Chapter 9 - Language, Thought and Intelligence - Flashcards
a system for communicating with others using signals that are combined according to rules of grammar and convey meaning
set of rules that specify how the units of language can be combined to produce meaningful messages
smallest units of sound that are recognizable as speech rather than random noise
phonological rules
indicate how phonemes can be combined to produce speech sounds
smallest meaningful units of language
morphological rules
set of rules that indicate how words can be combined to form words
content morphemes
morphemes that refer to things and events (e.g. “cat,” “dog,” “take”)
function morphemes
morphemes that serve grammatical functions such as conjunctions, articles, and prepositions (e.g. “and,” “the,” “into”)
syntactical rules
rules that indicate how words can be combined to form phrases and sentences
deep structure
meaning of a sentence
surface structure
how a sentence is worded
fast mapping
a phenomenon whereby children can map a word onto an underlying concept after only a single exposure
telegraphic speech
speech devoid of function morphemes and consists mostly of content words
nativist theory
view that language development is best explained as an innate, biological capacity (Noam Chomsky)
genetic dysphasia
a syndrome characterized by an inability to learn the grammatical structure of language despite having otherwise normal intelligence
view that although infants are born with the innate ability to acquire language, social interaction also plays a crucial role in language
interactionist approach
located in the left frontal cortex; it is involved in the production of sequential patterns in vocal and sign languages
Broca’s area
located in the left temporal cortex; it is involved in language comprehension
Wernicke’s area
difficulty in producing or comprehending language caused by the damaging of the language centers of the brain (Broca’s & Wernicke’s areas)
is involved in language processing
right cerebral hemisphere
ability to understand
passive mastery
ability to speak
active mastery
mental representation that groups or categorizes shared features of related objects, events, or other stimuli