Chapter 4: Overview of USGBC and LEED Flashcards
Person (or entity) who is granted actual authority by the owner to register the project and accept the certification agreement.
Certification Level
A LEED designation based on point thresholds met, such as LEED Certified, LEED Silver, LEED Gold, and LEED Platinum.
Certification Process
A hierarchy of assigned tasks completed through LEED Online.
A single-page list containing the name of the rating system adaptation and a series of categories that pertain to the site, transportation, water, energy, materials, indoor air, and innovation of the project.
A point or range of points given depending on its credit weighting.
Credit Interpretation Request (CIR)
A fee-based inquiry to the USGBC as to how to implement a strategy for a certain prerequisite or credit.
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI)
A third-party organization that provides independent oversight of professional credentialing and project certification programs related to green building.
Impact Categories
The environmental issues that LEED projects aim to address.
Leadership in Environmental Energy and Design (LEED)
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED green building program is the preeminent program for the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of high-performance green buildings.
The advanced level of LEED credentials that requires an advanced knowledge in green building as well as expertise in a particular LEED rating system.
LEED Fellow
The most prestigious LEED designation that recognized LEED APs who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in technical knowledge and skill, leadership, advocacy, commitment and service, and teaching, mentoring, or research.
LEED Green Associate
The basic level of LEED credentials that requires a documented, up-to-date understanding of the most current green building principles and practices.
Minimum Program Requirements (MPRs)
The requirements that a building must meet before it can consider LEED certification.
Person (or entity) who has the authority to hold and control the real and personal property associated with the project and accept the certification agreement.
Pilot Credit Library
A database of credits that are being tested for future versions of the LEED rating systems.
A mandatory project requirement that ensures a minimum level of achievement within a category.
Project Administrator
Person who plays a key quality role by checking that the LEED submission is complete and accurate before submitting the project to GBCI for review and by accepting the review results once the review is complete.
The interrelationship between credit categories, systems, and components that can be realized through the integrative process to achieve high levels of building performance, human performance, and environmental benefits.
Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
A committee formed by members of the USGBC to make consensus-based decisions and to recommend technical solutions to rating system development and maintenance issues, based on expertise.
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
A nonprofit organization made up of member organizations, chapters, and credentialed professionals that was formed to promote sustainability within the built environment and has been releasing versions of the LEED rating system since 2000.
What is the USGBC Mission Statement?
“To transform the way building and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.”
What is the USGBC Vision?
“Buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation.”
How many projects currently participate in LEED?
Over 200,000
5 LEED v4 Rating Systems
1) LEED BD+C (Building Design and Construction)
2) LEED ID+C (Interior Design and Construction)
3) LEED O+M (Building Operation and Maintenance)
4) LEED Homes (Homes Design and Construction)
5) LEED ND (Neighborhood Development)
8 LEED BD+C Rating Adaptations
1) LEED BD+C: New Construction / Major Renovation
2) LEED BD+C: Core and Shell
3) LEED BD+C: Schools
4) LEED BD+C: Retail
5) LEED BD+C: Data Centers
6) LEED BD+C: Warehouses & Distribution Centers
7) LEED BD+C: Hospitality
8) LEED BD+C: Healthcare
What does the LEED BD+C: New Construction / Major Renovation Rating Adaptation apply to?
1) Can’t be used as the following: k-12 schools, retail, data centers, warehouses and distribution centers, hospitality facilities, and healthcare facilities
2) Can be applied to high-rise residential buildings of 9 stories or more
What does the LEED BD+C: Core and Shell Rating Adaptation apply to?
1) New construction / major renovation of exterior core and shell mechanical, electrical, and plumbing units, but not complete interior fit-out
2) If more that 40% of the gross floor area is incomplete at the time of certification
What does the LEED BD+C: Schools Adaptation apply to?
1) Must be for design and construction of k-12 schools
What does the LEED BD+C: Retail Adaptation apply to?
1) Must be for design and construction of retail projects
2) Can pertain to multitenant retail complexes
What does the LEED BD+C: Data Centers Adaptation apply to?
