Chapter 10: Indoor Environmental Quality Flashcards
ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011
A furniture sustainability standard developed by a joint committee of stakeholders using a consensus process described by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
ASHRAE 55-2010
A standard that defines the range of indoor thermal environmental conditions acceptable to majority of occupants, but accommodates an ever-increasing variety of design solutions intended both to provide comfort and to respect today’s imperative for sustainable buildings.
ASHRAE 62.1-2010
A standard that specifies minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality that is acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects, and is the recognized standard for ventilation system design and acceptable indoor air quality.
A process used to remove airborne contaminants from a building caused by the off-gassing of furniture, paints, adhesives, sealants, carpets, wall-coverings, and other building materials by increasing the temperature in the building before it is occupied.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Concentration
A measurement of indoor air quality that determines the safety of a space for human occupancy depending on whether CO2 concentrations greater than 530ppm above outdoor air quality are present.
The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Applications Manual (AM10) is a standard that defines the process for natural ventilation in nondomestic buildings.
Circadian Rhythms
The natural pattern of physiological and behavioral processes that are timed to a near 24-hour period.
An airborne particle that has qualities that would adversely affect human health should it be inhaled.
Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM)
The measurement used to determine airflow rates.
The purposeful amount of natural daylight in a building that decreases the amount of electrical lighting required.
A process used to remove airborne contaminants from a building caused by the off-gassing of furniture, paints, adhesives, sealants, carpets, wall-coverings, and other building materials by flushing out all the interior air several times with outdoor air.
Greenguard Certification
A program that gives assurance that products designed for use in indoor spaces meet strict chemical emissions limits, which contributes to the creation of healthier interiors and gives credence to manufacturers’ sustainability claims with empirical scientific data from an unbiased, third-party organization.
Mechanical Ventilation
The process of supplying, directing, and removing air from an indoor space b mechanical means.
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV)
A rating system that ranges from 1 (low) to 16 (high) for filters made for a mechanical building ventilation system that filters particulates and airborne contaminants out of the air.
Natural Ventilation
The process of supplying, directing, and removing air from an indoor space by natural means, meaning without the use of a fan or other mechanical systems.
Occupant Comfort Survey
A survey distributed electronically or on paper to building occupants to determine their comfort level with building temperature, airflow, acoustics, and lighting.
The emittance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from building elements such as flooring, wall-coverings, furniture, paints, adhesives, and sealants.
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
A series of symptoms connected with the phenomenon of building occupants feeling sick when they are in a building and recovering they leave the building.
Thermal Comfort
The range of indoor air temperature that most building occupants are comfortable at as prescribed by ASHRA 55-2010.
Ventilation Rate
The amount of air circulated through an indoor air space measured by air changes per hour as set by the ASHRAE 62.1-2010 baseline.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Organic chemical compounds that are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids that evaporate under normal indoor atmospheric conditions for temperature and pressure and may have short and long-term adverse health effects. VOCs may be emitted by paints, glues and adhesives, cleaning supplies, building materials, office furnishings, copiers, and printers.
What is ASHRAE 62.1-2010?
The recognized standard for ventilation system design and acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
What is ASHRAE 55-2010?
The standard that defines the range of indoor thermal environmental conditions acceptable to a majority of occupants.
What is the CIBSE AM10?
A manual that defines the acceptable process for the natural ventilation of nondomestic buildings.
What is the intent of the Indoor Air Quality Category?
To create a safe, productive environment for building occupants.
What are the 6 factors that affect quality of Indoor Air?
1) Tobacco Smoke
2) Ventilation
3) Chemicals
4) Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
5) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) off-gassing
6) Construction Dust
What is ventilation?
The process of introducing fresh air into a building. Also known as “air exchange”.
What are the 10 Indoor Air Ventilation Strategies?
1) Improve Air Ventilation
2) Prevent Sick Building Syndrome
3) Set Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
4) Control Tobacco Smoke
5) Use Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
6) Use Low-Emitting Materials
7) Manage Construction Indoor Air Quality
8) Perform an Indoor Air Quality Assessment
9) Establish a Green Cleaning Policy
10) Use Integrated Pest Management
What are the 8 symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome?
1) Headache
2) Eye, Nose, or Throat Irritation
3) Dry Cough
4) Dry or Itchy Skin
5) Dizziness and Nausea
6) Difficulty in Concentrating
7) Fatigue
8) Sensitivity to Odors
What is the minimum airflow requirement for U.S. Building codes?
15cfm to 20cfm
What are the 3 different types of ventilation?
1) Mechanical
2) Natural
3) Mixed-use
What is Mechanical Ventilation?
