Chapter 8 Flashcards
Media and Society
A coherent set of social values, beliefs, and meanings that people use to decode the world
(ex. Dominant ideology)
Dominant ideology
refers to dominant or ruling-class values, beliefs, and meanings
communication outlets/tools used to store and deliver content between a sender and a receiver
(ex. publishing, news, cinema, digital advertising, music, etc.)
Mass Media
sending a message from one source to multiple people
Newspapers, magazines, film, television, radio, advertising, book publishing, the internet, social media, and popular music
Mass Communication
Historically: a term used to describe communication to a large and undifferentiated group
Recently: term used to describe communication between a large number of individuals
Social Media
refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange info and ideas in virtual communities and networks
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
a theoretical explanation based on the idea that language influences thought (means there is a relationship among language, thought, and culture)
- inspired by Sapir’s work comparing European to Indigenous languages
Corporate Concentration
the increasing density of media ownership being owned by a smaller number of people and organizations
C. Wright Mills
an American sociologist who argues that the power elite have interwoven interests, and that concentrated media ownership helps communicate their interests
(specifically looks at military, political and corporate realms)
Power elite (C.W. Mills)
a small group of people who have a disproportionately large amount of control or influence (composed of political, military and corporate men
Cultural Hegemony
describes the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class, who manipulate the culture of that society through ideological means so that their worldview is the one that is accepted
(developed by Marxist intellectual Antonio Gramsci)
Ideological means:
the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and more
how does cultural hegemony function?
by achieving the consent of the masses to abide by social norms and rules of law by framing the worldview of the ruling class ( and the social and economic structures that go with it)
intellectual elites or highly educated people as a group
False Consciousness (Marxist theory)
describes the ways in which material, ideological, and institutional processes are said to mislead members of the working class and other class actors within capitalist societies (hides the inequality between social classes)