Chapter 6 Flashcards
basking in reflected glory
The tendency to enhance one’s image by publicly announcing one’s association with those who are successful
Putting group goals ahead of personal goals and defining one’s identity in terms of the groups to which one belongs
downward social comparison
The defensive tendency to compare oneself with someone whose troubles are more serious than one’s own
Explanatory style
The tendency to use similar causal attributions for a wide variety of events in one’s life.
External attributes
Ascribing the causes of behavior to situational demands and environmental constraints
Impression management
Usually conscious efforts to influence the way others think of one
Putting personal goals ahead of group goals and defining one’s identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group memberships.
Efforts to make oneself likable to others.
Internal attributes
Ascribing the causes of behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, and feelings rather than to external events.
Possible selves
One’s conceptions about the kind of person one might become in the future.
Public self
An image presented to others in social interactions
Reference group
A set of people who are used as a gauge in making social comparisons
Self attributes
Inferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior.
A collection of beliefs about one’s basic nature, unique qualities, and typical behavior
Self-defeating behaviors
Seemingly intentional acts that thwart a person’s self–interest
The mismatching of self–perceptions
One’s belief about one’s ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes
The tendency to maintain positive views of oneself