Chapter 8 Flashcards
One of the three domains in the Woese system of classification that includes those prokaryotic organisms known as archaeans
One of the three domains in the Woese system of classification that includes those prokaryotic organisms known as bacteria;
(singular = bacterium) microscopic, usually unicellular organism, and member of Kingdom Monera)
binomial system of
System of naming organisms, introduced by Linnaeus, in which all species are given a two-part scientific name, the first part being the generic name and the second being the trivial (specific) name
Total variety of life forms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part; biodiversity can relate to planet Earth or to a given region
Diagram, based on cladistic study, that shows the inferred relationship between different groups of organisms
Taxonomic grouping consisting of members of related orders
Artificial process of organising things into groups according to one or more criteria
Basis for separating a large group into smaller groups
one group of photosynthetic bacteria
an ancient group of palm-like land plants that produce toxic compounds
dichotomous key
Means of identifying organisms based on a series of questions, each able to be answered by selecting one of two alternatives
DNA barcoding
A new and rapid means of differentiating species based on the DNA sequence of a particular gene
DNA sequencing
A process of determining the order of bases along one chain of a DNA segment
Three major groups — Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya — each containing several kingdoms
One of the three domains in the Woese system of classification that includes all eukaryotic organisms
Taxonomic grouping consisting of members of related genera
generic name
Name of the genus to which an organism belongs; first part of a scientific name
(plural = genera) taxonomic group consisting of members of related species
(plural = herbaria) institution where scientific collections of plant specimens are held
Means for identification of organisms based on a series of questions
Of a size that is visible to the unaided eye
Of a size that can be seen only through a light microscope
taxonomic grouping consisting of members of related families
(plural = phyla) taxonomic grouping consisting of members of related classes
protein sequencing
process of identification of the order of the various amino acids in a protein
Taxonomic unit consisting of organisms capable of mating and producing viable and fertile offspring
specific name
second part of the scientific name of a species, such as sapiens (in Homo sapiens)
area of study concerned with the describing, naming and classification of organisms
vascular plants
plants that have xylem and phloem tissue