chapter 9 Flashcards
light is what kind of wave?
- electromagnetic wave
- are transverse waves that have the ability to propagate through vacuum, as well as through other media such as air and water.
- has electrical and magnetic components, with amplitude perpendicular to each other and to the direction that the wave is propogating in
naturally occuring light is generally randomly what?
- polarized
- this means that the electric and magnetic fields associated with light waves can be pointing in any direction perpendicular to velocity and perpendicular to each other
light can undergo?
- circular polarization
- this describes a state of polarization in which the direction of the electric and magnetic fields rotates steadily over time (right-handed/clockwise or left-handed/counter-clockwise)
the face that circular polarized light can be either clockwise or counterclockwise has been utilized to develop a form of spectroscopy known as?
- optical dichroism
- in which the tendency of a molecule to differently absorb clockwise and counterclockwise polarized light is utilized to obtain information about its chirality
electromagnetic waves propagate through vacuum at the speed of light which is?
- 3.00 x 108m/s
- fastest speed possible for all forms of conventional matter in the universe
the electromagnetic spectrum and what to know:
- the frequency and wavelength are inversely related
- many “things” that we don’t consider light fall into this spectrum
- waves with a high-frequency and short wavelnegth are higher energy so waves with a short-frequency and long wavelength are low energy
- the visible light spectrum is often described in terms of wavelnegth with units of nanometers
- violet light is on the low end of the spectrum (in terms of wavelength) and that red light is on the high end of the spectrum (violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red) ROYGBIV
- an absorbance peak for a given wavelength of light means that the substance will not appear to be of that colour

the equations c = lamda/f and E = hf can be combined to give an expression for energy in terms of wavelength:
- E = hf = hf/lamda
what is reflection and refraction?
- both refer to what happens when a wave travelling through one medium encounters another medium
- there are two possibilities: either the wave bounces off the new medium (reflection) or it continues to travel into the new medium, but along a slightly different path (refraction)
- reflection: when a light wave bouncess off a reflective surface, it is reflected symmetrically so the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are identical but opposite
- refraction: occurs when a wave travels from one medium to another (changes speed) so we use the refractive index (n) to calculate new speed
- n = c/vmaterial
- will always be greater than 1, since nothing is faster than c and refractive index of air can be assumed to be 1 (negligible)
- n = c/vmaterial
- there are two possibilities: either the wave bounces off the new medium (reflection) or it continues to travel into the new medium, but along a slightly different path (refraction)

we define all angles with reference to the “normal line” which is?
- a line perpendicular to the optical interface

when light passes from one medium to another and changes speed, it bends, A law known as? relates the refractive index- that is, how much the speed of a light wave changes- to how much it bends
- snell’s law
- n1sin(theta1) = n2sin(theta2)
- the angle of the light ray to the normal will increase if the light wave is speeding up as it goes from one medium to another and that the angle to the normal will decrease if the light wave is slowing down
- n1sin(theta1) = n2sin(theta2)

an important special case occurs when light is moving into a medium with a smaller index of refraction (that is, when n2 > n1, or when light is speeding up as it moves into the new medium)
- ex. when light is moving from water to air
- as this happens, Snell;s law tells us that the angle with the normal will increase so the ray of light will be bent further away from the normal. As the angle of the incident ray (theta1) increases, there will come a point where the anfle of the refracted ray (theta2) reaches 90°. this is known as the critical anfle
As we go beyond the critical angle, the light can no longer refract at all. Instead, all of the light rate are reflected within the original medium. this is known as?
- total internal reflection

Another important phenomenon related to refraction is exemplified by how a prism can break up light into its component wavelengths of different colours. this phenomenon is known as?
- dispersion
- the reasion why this takes place is because the speed of light in a non-vacuum medium varies depending on wavelength
- the speed of a light through a material is related to its wavelength. light with a relatively long wavelength (red light) is not slowed down as much when it enters a prism as light with a relatively short wavelength (purple light) so since it is slowed down more it ebnds more

what is diffraction?
- takes place when a wave encounters an obstacle or an apertures (involves a scenario in which a wave hits a barrier that has a small opened. The waves that hit the barrier are simply reflected back, but those that go through the openining don’t simply travel straight though it. Instead, they expand outwards (diffraction)

what is single-slit diffraction?
- characterized by a massive intensity peak at the center of the diffraction pattern, followed by alternating areas of gradually weaker intensity peaks and areas of darkness as you move up or down from the center
- most useful to characterize single-slit diffraction patterns in terms of locating the minima, or areas that exhibit destructive interference. this equation gives the location of the mth minimum for light waves with wavelength lamda in a single-slit setup with an aperture of length A:
- Asin(theta) = m(lamda)
- A and sin(theta) are inversely related so a wider aperture will produce narrower, more closely separated areas of intensity anf vice versa
- Asin(theta) = m(lamda)
- most useful to characterize single-slit diffraction patterns in terms of locating the minima, or areas that exhibit destructive interference. this equation gives the location of the mth minimum for light waves with wavelength lamda in a single-slit setup with an aperture of length A:

diffraction setups are not limited to single slits. another example of diffraction patterns occurs in a double-slit arrangement:
- we assume that the width of each of the 2 apertures is negligible compared to the distance bewteen them (D)
- we assume that the optical screen is separated from the screen with 2 slits by a much greater distance than D
- double-slit diffraction is characterized by a much more even distribution of minima and maxima than single slit.
- The formula for the nth maximum is given as follows: Dsin(theta) = n(lamda)
- this equation implies that the maxima occur at whole-number multiplies of wavelength so the minima occur at half-wavelgnths: Dsin(theta) = (n + 1/2)•lamda

Combining thousands (or more) tiny slits into a small area results in?
- a diffraction grating