Chapter 8 Flashcards
Acting in one’s own best interest by expressing one’s feelings and thoughts honestly and directly
The medium through which a message reaches the receiver.
Communication apprehension
The anxiety caused by having to talk with others
The environment in which communication takes place
An excessive concern with protecting oneself from being hurt
Display rules
Norms that govern the appropriate display of emotions
Electronically mediated communication
Interpersonal communication that takes place via technology
Interpersonal communication
An interactional process whereby one person sends a message to another.
Interpersonal conflict
Disagreement among two or more people
The study of communication through body movements
A mindful activity and complex process that requires one to select and to organize information, interpret and respond to communications, and recall what one has heard
The information or meaning that is transmitted from one person to another
Any stimulus that interferes with accurately expressing or understanding a message
nonverbal communication
The transmission of meaning from one person to another through means or symbols other than words
non-verbal sensitivity
The ability to accurately encode (express) and decode (understand) nonverbal cues
Paralanguage All vocal cues other than the content of the verbal message itself
All vocal cues other than the content of the verbal message itself
Personal Space
A zone of space surrounding a person that is felt to “belong” to that person
A device that records fluctuations in physiological arousal as a person answers questions
The study of people’s use of interpersonal space.
The person to whom a message is targeted.
Self disclosure
The voluntary act of verbally communicating private information about oneself to another person
The person who initiates a message.
In interpersonal communication, speaker is to encode as receiver is to:
a. noise.
b. decode. c. verbalize. d. detect.
Thomas likes to talk about himself a great deal. It is often quite hard to move the topic of conversation away from his interests, achievements, and activities. The barrier to effective communication with Tom is:
a. working self-concept.
b. self-defensiveness. c. self-preoccupation. d. motivational distortion.
Lauren hates it when Eric leaves the cap off the toothpaste, but she’s never told him this, because she doesn’t want to “make a scene.” Besides, she hopes he’ll get better on his own. Lauren’s behavior exemplifies which of the following styles of managing conflict?
a. Competition
b. Compromise c. Avoidance d. Collaboration
The voluntary act of verbally communicating your personal information to another person is called:
a. empathy.
b. clarification. c. self-disclosure. d. self-actualization.
According to Edward Hall, people who interact at distances of 12 feet and beyond are considered to be in the ________ distance zone.
a. public
b. social c. intimate d. personal
Which of the following is the most accurate description of the polygraph machine?
a. Emotion detector
b. Facial expression detector c. Lie detector d. Criminal behavior detector
When you and your friend make faces at each other during a class lecture, it is an example of:
a. miscommunication.
b. verbal communication. c. nonverbal communication. d. encoded communication.
Anna is speaking rapidly to Steve as she asks him out to lunch. Her paralanguage most likely conveys ________ in this situation.
a. frustration
b. anxiety c. uncertainty d. sadness
Gender patterns in eye contact are most likely to be confounded by which of the following?
a. Age
b. Atatus c. Height d. Culture
Which of the following responses to communication apprehension is the most common?
a. Excessive communication
b. Communication avoidance c. Communication disruption d. Communication withdrawal
Which of the following is an accurate statement reflecting cultural attitudes toward assertiveness?
a. Israelis distain assertiveness.
b. Some Native American tribes have a confrontational interactional style whereby vigorous debate is expected. c. Collectivist societies place a higher value on interpersonal harmony than assertiveness. d. All of these are true.
You’re the boss. You have a relatively minor conflict with a subordinate. An effective way to manage this situation is to:
a. try to set the difference in status aside.
b. use your power to help settle the conflict. c. give the other person credit for his or her status. d. demonstrate that other subordinates are in agreement with you.
Basic emotions are designated as such because:
a. they are present from birth in nearly all mammalian species.
b. they are the emotions that people feel most readily in a variety of situations. c. the facial expressions associated with them are recognized across world cultures. d. Freud designated these emotions as generated by the id from birth.
Which style of managing conflict tends to become a black-and-white, win-or-lose confrontation?
a. Avoidance
b. Accommodation c. Competition d. Compromise
The study of communication through body movement is called:
a. kinesics.
b. musculature. c. paralanguage. d. proxemics.
Which of the following is not a component of the interpersonal communication process? A. The sender B. The receiver C.The Channel D. The Monitor
Research shows that individuals from a variety of cultures
A. Agree on the facial expressions that correspond with all emotions
B. Agree on the facial expressions that correspond with fifteen basic emotions
C. Agree on the facial expressions that correspond with the six basic emotions
D. Do not agree on the facial expressions that correspond with any emotion
Which of the following is not an aspect of nonverbal communication? A. Facial expressions B. Homogamy C.Postures D. Gestures
According to research which of the following cues is associated with dishonesty?
A. Speaking with a higher then normal pitch
B. Speaking slowly
C. Giving relatively long answers to questions
D. Lack of eye contact
When people hear what they want to hear instead of what is actually said, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is operating. A. Assertiveness B. Self preoccupation C motivational distortion D active listening
Expressing your thoughts directly and honestly without trampling on other people is a decription of which communication style? A. Aggressive B. Empathic C. Submissive D. Assertive