Chapter 8 after the midterm 2 Flashcards
In what products yeasts are applied
Breads,alcoholic beverages and vinegars
What strain of yeasts is used usually in industry
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Food sources for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sugar is its main source of energy
It also feeds on honey, molasses, or corn syrup
In some breads ___ yeasts are used for more quick process
How each step of bread making influences yeasts?
Warm liquid activates yeast Mixing distributes yeast evenly Kneading the dough develops the gluten Proofing allows the yeast to produce enzymes that break down sugars, releasing alcohol and carbon dioxide
Why dough rises in bread
carbon dioxide becomes trapped in pockets throughout the dough, gluten
stretches, and the dough rises
the dough continues to rise during baking and a crust forms
Ingredients for bread
Flour,yeast, salt, and water
Wine is
Wine is the fermented juice of plant products such as grapes, honey,
various fruits and dandelions
what is added to wine to inhibit unwanted microbe growth
Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) or potassium metabisulfite
Where juices are held and for how long for wine
Juices are held in anaerobic conditions for up to 4 weeks in oak barrels or
stainless steel tanks
When wine fermentation is complete
Wine fermentation is complete when bubbling from CO 2 production
What happens to the wine after the fermentation process
Wine is then aged in barrels or vats to slowly develop the characteristic
Beers are made from fermented __
Bourbon is made from
Rum is made from
Sugar cane or molasses
Brandy is
Distilled wine
What are the liqueurs and cordials
and cordials have a brandy base with sugar and flavorings
Cointreau is produced by mixing orange peels with alcohol produced
from fermented beets, hence; it is classified as ……
by products of lactic acid fermentation
Main product: lactic acid
By-products:acetic acid, formic acid, and carbon
Sauerkraut is the result of
Sauerkraut results from the lactic acid fermentation of cabbage
submerged in brine , a salt and water solution
Why salt and brine is needed in sauerkraut
The salt controls water activity and pulls water with dissolved sugar and
nutrients to the surface
Bacteria feed on the sugar and release carbon dioxide and lactic acid into
the brine
Cucumbers are turned into pickles by
heating them in a spiced vinegar solution, refrigerating in an acid brine, or
fermenting them with lactic acid bacteria
Commercial pickling involves : bacteria, solution
washing the cucumbers in a chlorine solution
placing them in a brine with a pure culture of Lactobacillus added
What product is similar to pickling cucumbers
What is the difference between production of olives and pickles
except olives are washed in a lye solution to remove bitter flavor
Lactic acid neutralizes any lye remaining and sugar is added to start
the fermentation process
the difference between green and black olives
Green or Spanish olives are picked before being ripe , then cured, pitted,
and stuffed with pimento
Black or ripe olives are picked at a riper stage
In what meat production lactic acid is used , the role of acid, what prevents spoilage
Lactic acid fermentation is used to make dry and semidry sausages
Increased acid tenderizes the meat and adds a tart flavor
Fermentation, smoking, and drying prevent spoilage
Sugar provides food for lactic acid, and spices and salt add desired flavor
Cultured dairy products include
sour cream, yogurt, and buttermilk
Who is the fastest lactic acid producers and what does it allow milk to do
acidify quickly, thus reducing prep time and contamination risk
Purpose of Leuconostoc and Lactobacilli added to fermentation of milk products
produce the desired flavors
What is done to milk prior the fermentation
pasteurized and bacteria is added
What happens to milk when bacteria are added
The action of bacteria on lactose forms lactic acid, which denatures the
proteins and causes them to coagulate
Texture is also affected by temperature, pH, fermentation time, and added
enzymes used
How fermentation is stopped in milk products
When and what is added to convert milk to curds
Milk is pasteurized, then rennin and lactic acid bacteria are added to
form curds
How cheese is formed from curds
Curds are cut into small cubes and heated to help the whey separate from
Whey is drained off and collected for use as an additive in other processed
Curds are rinsed and salted
difference in cottage cheese making and aged cheese
mixed with cream to make cottage cheese
put in presses to squeeze out excess moisture for making aged cheese
what is done to cheese during aging
Cheese is wrapped in the wax and placed in the curing room
Sharpness of cheese refers to and develops when
refers to the strength of flavor and aroma
Sharpness develops as cheese ages
Cheeses that are longer tend to
have firmer consistency have more crumbly textures melt into sauces more readily
Mold are used to create
antibiotics, flavor compounds, and enzymes
In what food products molds are used
soy sauce , a fermented mix of soybeans and wheat
tempeh , a soybean cake of cooked, mashed soybeans pressed into blocks,
inoculated with Rhizopus molds , and wrapped in banana leaves
Bacteria in tempeh
Rhizopus molds , and wrapped in banana leaves
What does it mean that cheese,soy sauce and sourdough is a two-step fermentation
Cheese, soy sauce, and sourdough bread require lactic acid
fermentation plus other microbes in a second step:
For cheese, lactic acid is needed to form the product, then microbes develop
the flavors and textures
For sourdough bread, lactic acid ferments the yeast starter, then yeast
fermentation proceeds
What fermentation follows yeast fermentation in two-step fermentation
acetic acid
explain how yeast fermentation is changed to acetic fermentation
Yeast release alcohol as they break down sugars, then acetic acid
fermentation begins
Acetobacter bacteria feed on the alcohol and release acetic acid
What product is produced by acetic acid fermentation
produces candied citron from citron lemons for use in baked goods
turns cacao beans into chocolate
Benefits of fermentation
Microbes help preserve some foods
Milk keeps for about a week under refrigeration
Cheese can keep for months when properly stored
Fermentation offers a wider range of food options
What nutrients are higher in cheese than milk
Fat and Ca
Pickling increases ___( nutrient content)
Sodium content