Chapter 8 Flashcards
Define managers (1)
- promote stability, implement vision and strategy provided by leaders, coordinate and staff organization, handle day to day operations
Define leader (1)
- established by developing vision, align people by inspiring them to jump over hurdles
Define trait theories (3)
- purpose that leaders have a set of particular traits that make them different from non leaders
- importance of emotional intelligence to be empathetic
- leaders like to be around others (extroverted), have commitment (conscientious), and are flexible and creative (openness)
Define Peter principle (1)
- people are promoted in one’s job based on how well they did in another (not promoted if they can’t reach competence)
Importance of the Big 5 (1)
- predicting the emergence of leaders than it is at distinguishing effective and ineffective leaders
Define behavioural theories (1)
- purpose that particular behaviours make for a better leader
Ohio state studies (2)
- instituting status: leaders likely to change their role or employees role to attained goal
- consideration: leader have relationship that is characterized by trust, respect, and feeling of others
Michigan studies (2)
- task oriented leadership: emphasizes technical and task aspect of job
- employee oriented leadership: emphasizes interpersonal relationship
Define contingency theories (1)
- purpose that the situation affects the leader
Fiedler contingency model (2)
- purpose of effective group performance depends on the leadership style and situation that control by leaders
- least preferred co-worker: determine whether individuals are interested in task oriented or relationship oriented leaders
Effect on leadership in contingency (3)
- member leader relation: relationship between members and leaders
- task structured: best at high (followers are easily influence) and low control, while relationship oriented leaders are best at moderate control (get things done)
- power position: fire, hire, promote, discipline, and increase salaries
How to improve these three ways (2)
- change the situation to meet the leader
- change the leader to meet the situation
Define situational leadership (1)
- leader act effectively according to how willing and able followers accomplish task (readiness)
Four types of Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership (4)
- unable and unwilling: leader need to use specific and clear directions
- unable and willing: leaders need to direct high task oriented leadership to compensate for followers lack of ability and high relationship oriented leadership to get them do to what leaders desire
- able and unwilling: leader need to use supportive and participative style
- able and willing: leaders do not need to do much
Define path goal theory (1)
- leaders assist followers to ensure that their individual goals are compatible with overall goal
How to be effective in path goal theory (3)
- determine the outcome for subordinates reward
- reward individuals with desired reward
- make individuals know how to get the reward
Path theory four leadership behaviours (5)
- directive leadership: ensure followers know what to do
- supportive leadership: concern with followers need
- participative leadership: consult followers before making decision
- achievement oriented leadership: set challenging goal and expect followers to perform
- leadership behaviours to environmental and subordinates result in outcome
Two types of contingency that affect leadership (3)
- the environment: outside control of followers
- the variable: characteristic of followers
- leader must be flexible
Disadvantage of situational theories (1)
- assume that leaders will give into the needs of followers wants
Define substitute leadership (2)
- reduce leadership status and is dependent on the situation
- neutralizer: make it impossible for leadership behaviour to influence the difference in followers outcome
Substitute and Neutralizer for leadership and its effect (3)
- characteristic of individuals: experience (task), professionalism (task/relationship), and indifference to reward (neutralizer)
- characteristic of job: highly structured task (task), intrinsically satisfy (relationship), provide own feedback (task)
- characteristic of organization: explicit formal goal (task), rigid rules (task), and cohesive group work (relationship)
Define charismatic leadership - inspirational roles (2)
- leaders inspire followers to achieve goal through empowerment theories
- followers are receptive to leaders when there is an issue
Key characteristics of charismatic leader (4)
- vision
- personal risk
- unconventional behaviour
- sensitivity to followers needs
Disadvantage of charismatic leadership (2)
- self confidence is a liability to company
- level 5 leader: ambition toward the company rather then themselves
Define transactional leader (2)
- leader to guide or motivate followers to establish goal by clarifying task
- liassez fair, management by exception, contingent reward (passive and ineffective)
Define transformational leader (3)
- leaders who inspire follower to go beyond their way
- transformation build on transactional
- individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, idealized influence (active and effective)
Difference between charismatic and transformational leaders (2)
- charismatic: shows followers on how to view the world
- transformational: attempt to make followers leaders
Contemporary leadership roles (non managers) (5)
- team leader
- self leadership
- online leadership
- leading without authority
- mentoring
define mentoring and coaching (2)
- mentoring: senior employee support and sponsor less experience employees (long term emotional relationship)
- coach: task oriented and short term
how to create a self leadership (5)
- make a self leader
- encourage self criticism
- encourage self reward
- encourage employee to make goal
- positive thought pattern
Difference roles of team leaders (4)
- liaison with others: represent team to other constitution
- trouble shooter: employee understand more about the task than the leader
- conflict leader: disagreement happen, and leader resolve on how to process conflict
- coach: make sure there is effective group performance
Define identification based trust (1)
- leader trust based on mutual understanding of each others intentions
Define leading without authority (1)
- explicit behaviour while leading without any form of title
Heifetz benefits (2)
- creative deviance
- focus on detail
Define authentic leadership (2)
- charismatic and transformation have vision but those vision maybe wrong
- leader who know who they are, have a vision and are ethical
Define moral leadership (2)
- ethical conduct of social critic
- leader who have moral standards and show importance to others rather then themselves
Do men and women lead differently (3)
- women get backlash for adopting leadership style
- women adopt charismatic style
- men adopt more directive style