.
Cradle to Cradle Certified (C2C)
A product certification program for assessing and constantly improving products by requiring product ingredients to be disclosed to an independent, accredited C2C assessor. C2C rewards achievement in five categories: Material health, material reutilization, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. There are five C2c levels: Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Cradle to Gate
A term describing the system boundaries of an environmental life-cycle assessment (LCA) that covers all activities from the beginning of its production (i.e., the extraction of raw materials, agricultural activities, and forestry) up to the factory gate.
Cradle to Grave
A term applied to a product if its lifetime is limited to one application or use, ending in a landfill.
The systematic disassembly of building structures to salvage materials for reuse.
The revealing of product or material information to a person or group for the use of making informed decisions.
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
A standardized, internationally recognized, comprehensive tool for providing information on a product’s environmental impact, based on an ISO-compliant life-cycle assessment (LCA) and can be verified by a third party. This includes a detailed analysis that considers all processes in the life cycle of the product, such as raw material extraction and refining, energy use and efficiency during manufacture, transportation methods, and end-of-service-life recycling.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
A third-party certification body that certifies wood is cut from a sustainably managed forest.
A hazard assessment method that evaluates individual chemicals. Chemicals are assigned to one of four main categories. Benchmark 1 is for chemicals substances known to be associated with certain health problems and are of the highest concern, while Benchmark 4 is for chemicals with the lowest level of concern.
Health Product Declaration (HPD)
An open standard for reporting product ingredients and their associated health hazards. An HPD is several pages long, and includes a one-page summary listing company information, metadata about the report, and ingredients. Subsequent pages include more detail about individual ingredients and their associated health hazards, and details on any certifications and associated materials.
Life-cycle Approach
A method of looking at a project from the perspective of its entire life-cycle and not just its useful application by assessing supply chains, efficiency, pay-back, environmental impact, and recyclability.
Life-cycle Assessment (LCA)
An assessment of the environmental impacts associated with a material or product throughout its life cycle. Another type of LCA can be applied to the materials and systems that constitute an entire building over its entire life cycle.
Life-cycle Costing (LCC)
An analytic tool used to determine the most cost-effective option among competing alternatives based on the costs of the options throughout their life cycles.
Materials Reuse
The reuse of materials whose lifetime has been extended to be used in the same purpose for which they were designed.
The process of improving a product or material to meet specific performance goals.
Postconsumer Recycled Content
Material that has experienced a useful life and has been recycled by a consumer, such as paper, aluminum, and plastic.
Preconsumer Recycled Content
Material from manufacturing waste, such as sawdust, agricultural by-product, overruns, and other scrap material, that can be created into a new product. Also called postindustrial recycled content.
Rapidly Renewable Materials
Fiber or animal-based material that can be grown, harvested, and manufactured in ten years or less.
Recycled Content
The percentage of material in a product that has been recycled from the waste stream, either preconsumer or postconsumer, and is used to make new materials.
Regional Material
Material that is extracted, manufactured, and purchased within 100 miles (160 km) of a project site.
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
European Union (EU) legislation that requires all chemicals sold in quantity in EU countries to be registered in a central database and prioritized for evaluation and possible avoidance based on their hazard profile. REACH is an alternative compliance path for international projects.
Salvaged Materials
Building elements such as beams, roofing, flooring, brick, and cabinetry that are salvaged from existing buildings.
Source Reduction
The process of designing products, activities, and systems to reduce waste and toxicity to the environment and human health for long-lasting effects.
Sustainable Forestry
The practice of managing forest resources to meet the long-term product needs of humans while maintaining the biodiversity of forested landscapes.
Waste Diversion
The amount of waste diverted from the landfill, expressed in tons.
Waste Management Plan
A plan included in the construction documents for a project that identifies the amount of construction waste that will be diverted from the landfill and where it will go.
What does a Multiattribute Approach do?
It simultaneously examines a broad range of environmental and human health factors across the product’s entire life-cycle.
What is the intent of the MR Category in the LEED v4 Rating System?
To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts.
What are Disclosures?
Revealing product information so that optimization becomes more feasible and the process of preferential selection may begin.
What is Optimization?
The process of improving a product or material to meet specific performance goals.
4 Central Themes of Materials and Resources
1) Material Conservation
2) Life-cycle Approach
3) Environmentally Preferable Materials
4) Waste Management
2 Types of LCAs
1) Whole-building LCA
2) Product or Material LCA
What is a Whole-building LCA?
