chapter 8 -Development 3-5 years Flashcards
Cognition, Language, and Play
- language develops during interactions with other language users
- play is an ideal place for language practice
- play beings to revolve around themes and scripts related to familiar situations
- projects roles onto other people/dolls
- prefer functional/explicit props
- dramatic play
Phonological Development
- vowels easier through Pre-K years
- they tone these skills
- simplifying continues: consonant cluster reduction
- final consonant/weak syllable deletion
Mean Length Utterance (MLU)
- # of morphemes
- less likely to use simplifying techniques
- 12 minute conversation, record it, calculate morphemes
Morpho-syntactic Development -3 years
- new morphemes
- present-progessive (-ing)
- prepositions (in, on, at, under)
- regular plurals (cats, dogs, balls)
- Syntax: S+V+O, can understand more complex language
Morpho-syntactic Development - 3-5years
(new syntax)
- embedded phrases
- subordinate clauses
- conjunctions
- relative pronouns
Semantics -expressing linguistic meaning
- word
- sentence
- discourse
Semantics -lexical acquisition
- lexical: concerned with meanings of words and the categories in which they fit
- words for conversational use
Semantics -general
- definitions become more complex
- initially by single function
- then by multiple functions and appearance
Pragmatic Development -what is talked about?
Pragmatic Development -types of questions
- information
- request
- clarification
Pragmatic Development -learn to do what?
take turns and adapt language based on listener’s needs
Pragmatic Development -what starts to happen?
- begin to understand theory of mind, stay on topic
- more aware of social role in conversation
- more coherent contributions to conversations
- know difference between personal and fictional
- requires moving beyond here-and-now
Emergent Literacy -print awareness?
squggles on the page mean something
Emergent Literacy -metalinguistic awareness
letters have meaning
Emergent Literacy -what they have
vocabulary knowledge and narrative structure before reading
Language & Dialects -African American
- difference in ‘th’ & ‘v’ words
- syntax differences: lacks past tense markers, possessive, inflection for verb ‘to be’
Language & Dialects -Hispanic/Latino
difference in order of morphological order