Chapter 9 Flashcards
Arousal/cost-reward model
The view that observers of a victim’s suffering will want to help to relieve their own personal distress
Bystander effect
The tendency of a bystander to be less likely to help in an emergency if there are other onlookers present
Diffusion of responsibility
The tendency for each group member to dilute personal responsibility for acting by spreading it among all other group members
Empathetic concern
Compassionate feelings caused by taking the perspective of a needy other
Empathy-altruism hypothesis
The presumption that when one empathizes with the plight of another, one will want to help that other for purely altruistic reasons
Inclusive fitness
A measure of success in passing one’s genes, including directly, by producing one’s own offspring, and indirectly, by assisting one’s relatives who share common genes
Mood management hypothesis
The idea that people use helping tactically to manage their moods
Personal norms
The internalized beliefs and values that combine to form a person’s inner standards for behavior
Perspective taking
The process of mentally putting oneselfin another’s position
Pluralistic ignorance
The mistaken impression on the part of group members that, because no one else is acting concerned, there is no cause for alarm
Prosocial behavior
Action intended to benefit another
Pure (or true) altruism
Action intended solely to benefit another
Reciprocal aid
Helping that occurs in return for prior help
Social responsibility norm
The societal rule that people should help those who need them to help