Chapter 8: The Chemical Senses Flashcards
What are the tastes that we recognize (4)?
- sweetness
- saltiness
- sourness
- umami “deliciousness”
Sweetness can be recognized at the […] while biterness is at the […].
tip of the tongue; back of the tongue
small surface projections that contain many taste buds
Each taste bud has […] taste receptors.
Threshold concentration:
point at which a substances concentration can be recognized as a taste
Great increase of concentration leads to a decrease in […].
A great increase in concentration leads to a decrease in selectivity.
Why is this the case?
How are they then distinguished?
common phenomenon in senses; their excitation leads them to be indiscriminate; more than 90% of receptor cells respond to two or more basic tastes
brain distinguishes them reliably
T/F: Taste receptors are neurons.
false; however they do form synapses with the endings of the gustatory afferent axons near the bottom of the taste bud
What is the cell cycle of taste buds?
2 weeks
Activation is usually through […]: an opening/influx of […] and then […] molecules that excite […] that fires an AP.
receptor potential; Ca2+; release of NT; postsynaptic sensory axon
Each cell can be affected by different tastes, however, there are some biases that is dependent on […].
taste transduction
process by which an environmental stimulus causes an electrical response in a sensory receptor