Chapter 9 Flashcards
third president of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
meaning the government should not interfere in the economy
laissez faire
the authority of the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws
judicial review
Chief Justice in the Marbury v. Madison case
John Marshall
court case that set the precedent for judicial review
Marbury v. Madison
long and carefully organized journey
the place on a continent that separates river systems flowing in different directions
continental divide
explored the southern part of the Louisiana Territory
Zebulon Pike
leader of the expedition that explored the Louisiana Purchase from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast
Meriwether Lewis
co-leader of the expedition that explored the Louisiana Purchase from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast
Wiiliam Clark
money paid by one country to another in return for protection
lead the expedition to capture Tripoli and punish the Barbary Pirates
Stephen Decatur
government order that forbids foreign trade
illegally importing or exporting goods
Indian leader that tried to organize the Indians in the Northwest Territory; defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe
American General that won the Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison
pride in one’s country
those who were eager for war with Great Britain
war hawks
the action of shutting a port or road to prevent people or supplies from coming into an area or leaving it
American naval officer that won the Battle of Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay
Oliver Hazard Perry
American general that defeated the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and the British at the Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
withdraw from a union
ended the War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent
aided Lewis and Clark in their exploration of the Louisiana as a guide and interpreter