The process of ventilating a building with an HVAC system.
What is Natural Ventilation?
The process of ventilating a building using natural methods such as operable windows and passive design strategies.
What is Mixed-use Ventilation?
A form of ventilation that uses both mechanical and natural processes.
What does the EQ Prerequisite - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control require project teams to do?
To prevent or minimize the exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution systems to environmental tobacco smoke.
How far away from entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows do smoking stations need to be?
At least 25 ft away.
What are the 6 Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies for credit approval?
1) Entryway Systems
2) Exhaust
3) Filtration
4) Increase Ventilation
5) Carbon Dioxide
6) Naturally Ventilated Spaces
What are Low-Emitting Materials?
Materials that emit low concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
What are the 10 categories for earning points in the Low-Emitting Materials Credit?
1) Paints & Coatings
2) Adhesives & Sealants
3) Flooring
4) Composite Wood
5) Ceilings
6) Walls
7) Thermal
8) Acoustic Insulation
9) Furniture
10) Exterior-Applied Products
What does the EQ Credit - Construction IAQ Management Plan require project teams to do?
To develop and implement an IAQ management plan for the construction and preoccupancy phases of the building, which should include:
a) Sealing off the construction area
b) Protecting ductwork
c) Ventilating the construction area
What does the EQ Credit - IAQ Assessment require project teams to do?
To conduct a flush-out of the building before or during occupancy or testing the air quality before occupancy to ensure that the air is safe to breathe.
What are the 3 EQ credits that project teams can earn points in for the EQ Prerequisite - Green Cleaning Policy?
1) Custodial Effectiveness Assessment
2) Products and Materials
3) Equipment
What is the intent of the Lighting EQ category?
To provide project teams with opportunities to improve interior lighting and maintain building occupants’ circadian rhythms.
What are the 2 Lighting Strategies?
1) Improve Daylight
2) Improve Interior Lighting
What does the EQ Credit - Daylight require project teams to do?
To meet set requirements of daylight levels and provide glare-control devices within the project space.
What does the EQ Credit - Interior Lighting require project teams to do?
1) Provide individual lighting controls with at least 3 lighting levels for at least 90% of individual occupant spaces.
2) Must meet several levels of lighting quality established by nationally recognized standards.
What is the intent of the Acoustical Performance EQ Category?
To promote effective acoustic design in LEED buildings.
What is the only Acoustic Performance Strategy?
1) Optimize Acoustic Performance
What does the EQ Credit - Optimize Acoustic Performance require project teams to do?
They must meet the requirements set forth in the rating system for all occupied spaces:
1) HVAC Background Noise
2) Sound Isolation
3) Reverberation Time
4) Sound Reinforcement & Masking
What is the intent of the Occupant Comfort, Health, and Satisfaction EQ Category?
To give opportunities to project teams to provide system controllability, thermal comfort, & quality views.
What are the 2 Occupant Confort, Health, and Satisfaction Strategies?
1) Provide Thermal Comfort
2) Improve Views
What are the 2 categories for providing thermal comfort?
1) Thermal Comfort Design
2) Thermal Comfort Control
What are the requirements for project teams to earn points for the Thermal Comfort Design?
Designing the building’s HVAC system to meet ASHRAE 55-2010 or 1 of 2 other applicable thermal comfort standards.
What are the requirements for project teams to earn points for the Thermal Comfort Control?
Provide individual thermal comfort controls for at least 50% of individual occupant spaces and to provide group thermal comfort controls for all shared multi-occupant spaces.
What are the requirements for project teams to earn points for Improve Views?
They must achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoors via vision glazing for 75% of all regularly occupied floor area.
What are the 3 types of Space Categorization?
1) Occupied vs. Unoccupied
2) Regularly Occupied vs. Non Regularly Occupied
3) Individual Occupant Space vs. Shared Multi-Occupant Space
What are Unoccupied Spaces?
Spaces that are empty the majority of the time.
What are Occupied Spaces?
Spaces that are intended to hold people the majority of the time.
What are Regularly Occupied Spaces?
Spaces that people spend 1 hour or more per day in.
What are Nonregularly Occupied Spaces?
Spaces that people pass through or spend less than 1 hour in per day.
What are Individual Occupant Spaces?
1) Hospital patient rooms
2) Jail cells
3) Hotel rooms
4) Private offices
5) Open office workstations
What are Multi-Occupant Spaces?
1) Auditoriums
2) Classrooms
3) Conference rooms
4) Hotel lobbies
5) Cafeterias
6) Gymnasiums