Chapter 8 Flashcards
Work tasks and ideas that are primarily concerned with direction various aspects of organisations rather than with carrying out tasks that make up the main work of the organisation
A social and political ideology which treats most (if not all) social, political and cultural problems in contemporary societies as soluble by the application of managerial techniques and practices.
Dirty work
An occupational activity which plays a necessary role in a society but which is regarded in some respects as morally doubtful
Occupational socialisation
The process whereby individuals learn about the norms, values, customs and beliefs associated with an occupation which they have joined so that they are able to act as full members of an occupation
Occupational recruitment
The typical processes and routes of entry followed by members of an occupation
Occupational career
The sequence of positions through which the members of an occupation typically passes during the part of their life which they spend in that occupation
Occupational community
A form of local, social organisation in which people’s work and non-working lives are both closely identified with members of the occupation in which they work
Occupational identity
The broad understanding in a society of what activities occur within a particular occupation and what contribution that occupation makes to society
Occupational culture
A more developed version of the publicly available occupational identity which is used within the occupation to provide ideas, values, norms, procedures and artefacts to shape occupational activities and enable members to value the work that they do
Occupational ideology
An expression of an occupational identity devised by an occupational group, or by its spokespersons, to legitimate the pursuit of the group members’ common occupationally related interests
Occupations which have been relatively successful in
gaining high status and autonomy in certain societies
on the basis of a claimed specialist expertise over
which they have gained a degree of monopoly
A process followed by certain occupations to increase its members’ status, relative autonomy and rewards and influence through such activities as setting up a professional body to control entry and practice, establishing codes of conduct, making claims of
an altruism and a key role in serving the community
Hybrid professional-managerial roles
Positions within organisations usually found at the interface between an established professional group (like hospital doctors) and the wider organisation (a hospital or hospital group for example) in which
‘professional’ workers take on managerial or administrative tasks of coordinating professional/expert activities and organisational/leadership ones