It addresses the environmental impacts associated with the materials and systems that constitute an entire building over its entire life cycle.
What is a Product or Material LCA?
A compilation and evaluation that determines the total environmental impacts of a product from the extraction of raw materials all the way through its end of life.
What is a PCR (Product Category Role)
A set of specific rules, requirements, and guidelines based on ISO specifications for developing environmental declarations for one or more product categories.
What is an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)
A standardized, internationally recognized, comprehensive tool for providing information on a product’s environmental impact, based on an ISO-compliant LCA, and can be verified by a third-party.
What is a HPD (Health Product Declaration)
An impartial tool for the accurate reporting of product contents and the relationship of each ingredient to human and ecological health. It also discloses the potential health impact of materials used in the final product.
What is the intent of Material Conservation?
To reduce the amount of raw materials that are used in the construction and operation of a building.
2 Material Conservation Strategies
1) Reuse Buildings and Materials
2) Perform Whole-building LCAs
3 Ways to Obtain points for Reuse of Buildings and Materials
1) Historic Building Reuse (Up to 6 Points)
2) Renovation of Abandoned or Blighted Building (Up to 6 Points)
3) Reusing 25% to 75% of off-site, salvaged building materials (Up to 5 Points)
How can a project team obtain points for performing a Whole-building LCA?
By performing an LCA of the project’s structure and enclosure that demonstrates a minimum of 10% reduction in at least 3 of 6 impact measures, 1 of which must be global warming potential. Project teams can achieve up to 3 points for the credit.
What is an Environmentally Preferable Material?
Materials that have reduced effects on building occupant health and the environment when compared against competing materials that serve the same purpose.
6 factors that Environmentally Preferable Materials take into account
1) Raw Materials Aquisition
2) Manufacturing Process
3) packaging or Handling Methods
4) Distribuition Location
5) Reuse or Recycling of Material After Use
6) Disposal of the Material if it Can’t be Reused or Recycled
What is the intent of the Environmentally Preferable Materials Category?
To encourage project teams to explore environmentally preferable materials and products that have certain sustainable characteristics.
8 Characteristics of Environmentally Preferable Materials
1) Reduced energy use from material transportation
2) Sustainably grown and harvested
3) Intended end-of-life uses that divert waste from landfills
4) Recycled content
5) Mode of bio-based material
6) Known ingredients
7) Long-lasting, durable, reusable
8) Made in socially responsible factories
3 New Building Product Disclosure and Optimization Credits
1) Environmental Product Declarations
2) Sourcing of Raw Materials
3) Material Ingredients
2 Options for Receiving Points in the Environmental Product Declarations Credit
1) Environmental Declaration
2) Multi-attribute Optimization
What does Environmental Declaration address
Disclosure of the environmental effects associated with a product or material.
How does a project team get points for Environmental Declaration?
A project team needs to select 20 building products and materials from at least 5 manufacturers that meet 1 of 3 of the possible disclosure criteria.
What are the 3 possible disclosure criteria to get points for Environmental Declaration?
1) Product-specific Declaration
2) Environmental Product Declarations
3) USGBC-Approved Program
How does a project team get points for Multi-attribute Optimization?
By selecting third-party certified products that demonstrate impact reduction below industry average in at least 3 of 6 categories.
6 Categories for points in Multi-attribute Optimization
1) Global Warming Potential (Greenhouse Gases)
2) Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer
3) Acidification of land and water sources
4) Eutrophication
5) Formation of tropospheric ozone
6) Depletion of nonrenewable energy resources
What does the Sourcing of Raw Materials Credit reward project teams for doing?
For selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.
2 Options for Receiving Points in the Sourcing of Raw Materials Credit
1) Disclosure
2) Environmental Optimization
How do project teams earn points for Sourcing of Raw Materials with Disclosure?
By using at least 20 permanently installed products from at least 5 manufacturers who report information regarding human and ecological impacts, specifically their extraction practices, and other sourcing-related impacts.
How do project teams earn points for Sourcing of Raw Materials with Environmental Optimization?
By using products that optimize the extraction process by limiting or eliminating extraction of new resources (using reused materials or recycled content) or using best practices for extraction processes.
What does the Material Ingredients Credit reward project teams for doing?
