Chapter 5 Flashcards
What are the layers of the skin
Epidermis- stratified squamous layer
Dermis - Dense irregular / loose connective tissue
involved in structure and function of the skin
What are the name of the immune cells
Epidermal Dendrictic
the release of water vapor from sweat glands under circumstances when we are not sweating
insensible preparation
Visible sweating
Insensible perspiration
starting to make kartuin ( living functions k cells) as more cells get produced other cells move up and the level of k production increases
Stratum spinosum
Fllled with so much karutin , they start to die due to being over crowded
Stratum granuiosum
Dead cells !!, the clear layer, found only in thick skin … palms of hands soles of feet
Startum lucidum
Top deepest , thin flat dead cells 20-30 layers DEAD CELLS (anucleate), hornlike layer
Stratum corneum
skin color depends on pigment
Melanin and carotene
Melanin is exported to other cells resulting in what
Skin color
What is melanin made by
Stored and deposited in vesicles called mealanosoers
what are the two factors that determine the color of your skin color
Eumelanin and Pheomelanin
black or brown
Protects nuclei of keratincytes form uv radiation
The number of mealanocytes are similar between races , amount produced and color varies . melanincytes reach farther up into layers of epidermis in darker skin people
Effec skin color
Less blood causes
pale skin color
More blood in area causes
Reddish skin color
Blue appearance / respiratory issues
Liver issue from blood build up
( Jaundice)
poled , oxidized blood under skin , purple brown
brushing ( hematoma )
The bottom of epidermis
Epidermal ridge ( the bottom is ridged)
Helps lock the epidermis into the dermis
Dermal Pepill
Has a high blood supply , hypodermic needle used to get drugs in quick
the hypodermis
milk producing , modified apocrine sweat gland
oil producing
inhibts bacterial growth , lubricates and conditons epidermis / haor … mostly connected/associated with hair follicles ( lips nipplples and eyelids not included )
Sebaceous glands
Natural antibacterium
Sweat producing glands
Sudonferous glads
What are the types of sudonferous glands
Merocrine (ecrine) , Apocrine
“watery” sweat !! widley aroudn the body ( areas you sweat) at surface of the skin
associated w/ hair follice , especially abundant in arm pit and around nipples ….. Bacteria eating protein for the reason you stink when sweating
What are the functions of skin
excretes- salts , water and organic waste
maintains - body temp
synthesizes - vitamin D
stores - lipids
detects - touch , pressure, pain and temp
creates line of cleavage
The dermis
what are the 3 regions of hair ( made in foliciles )
Bulb - enlarged bottom end
root- form bulb to skin surface
shaft - exposed part beyond skin surface
What is hair soemtime assocaited with
Oil glands
apocrine glands
small muscle called arrector pili
How does hair grow
occurs via specialized cells called trichocytes in the matrix ( part of the bulb)
melanocytes involved
what are the two hair types
Vellus- fine hair located over much of the body , arms
terminal - course hair , located on the scalp , eyebrow , eyelashes , in the nose , armpit and groin
Hair color?
based on the amount and type of melanin pigment as well as the shape of each hair
Round layers of hair =
straight har
less symmetrical oval hair shape
wavy curl
What happens when hair lightens
less melanin is being produced / melanocytes slow down
Sense of touch/pressure
Tactile disc
In dermis …lamellatied ( layers) corpuslcles
sense of vibration
sense of temp , pain etc - located near the end of the dermis where the edpidermis and dermis meet - very important for human survival
Free nerve ending ( sense of pain and temp)
Our skin is the major way we interact with our envionement - pain , heat , itch etc
What are the parts of the nail
Matrix - growing part of nail
The body of the nail covers the nail bed -
The nail bed - good a for accessing oxygen levels of a patient
what is the deepest layer
Stratum basale
supply with nerves,, allows you to be aware of your surroundings and differentiate among different kinds of sensory signals.