Chapter 9 Flashcards
What are the 6 configurations of synovial joints
Plane Joint - Uniaxial movement
Hinge Joint- Uniaxial movement
Pivot Joint - Uniaxial movement
Condylar joint - biaxial movement
saddle joint - biaxial movement
ball and socket joint - multiaxial movement
The three ways motion can occur at articulation
Linear motion
angular motion
Sliding or gliding
angle of bones change with the respect to each other
one bone can rotate against or within another
Typically occurs at
PLANE- type joints
Intertarsal joints
intercarpal joints
acromioclavicular joint
Linear motion
Back and forth or side to side motion
Linear motion
`Flexion, Extension and hyperextension ,Lateral flexion,abduction , adduction , horizontal add/abd, circumduction
Angular Motions
left, right
Medial (internal)
Later ( external)
Supination , Pronation
Rotational Motions
Protraction, Retraction
Elevation, Depression
Inversion, Eversion, DorsiFlexion, Plantarflexion , Opposition
Other movements
Between bodies of vertebrae
Cartilaginous joint ( symphysis)
Between articular processes
Gliding ( synoival )
What connects the vertebral bodies and discs together
Posterior and anterior longitudinal ligaments
What makes up the intervertebral disc
Nucleus Pulposus and Anulus Fibrosus
Pulposus extruded from inside cartilage pad
Herniated disc , also called the slipped discs or ruptured disc
What two joints make up the shoulder
( connective tissues )
Acromioclavicular Joint and the Glenohumeral Joint
what is between the humerus and the scapula
A Joint capsule
The anterior part of the joint capsule is made from what
Glenohumeral ligaments
what surrounds the glenoid fossa
What are the four muscles of the rotator cuff
SIT Muscles
1. Supraspinatus
2. Infraspinatus
3. Teeres Minor
4. Subscapularis
- acromioclavicular Separation
- Glenohumeral
Server dislocation
Injury of coracoclavicular ligament
The mensci in the knee are what shaped
What is common knee injury
Lateral impact
Synarthroses Joints
non mobile
Partly mobile joints
Fully moveable
Mostly found in your limbs ( mostly found in limbs)
What are the three structural classification
Fibrous Joints
cartilaginous Joints
Synovial Joints
Fibrous Joints
-Have no Joint Cavity
-connect bones with dense fibrous connective tissue
- Dense regular tissue
- Inmovale resorts and prevent movement
what are the three types of fibrous joint
Gomphoses - tooth and jaw
Syndesmoses - radius and ulna
Synovial Joints
-an articular capsule ( double layer )
-A joint cavity
- synovial fluid
- articular cartilage
- ligaments
- nerve and blood vessels
Fibrous joints in which articulating bones are joined by long strands of denser regular connective tissue only
Synovial fluid
helps with friction
What are the angular moments
hip and shoulder use this movement
ball and joint
allows movement on one axis allows flexion extension
ex. elbow
greater flexibility but less stability
biaxial joint
No rotation , flexction abduction , adduction , extension and circumduction
ex. wrist
limited rotation flexction abduction , adduction , extension and circumduction , slight rotation
ex. thumb
glide and rotate
articular cartilage
covers the end of the bones, slippery
soft tissue structure bone to bone
An articulation in which bones are joined by hyaline cartilage
has a pad of fibrocartalidge between articulating bones…shock absorber
assessing age of bones
Synchondrosis fuses
stability of the rib cage
dense connective tissue , strengthens to prevent pull apart bones
fibrous layer - outter layer synovial joints
composed of primarily areolar connective tissue , covers all the internal joint surfaces
synovial membrane
outside of and physically separate the articular capsule
extrinsic ligament
Represents thinking of the articular capsule itself
intrinsic ligament
numerous sensory never and blood vessels, they detect painful stimuli in the joint/ report movement and stretch in the joint….. detecture of posture
All synovial joints
What are the three accessories of synovial joints
bursae, fat pads, tendons
wraps around tendons where there may be excessive friction ….. ex. ankle &wrist
Tendon Sheath
Along the margins of a synuvial joints
Act as packing material
provide joint protection
fill space when a bone moves
Fat Pads
what do tendons do
stabilize joints , limit range movement dense regulalr tissue
the bone moves in just one plane or axis
the bone moves in two planes or axis
th inferior movement of a part of the body
ankle jont is bent , superior surface of the food and toes moves toward the leg
dorsi flexion
movement at the talocrural joint permits extension of the foot so that the toes point inferiorly
hunching your shoulders anteriorly by crossing your arms