Chapter 8: More on Clauses Flashcards
Syntactic relation between words and phrases which are compatible, in a given construction, by virtue of inflections carried by at least one of them. Eg. The verb must agree with the noun in number - they eat, she eats.
inflection phrase (IP)
Refers to the ‘maximal projection’ of the I-node. This was proposed by Chomsky in 1986. It is a functional category as opposed to a lexical category (N, V, A, P, or AdvP) and contains a different kind of Head to these other phrases.
A node on a tree diagram which accommodate tense and agreement features.
Components of the I-node, which identify tense and agreement for the verb.
relative clauses
clausal Adjuncts in NPs.
subordinate clause
a clause, typically introduced by a conjunction, that forms part of and is dependent on a main clause. They can act as DO, Subject (‘[That Jenny is old] annoys me) or as an Adjunct. They can also act as a Complement or Adjunct within phrases.
nonrestrictive relative clause
when the relative clause does not add information that identifies the noun as individual ie a particular summer, or a particular book. It functionally acts as an Adjunct (132).
restrictive relative clause
when the relative clause adds information that identifies the noun as specific eg that summer last year, the book with the gold edging. It functionally acts as an Adjunct. (132).