Chapter 8 Flashcards
Function of Muscle Tissue
Contracting (shortening) to produce movement/ heat production/ posture
Skeletal Muscle
Attaches to and moves the skeleton/ long cells found in bundles/ striated/ voluntary
Cardiac Muscle
Found only in the heart/ striated/ contains intercalated disks/ involuntary
Smooth Muscle
Located in the hollow organs of the body/ moves materials thru organs (peristalsis)/ can alter diameter. shorter tapering cells/ nonstriated/ involuntary
How Skeletal Muscles Produce Movement
Fascicles are groups of cells coated in connective tissue (Fascia) which is then connected to the tendons which anchor muscles to bones
Is the attachment of muscle to the more stationary bone. It is the non moving end of a muscle
Is the attachment of the muscle tendon the moving bone. This part generally moves towards the origin
Belly or Body
Is the fleshy portion of the muscle between the insertion and the origin
Prime Mover
Is the muscle that contracts and produces the desired movement
Muscles that assist the prime mover
Muscle that must relax or lengthen while the prime mover contracts
Muscle Fibers
Multinucleated, long, cylindrical cells and they lie parallel to each other (bundled)
Thick and Thin Myofilaments
Are the smaller structures within the muscle fibers
Bundles of structures made up of thick and thin myofilaments/ they are ultimately responsible for muscle movement
Thick Myofilaments Contain
Thin Myofilaments Contain