Chapter 8 Flashcards
What is the symbol equation for Photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide + water —
What is the glucose used for from Photosynthesis?
Some of glucose produced is immediately used by the cells for respiration
A lot of the glucose is converted into soluble starch and stored
List some leaf adaptations to make them more Efficient
Most leaves are broad, giving them a big surface area for light to fall on
Most leaves are thin so diffusion distance for gases are short
They contain chlorophyll in the chloroplasts to absorb light
They have veins, which bring plenty of water in the xylem to the cells of the leaves and removes the products of photosynthesis in the phloem
They have air spaces that allow carbon dioxide to get to the cells, and oxygen to leave by diffusion
They have guard cells that open and close the stomata to regulate gas exchange
What type of reaction is Photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction
List four factors that limit the rate of photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide concentrations
Chlorophyll level in leaf
How does light effect Photosynthesis
If there is plenty of light, lots of photosynthesis can take place.
The brighter then lighter the better this then levels out at a point
How does temperature affect photosynthesis
Temperature affects all chemical reactions, including photosynthesis. As the temperature rises, the rate of photosynthesis increases as the reaction speeds up. However, photosynthesis is controlled by enzymes. Most enzymes are denatured once the temperature rises to around 40-50 degrees. If the temperature gets too high, the enzymes controlling photosynthesis will denature and the rate if photosynthesis will decline
How does Carbon dioxide concentration affect photosynthesis?
Increasing the amount of Carbon dioxide increase the rate of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is often the limiting factor in the rate of photosynthesis as the atmosphere is only 0.04% CO2.
Paraffin lamps can be used to increase the quantity of CO2 in a greenhouse.
How does the amount of chlorophyll limit the rate of photosynthesis.
If the amount of chlorophyll is limited in anyway less photosynthesis will take place. Some leafs of ornamental plants have white patches these grow less vigorously
How do plants use glucose?
They use some of the glucose made in photosynthesis to respire.
Glucose is broken down using oxygen to provide energy for the cells. Carbon dioxide and water are the waste products. Chemically respiration is the reverses of photosynthesis.
What complex carbohydrate is glucose built up into? They use it to strengthen there walls
Plants build up glucose into complex carbon-hydrates such as cellulose
Why is glucose transferred into starch?
Plants convert some of the glucose produced in Photosynthesis int starch to be stored. Glucose is soluble in water therefore if it was stored it would affect the way water moves into and out of cells by osmosis. Lots of glucose stored in plants could affect the water balance of the whole plant.
Why is starch stored?
Starch is stored to be used when it is dark or when light levels are low.
Lots of starch Is stored In special storage areas of the plant such tubers and bulbs, to help them survive through winter.
How to plants make amino acids?
Plants make amino acids by combining sugars with nitrate ions and other mineral ions from the soil.
Why do plants make amino acids?
Plants make amino acids to be built up into proteins to be used in many ways, including as enzymes. This uses energy for respiration.