For selecting products for which the chemical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation of harmful substances.
3 Options to Obtain 1 to 2 Points in the Material Ingredients Credit
1) Material Ingredients Reporting
2) Material Ingredient Optimization
3) Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Optimization
How can a project team earn points for Material Ingredients Reporting?
By using 20 different permanently installed products from at least 5 different manufacturers that list the chemical ingredients down to at least 0.1% (1000ppm) and 1 of 4 programs must be used to demonstrate the chemical inventory of the products.
What are the possible programs for Material Ingredients Reporting?
1) Manufacturer’s Inventory
2) Health Product Declaration
3) Cradle-to-Cradle Certified
4) Another USGBC-Approved Program
How can a project team earn points for Material Ingredient Optimization?
By using products that document their material ingredient optimization for at least 25%, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed product in the project. A product used to obtain this credit must document its material ingredient optimization using specific paths.
What are the possible paths for Material Ingredient Optimization?
1) GreenScreen v1.2 Benchmark
2) Cradle-to-Cradle Certified
3) International Alternative Compliance Path - REACH Optimization
4) Another USGBC-Approved Program
How can a project team earn points for Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Optimization?
By using products that are sourced from manufacturers who engage in validated and robust safety, health, hazard, and risk programs. These manufacturers must document 99% (by weight) of the ingredients used to make their building products or materials. Must be sourced from manufacturers with independent third-party verification of their supply chains that verifies, at a minimum 5 things.
What must supply chains verify to achieve points in for Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Optimization?
1) Processes are in place to communicate and transparently prioritize chemical ingredients along the supply chain according to available hazard, exposure, and use information to identify those that require more detailed evolution.
2) Processes are in place to identify, document, and communicate information on health, safety, and environmental characteristics of chemical ingredients.
3) Processes are in place to implement measures to manage the health, safety, and environmental hazard and risk of chemical ingredients.
4) Processes are in place to optimize health, safety, and environmental impacts when designing and improving chemical ingredients.
5) Processes are in place to communicate, receive, and evaluate chemical ingredient safety and stewardship information along the supply chain.
6) Safety and stewardship information about the chemical ingredients is publicly available from all points along the supply chain.
What do both the Material Ingredient Optimization and Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Optimization Credits include for credit achievement calculation?
A Location Valuation Factor
What is a Location Valuation Factor?
It Values products and materials extracted, manufactured, and purchased within 100 miles of the project site at 200% of their base contributing cost.
3 Implement Sustainable Purchasing Policies Strategies
1) Identify local sources of environmentally preferable materials
2) Developing a sustainable materials policy
3) Specifying green cleaning products
How much of total municipal solid waste that ends up in landfills, does recyclable material make up?
What is the intent of Waste Management?
To reduce the amount of landfill materials to recycling plants.
6 Waste Management Strategies
1) Reduce the Size of the Building Footprint
2) Implement Recycling Plans
3) Conduct Waste Stream Audits
4) Implement Construction and Solid Waste Planning and Management Policies
5) Monitor and Track Waste and Recycling
6) Compost Food Waste
What are the requirements for the MR Prerequisite - Storage and Collection of Recyclables?
Project teams need to supply a recyclable storage plan for all of the regular recyclable items, and project teams must choose to offer recycling options for 2 of 3 items: Batteries, Electronic Waste, & Mercury-containing Lamps.
5 Types of Regular Recyclable Items
1) Mixed Paper
2) Corrugated Cardboard
3) Glass
4) Plastics
5) Metals
What is a Waste Stream Audit?
A process that takes a sample of all waste produced by a facility. They are recommended yearly or twice yearly.
How much of total solid waste streams in the U.S. does construction and demolition waste account for?
What are the requirements for the MR Prerequisite - Construction and Demolition Waste Planning?
1) All project teams need to develop and implement a construction and demolition waste management plan that establishes waste diversion goals for the project by identifying a minimum of 5 materials targeted for diversion.
2) They must also approximate a percentage of the overall project waste and specify whether materials will be separated or comingled, describing all diversion strategies.
3) Where the material will be taken and how the recycling facility will process the material must also be disclosed.
How does a project team acquire points in the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Credit?
By recycling 50% to 75% of construction waste from a project with 3 or 4 material streams.
What is a Material Stream?
A flow of materials coming from a job site into markets for building materials.