Chapter 15 Flashcards
The risk that the auditor is willing too take of accepting a control as effective or a rate of monetary misstatements as tolerable when the true population exception rate is greater than the tolerable exception rate
Acceptable Risk of Overreliance (ARO)
The characteristic being tested for in the population
A statistical, probabilistic method of sample evaluation that results in an estimate of the proportion of items in a population containing. characteristic or attribute of interest
Attributes Sampling
Testing less than 100% of a population for the purpose of making inferences about that population
Audit Sampling
A non-probabilistic method of sample selection where items are selected in measured sequences
Block Sample Selection
The upper limit of the probable population exception rate; the highest exception rate in the population at a given ARO
Computed Upper Exception Rate (CUER)
Exception rate the auditor expects to find in the population before testing begins
Estimated Population Exception Rate (EPER)
The percent of items in a population that include exceptions in prescribed controls or monetary correctness
Exception Rate/Occurrence Rate
A non-probabilistic method of sample selection where items are chosen without regard to their size, source, or other distinguishing characteristics
Haphazard Sample Selection
Sample size determined by professional judgment (non-statistical sampling) or by statistical tables (attributes sampling)
Initial Sample Size
A method of sample selection where the auditor uses professional judgment to select items from the population
Non-probabilistic Sample Selection
The risk that the auditor fails to identify existing exceptions in the sample caused by a failure to recognize exceptions and by inappropriate or ineffective audit procedures
Nonsampling Risk
A sampling procedure that does not permit the numerical measurement of the sampling risk
Non-statistical Sampling
A method of selecting a sample where each population item has a known probability of being included in the sample and the sample is selected by a random process
Probabilistic Sample Selection
A sample where every possible combination of elements in the population has an equal chance of constituting the sample
Random Sample
A sample with characteristics the same as those of the population
Representative Sample
Number of exceptions in the sample divided by the sample size
Sample Exception Rate (SER)
A frequency distribution of the results of all possible samples of a specified size that could be obtained from a population containing some specific parameters
Sampling distribution
Risk of reaching an incorrect conclusion inherent in tests of less than the entire population because the sample is not representative of the population; may be reduced through an increase of sample size
Sampling Risk
The use of mathematical measurement techniques to calculate formal statistical results and quantify sampling risk
Statistical Sampling
A probabilistic method of sampling where the auditor calculates an interval and selects the items for the sample based on the size of the interval and a randomly selected starting point between zero and the length of the number
Systematic Sample Selection
The exception rate that the auditor will permit in the population and still be willing to conclude the control is operating effectively and the amount of monetary misstatements in the transaction established during planning is acceptable
Tolerable Exception Rate (TER)
Advantages to random sample
All items have an equal chance of being picked.
Disadvantages to random sample
Possibility of choosing all low number invoices.
Advantages to systematic sample selection
The ease of use.
Disadvantages to systematic sample selection
The possibility of bias, since once the first item is selected, the rest of the samples are selected.
Advantages to Haphazard sample selection
Equal chance of being picked and being unbiased.
Disadvantages to Haphazard sample selection
The difficulty of remaining completely unbiased throughout the entire process.
Advantages to Block sample selection
Quick and easy.
Disadvantages to Block sample selection
Not random and less likely to get a mix of samples.
Probabilistic Sample Selection Methods
Random Sample and Systematic Sample Selection
Nonprobabilistic Sample Selection Methods
Haphazard Sample Selection and Block Sample Selection
Existence of the sales invoice number in the sales journal
Exception Condition
No record of sales invoice number in the sales journal
Amount and other data in the master file agree with sales journal entry
Exception Condition
The amount recorded in the master file differs from the amount recorded in the sales journal
Amount and other data on the duplicate sales invoice agree with the sales journal entry
Exception Condition
Customer name and account number on the invoice differ from the information recorded in the sales journal
Evidence that pricing, extensions, and footings are checked
Exception Condition
Lack of initials indicating verification of pricing, extensions, and footings
Quantity and other data on the bill of lading agree with the duplicate sales invoice and sales journal
Exception Condition
Quantity of goods shipped differ from quantity on the duplicate sales invoice
Quantity and other data on the sales order agree with the duplicate sales invoice
Exception Condition
Quantity on the sales order differs from the quantity on the duplicate sales invoice
Quantity and other data on the customer order agree with the duplicate sales invoice
Exception Condition
Product number and description on the customer order differ from information on the duplicate sales invoice
Credit is approved
Exception Condition
Lack initials indicating credit approval
For recorded sales in the sales journal, the file of supporting documents includes a duplicate sales invoice, bill of lading, sales order, and customer order
Exception Condition
Bill of lading is not attached to the duplicate sales invoice and the customer order