Chapter 8 Social and Personality Development in Early Childhood Flashcards
behavior intended to harm another person or an object
authoritarian parenting style
a style of parenting that is low in nurturance an communication, but high in control and maturity demands
authoritative parenting style
a style of parenting that is high in nurturance, maturity demands, control, and communication
cross-gender behavior
behavior that is atypical for one’s own sex but typical for the opposite sex
emotional regulation
the ability to control emotional states and emotion-related behavior
the ability to identify with another person’s emotion state
extended family
a social network of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on
the psychological and social associates and implications of biological sex
gender constancy
the understanding that gender is a component of the self that is not altered by external appearance
gender identity
the ability to correctly label oneself and others as male or female
gender schema theory
an information-processing approach to gender concept development, asserting that people use a schema for each gender to process information about themselves and others
gender stability
the understanding that gender is a stable, lifelong characteristic
hostile aggression
aggression used to hurt another person or gain advantage
inductive discipline
a discipline strategy in which parents explain to children why a punished behavior is wrong
instrumental aggression
aggression used to gain or damage an object