Chapter 9- Development Flashcards
Implies a process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology
Which of the following is among the factors considered when calculating a country's HDI score? Average affluence rate Adult literacy rate Crude birth rate Telephone per capita
Adult literacy rate
Gross domestic product is the:
Total value of outputs of goods and services produced in a country during the year
An example of a tertiary activity is:
An important example of an unconventional source of energy found in Canada is:
Oil sands
The value of a product — the costs of raw materials and energy is:
Value added
What are the four Asian Dragons?
South Korea
Hong Kong
An example of material conditions are
Drinking water and sewage systems
Secondary sector of the economy includes what:
Although there are fewer developed countries in the world, altogether they consume about _____ energy as LDCs
The same amount of total
The Chernobyl incident occurred in:
Former Soviet Union
The principal benefit of the self efficiency approach is to promote:
Balanced growth of all economic factors
Processing of computer information is an example of which sector of the economy
The inequality adjusted human development index of the U.S. is:
Inferior to that of Canada and most Western European countries
Which of the following is a characteristic of developing countries? High status of women High life expectancy High birth rate High consumption of meat
High birth rate
Saudi Arabia has successfully employed the international trade alternative primary because of ____
Petroleum reserves
______ is responsible for supplying half of the world’s coal
What are characteristics of the fair trade movement?
Standards intending to protect workers are instituted in LDCs
Fair trade coffee has become available in most North American cities
Cooperatives intend to benefit local farmers and artisans, rather than absentee people
NOT!!!! Protection of workers rights is already a priority for multinational corporations
A government employee is rightly belonged to the _____ sector of the Economy
Which three energy sources account for most of the world’s energy consumption?
Natural gas
For several decades after it gained independence, _____ was a leading example of the self sufficiency strategy of development.
The main health indicator contributing to the HDI is:
Life expectancy at birth
What are three renewable energy sources?
Solar energy
Wind energy
According to Rostow’s development model, the process of development begins when:
An elite group initiates innovative activities