1) For design and construction of buildings equipped to contain high-density computing equipment
2) Has to have 60% or more of the gross square footage dedicated for computer equipment
What does the LEED BD+C: Warehouses and Distribution Centers Adaptation apply to?
1) Must be a facility used to store manufactured products, good, raw materials, or personal belongings.
What does the LEED BD+C: Hospitality Adaptation apply to?
1) Must be one of the following: hotel, motel, inn, other traditional or short-term lodging.
What does the LEED BD+C: Healthcare Adaptation apply to?
1) Must be a hospital that operates 24/7 and provides inpatient medical treatment (both acute and long-term)
3 LEED ID+C Rating Adaptations
1) LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors
2) LEED ID+C: Retail
3) LEED ID+C: Hospitality
What does the LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors Adaptation apply to?
1) Developed specifically for tenant fit-outs that leas space or do not occupy the whole building
What does the LEED ID+C: Retail Adaptation apply to?
1) Tenant spaces in which a retailer is retrofitting an existing building and has no control over the shell of the building.
What does the LEED ID+C: Hospitality Adaptation apply to?
1) Applies to any of the following: hotels, motels, inns, other transitional or short-term lodging where only the interior is being changed.
6 LEED O+M Rating Adaptations
1) LEED O+M: Existing Buildings
2) LEED O+M: Retail
3) LEED O+M: Schools
4) LEED O+M: Hospitality
5) LEED O+M: Data Centers
6) LEED O+M: Warehouses & Distribution Centers
What does the LEED O+M: Existing Buildings Adaptation apply to?
1) All existing buildings are eligible for this certification
2) This was created for whole buildings, not tenant spaces
What does the LEED O+M: Retail Adaptation apply to?
1) Any existing building used to conduct the sale of consumer product goods.
What does the LEED O+M: Schools Adaptation apply to?
1) Applies to existing buildings made up of core and ancillary learning spaces on k-12 school grounds
2) May also be used for higher education and non-academic buildings on school campuses
What does the LEED O+M: Hospitality Adaptation apply to?
1) Applies to existing buildings of the following: hotels, motels, inns, and other transitional or short-term lodging.
What does the LEED O+M: Data Centers Adaptation apply to?
1) Existing buildings specifically equipped to contain high-density computing equipment
2) Only addresses whole-building data centers
What does the LEED O+M: Warehouses and Distribution Centers Adaptation apply to?
1) Existing buildings that are used to store manufactured products, goods, raw materials, or personal belongings.
2 LEED Homes Rating Adaptations
1) LEED Homes: Homes and Multifamily Low-rise
2) LEED Homes: Multifamily Mid-rise
What does the LEED Homes: Homes and Multifamily Low-rise Adaptation apply to?
1) Single-family homes
2) Multifamily residential buildings of 1 to 3 stories
What does the LEED Homes: Multifamily Mid-rise Adaptation apply to?
1) Multifamily residential buildings of 4 to 8 stories
2) Must have 50% or more residential space
2 LEED ND Rating Adaptations
1) LEED ND: Plan
2) LEED ND: Project
What does the LEED ND: Plan Adaptation apply to?
1) Projects in the conceptual or master planning phases or under construction (up to 75% constructed)
What does the LEED ND: Project Adaptation apply to?
1) Projects near completion or completed within 3 years
8 General LEED Credit Categories
1) Location and Transportation
2) Sustainable Sites
3) Water Efficiency
4) Energy and Atmosphere
5) Materials and Resources
6) Indoor Environmental Quality
7) Innovation
8) Regional Priority
What is the focus of the Location and Transportation Credit Category?
1) Selecting sites in high-density areas with existing infrastructure, are on brownfields or other high-priority designations, and avoid sensitive habits
2) Methos of alternative transportation
3) A connection with amenities, such as restaurants and parks
How many points are available in the Location and Transportation Credit Category?
16 Points
What is the focus for the Sustainable Sites Credit Category?
Reducing the use of potable water for purposes other than drinking and to reduce overall water usage.
How many points are available in the Sustainable Sites Credit Category?
10 Points
What is the focus for the Water Efficiency Credit Category?
Reducing the use of potable water for purposes other than drinking and to reduce overall water usage.
How many points are available in the Water Efficiency Credit Category?
