Chapter 9 Flashcards
Strategic leadership
Leadership that involves the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate changes that will create a viable future for the organization
The influence that particular individuals exert on the goal achievement of others in an organizational context
Strategic leadership
Leadership that involves the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate changes that will create a viable future for the organization
Individual characteristics such as physical attributes, intellectual ability, and personality
Leadership categorization theory
People are more likely to view somebody as a leader and to evaluate them as a more effective leader when they possess prototypical characteristics of leadership
Leadership categorization theory
People are more likely to view somebody as a leader and to evaluate them as a more effective leader when they possess prototypical characteristics of leadership
The extent to which a leader is approachable and shows personal concerns and respect for employees
Initiating structure
The degree to which a leader concentrates on group goal attainment
Least Preferred Co-Worker
A current or past co-worker with whom a leader has had a difficult time accomplishing a task
Least Preferred Co-Worker
A current or past co-worker with whom a leader has had a difficult time accomplishing a task
Path-goal theory
Robert House’s theory concerned with the situations under which various leader behaviours (directive, supportive, participative, achievement oriented) are most effective
Participative leadership
Involving employees in making work-related decisions
Leader-member exchange theory
A theory of leadership that focuses on the quality of the relationship that develops between a leader and an employee
Social exchange theory
Individuals who are treated favourably by others feel obliged to reciprocate by responding positively and returning that favourable treatment in some manner
Social exchange theory
Individuals who are treated favourably by others feel obliged to reciprocate by responding positively and returning that favourable treatment in some manner
Transactional leadership
Leadership that is based on a straightforward exchange relationship between the leader and the followers
Management by exception
Leadership that involves the leader taking corrective action on the basis of the results of leader-follower transactions
Transformational leadership
Leadership that provides followers with a new vision that instills true commitment
The ability to command strong loyalty and devotion from followers and thus have the potential for strong influence among them
Empowering leadership
Implementing conditions that enable power to be shared with employees
Ethical leadership
The demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships
Servant leadership
A form of leadership that involves going beyond one’s own self-interests and and having a genuine concern to serve others and a motivation to lead
Servant leadership
A form of leadership that involves going beyond one’s own self-interests and and having a genuine concern to serve others and a motivation to lead
Glass ceiling
An invisible barrier that prevents women from advancing to senior leadership positions in organizations
Role congruity theory
Prejudice against female leaders is the result of an incongruity between the perceived characteristics of women and the perceived requirements of leadership roles
Global leadership theory
A set of leadership capabilities required to function effectively in different cultures and the ability to cross language, social, economic and political barriers