Chapter 10 Flashcards
A measure of the auditor’s expectation that internal controls will neither prevent material misstatements from occurring nor detect and correct them if they have occurred; control risk is assessed for each transaction-related audit objective in a cycle of class of transactions
Assessment of Control Risk
A listing of all of the entity’s accounts, which classifies transactions into individual balance sheet and income statement accounts
Chart of Accounts
A control elsewhere in the system that offsets the absence of a key control
Compensating Control
A cooperative effort among employees to steal assets or misstate records
Policies and procedures, in addition to those included in the other four components of internal control, that help ensure that necessary actions are taken to address risks in the achievement of the entity’s objectives; They typically include the following five specific control activities: (1) adequate separation of duties, (2) proper authorization of transactions and activities, (3) adequate documents and records, (4) physical control over assets and records, and (5) independent checks on performance
Control Activities
A deficiency in the design or operation of controls that does not permit company personnel to prevent or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis
Control Deficiency
The actions, policies, and procedures that reflect the overall attitudes of top management, directors, and owners of an entity about internal controls and its importance to the entity
Control Environment
A methodology used to help the auditor assess control risks by matching key internal controls and internal control deficiencies with transaction-related audit objectives
Control Risk Matrix
Controls that have a pervasive effect on the entity’s system of internal controls; also referred to as company-level controls
Entity-level Controls
A diagrammatic representation of the client’s documents and records and the sequence in which they are processed
Company wide policies for the approval of all transactions within stated limits
General Authorization
Internal control activities designed for the continuous internal verification of other controls
Independent Checks
The set of manual and/or computerized procedures that initiates, records, processes, and reports an entity’s transactions and maintains accountability for the related assets
Information and Communication
A process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of management’s objectives in the following categories: (1) reliability of financial reporting, (2) effectiveness and efficiency of operations, and (3) compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Internal Controls
A series of questions about the controls in each audit area used as a means of indicating to the auditors aspects of internal controls that may be inadequate
Internal Control Questionnaire
Controls that are expected to have the greatest effect on meeting the transactions-related audit objectives
Key Controls
An optional letter written by the auditor to a client’s management containing the auditor’s recommendations for improving any aspects of the client’s business
Management Letter
A significant deficiency in internal control that, by itself, or in a combination with other significant deficiencies, result in a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected
Material Weakness
Management’s ongoing and periodic assessment of the quality of internal control performance to determine that controls are operating as intended and are modified when needed
A written description of a client’s internal controls, including the origin, processing, and disposition of documents and records, and the relevant controls procedures
Procedures used by the auditor to gather evidence about the design and implementation of specific controls
Procedures to obtain and understanding
Management’s identification and analysis of risks relevant to the preparation of financial statements in accordance with an applicable accounting framework
Risk Assessment
Separation of the following activities in an organization: (1) custody of assets from accounting, (2) authorization from custody of assets, (3) operational responsibility from record keeping, and (4) IT duties from outside users of IT
Separation of Duties
One or more control deficiencies exist that is less severe than a material weakness, but important enough to merit attention by those responsible for oversight of the company’s financial reporting
Significant Deficiency