11 Points
What is the focus for the Energy and Atmosphere Credit Category?
Optimizing the energy performance of a building and using renewable energy resources.
How many points are available in the Energy and Atmosphere Credit Category?
33 Points
What is the focus for the Materials and Resources Credit Category?
Reducing resource depletion by diverting waste from landfills and using sustainable building materials.
How many points are available in the Materials and Resources Credit Category?
13 Points
What is the focus for the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit Category?
Air Quality, Temperature, Lighting, Quality, and Acoustic Design.
How many points are available in the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit Category?
16 Points
What is the focus for the Innovation Credit Category?
Recognizing innovative building features as well as sustainable practices and strategies that are not covered under the other LEED credit categories.
How many points are available in the Innovation Credit Category?
6 Points
What is the focus for the Regional Priority Credit Category?
Directing the focus of a project team to the most important environmental issues identified as affecting a particular locale.
How many points are available in the Regional Priority Credit Category?
4 Points
What 3 credit categories in the LEED Homes rating system are split up into prescriptive and performance paths?
1) Location and Transportation
2) Water Efficiency
3) Energy and Atmosphere
What is the Prescriptive Path for the LEED Homes Rating System?
Provides set, distinct standards that a project team must follow to meet credit eligibility requirements.
What is the Performance Path for the LEED Homes Rating System?
A path that allows project teams some flexibility to achieve increased building performance.
3 LEED Credit Categories for LEED ND
1) LEED ND: Smart Location and Linkage
2) LEED ND: Neighborhood Pattern and Design
3) LEED ND: Green Infrastructure and Buildings
What is the focus of the LEED ND: Smart Location and Linkage Credit Category?
Used to promote walkable neighborhoods with efficient transportation options and open space.
What is the focus of the LEED ND: Neighborhood Pattern and Design Credit Category?
Emphasized compact, walkable, vibrant, mixed-use, neighborhoods with good connections to nearby communities.
What is the focus of the LEED ND: Green Infrastructure and Buildings Credit Category?
Designed to promote the reduction of the environmental consequences of the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure
3 Minimum Program Requirements
1) Must be in a permanent location on existing land
2) Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
3) Must comply with project size requirements
What are the size requirements for LEED BD+C and LEED O+M projects?
Must be a minimum of 1,000 sf of gross floor area
What are the size requirements for LEED ID+C projects?
Must be a minimum of 250 sf of gross floor area
What are the size requirements for LEED ND projects?
1) Have at least 2 habitable buildings
2) No larger than 1,400 acres
4 LEED Certification Levels and Point Thresholds
1) LEED Certified (40 - 49 Points)
2) LEED Silver (50 - 59 Points)
3) LEED Gold (60 - 79 Points)
4) LEED Platinum (80+ Points)
5 Steps of the LEED Certification Process
1) Rating System Selection
2) Project Registration
3) Credit Submittals
4) Project Review
5) Project Certification
What are the 3 points of the 40/60 rule?
1) If a rating system is appropriate for less than 40% of the gross floor area, it should not be used
2) If a rating system is appropriate for more than 60% of the gross floor area, it should be used
3) If a rating system is appropriate for between 40% to 60% of the gross floor area, it is the project teams discretion if the rating system should be used or not
When does the LEED Volume Program apply?
When organizations are planning to certify 25 or more projects within a 3 year period.
When does the LEED Campus Program apply?
When organizations have multiple buildings to certify that are on the same site but may not have the same design or function, like hospitals or colleges.
How often does a building have to recertify that they are up to LEED standards?
Minimum: once every 5 years
Maximum: once every year
3 LEED Professional Credentials
1) LEED Green Associate
3) LEED Fellow
What are the requirements to become a LEED Green Associate?
1) 18 years old
2) Pass the 100 question LEED Green Associate Exam
What are the requirements to become a LEED AP?
1) Pass the 100 question LEED Green Associate Exam
2) Pass the 100 question LEED AP Exam
What ar the requirements to become a LEED Fellow?
1) 10 years of professional green building experience
2) 8 years of being a LEED AP in a specific rating system
3) Accepting a nomination by peers
2 Alternate Rating Systems to LEED
1) BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology)
2) Green Globes