Chapter 9: Internal Regulation Flashcards
Temperature Regulation
Need regulatory mechanisms to survive
Temperature Regulation
Compare to space heater…
○ Need system variable (body temperature)
Temperature Regulation
○ Set point (temperature setting)
Temperature Regulation
○ Detector (thermostat)
Temperature Regulation
○ Correcting mechanism (warming, cooling)
body variable kept within a fixed range (set point)
set point changes in response to “life” or the environment
○ Menopause
lack internal mechanisms of temperature regulation
○ Amphibians, reptiles, most fist (one mammal= mole rat)
○ “Cold-blooded”
○ Temperature constant via behavioral measures
an internal mechanism to maintain a nearly constant body temperature
○ Requires lots of energy and fuel
What decreases temperature?
Sweating and panting
How to increase body temperature?
Shivering, piloerection (goosebumps),
increasing metabolic rate, decreasing blood flow to skin
Mammals evolved to keep constant temperature
at 36-41 degrees C (97-105 F)
Close to what reptile seeks under lamp
○ ⅔ of total energy spent is just on body temperature
■ Eat a lot= way more mitochondria in our cells metabolizing fat/sugar=heat
■ Small homeotherms are hours from death due to body mass ratios
Why did we evolve such a costly heat-producing body?
○ Muscle activity benefits from being warm (endurance)
Why did we evolve such a costly heat-producing body?
○ Heat adaptive against infection
Why did we evolve such a costly heat-producing body?
○ Way more bacteria/viruses impact poikilotherms due to temperature