Chapter 12 Social and Personality Development in Adolescence Flashcards
four to six young people who appear to be strongly attached to one another
conventional morality
in Kohlberg’s theory, the level of moral reasoning in which judgements are based on rules or norms of a group to which the person belongs
a combination of cliques, which includes both males and females
a form of aggression in which electronic communications are used to intentionally inflict harm on others
antisocial behavior that includes law-breaking
ethnic identity
a sense of belonging to an ethnic group
in Marcia’s theory, the identity status of a person who has made a commitment without having gone through a crisis; the person has simply accepted a parentally or culturally defined commitment
gender role identity
the gender-related aspects of the psychological self
an understanding of one’s unique characteristics and how they have been, are, and will be manifested across ages, situations, and social roles
identity achievement
in Marcia’s theory, the identity status achieved by a person who has been through a crisis and reached a commitment to ideological or occupational goals
identity crisis
Erikson’s term for the psychological state of emotional turmoil that arises when an adolescent’s sense of self becomes ‘unglued” so that a new, more mature sense of self can be achieved
identity diffusion
in Marcia’s theory, the idendtity status of a person who is not in the midst of a crisis and who has made no commitment
identity versus role confusion
in Erikson’s theory, the stage during which adolescents attain a sense of who they are
in Marcia’s theory, the identity status of a person who is in a crisis, but who has made no commitment
postconventional morality
in Kolhberg’s theory, the level of moral reasoning in which judgments are based on authorities outside the self
the ability to look at a situation from another person’s perpective