Chapter 9 Flashcards
A measure of how willing the auditor is to accept that the financial statements may be materially misstated after the audit is completed and an unqualified audit opinion has been issued
Acceptable Audit Risk
The process of assigning to each balance sheet account the misstatement amount considered to be material for that account based on the auditor’s preliminary judgment
Allocation of the Preliminary Judgment About Materiality
A complement to acceptable audit risk: Acceptable audit risk of 2% is equivalent to a BLANK of 98%
Audit Assurance
A formal model reflecting the relationships between acceptable audit risk (AAR), inherent risk (IR), and planned detection risk (PDR). PDR = AAR / (IRxCR)
Audit Risk Model
A measure of the auditor’s assessment of the risk that a material misstatement could occur in an assertion and not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by the client’s internal controls
Control Risk
The risk that the auditor or audit firm will suffer harm because of a client relationship, even though the audit report rendered for the client was correct
Engagement Risk
A measure of the auditor’s assessment of the susceptibility of an assertion to material misstatement before considering the effectiveness of internal control
Inherent Risk
Specific misstatements in a class of transactions or account balance identified during the audit
Known Misstatements
Misstatements that arise from either differences between management’s and the auditor’s judgment about estimates of account balances or from projections of misstatements based on the auditor’s test of a sample from a population
Likely Misstatements
The magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement
The materiality amount for segments of the audit, set by the auditor at less than materiality for the financial statements as a whole
Performance Materiality
A measure of the risk that audit evidence for a segment will fail to detect misstatements that could be material, should such misstatements exist
Planned Detection Risk
The maximum amount by which the auditor believes that the statements could be misstated and still not affect the decisions of reasonable users; used in the audit plan
Preliminary Judgment about Materiality
A change in the auditor’s preliminary judgment made when the auditor determines that the preliminary judgment was too large or too small
Revised Judgement about Materiality
The acceptance by auditors that there is some level of uncertainty in performing the audit function
The risk that the financial statements are materially misstated prior to the audit
Risk of Materiality Misstatements
Results because the auditor has sampled only a portion of the population
Sampling Error
The application of performance materiality to a sampling procedure (AICPA standards) or the materiality allocated to any given account balance (PCAOB standards)
Tolerable Misstatements
What are the three major difficulties that auditors face in allocating materiality to the balance sheet account?
- Auditors expect certain accounts to have more misstatements than others.
- Both over statements and understatements must be considered.
- Relative audit costs affect the allocation.
What are the steps in applying materiality?
Step 1. Set materiality for the whole financial statement as a whole.
Step 2. Determine performance materiality.
Step 3. Estimate total misstatement in segment.
Step 4. Estimate the combined misstatements.
Step 5. Compare combined estimate with preliminary or revised judgement about materiality.
What are the most important factors which affect the auditor’s preliminary judgement about materiality?
Materiality is a relative rather than an absolute concept, benchmarks are needed for evaluating materiality, and qualitative factors also affect materiality.
Moore’s allocation approach uses judgement in the allocation, subject to the following two arbitrary requirements established by Berger and Anthony, CPA’s:
- Performance materiality for any account cannot exceed 60 percent of the preliminary judgement.
- The sum of all performance materiality levels cannot exceed twice the preliminary judgement about materiality.
What are the two reasons for permitting the sum of performance materiality to exceed overall materiality?
- It is unlikely that all accounts will be misstated by the full amount of performance materiality
- some accounts are likely to be overstated, whereas others are likely to be understated, resulting in the net amount that is likely to be less than the preliminary judgement.
The calculation of the direct projection estimate of misstatement is:
(Net misstatements in the sample/ Total sampled) X Total recorded population value