Chapter 8 Flashcards
dorsal mesoderm
a. epimere
b. promere
c. hypomere
d. mesomere
a. epimere
formation of cartilage
type ii chondrogenesis
true or false: the neural plate curves inward, forming the neural groove
false; neural groove -> neural tube
gives rise to the urogenital system
intermediate plate mesoderm
dorsal pathway migrate through the ___
cells of the neural plate are called
source of nourishment of the embryo
true or false: the neural plate will become the central nervous system
false; neural tube will become the CNS
part of the uterine wall is torn away at birth
deciduate placenta (in man)
its derivatives include ears, lens, nose, hydrophysis
otic and lens placodes
true or false: dorsal pathway migrates through the anterior half of each somite to become sensory ganglia
false; dorsal pathway -> ventral pathway
blood from splanchnic mesoderm form in two ways:
vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
true or false: intermediate plate mesoderm surrounds the neural tube
false; paraxial plate mesoderm
what are the two migration pathways of the lateral border or neural crest
dorsal and ventral pathway
intermediate mesoderm
a. mesomere
b. hypomere
c. none of the choices are correct
a. mesomere
dermis of the skin
dermis of the skin
a. myotome
b. dermatome
c. sclerotome
b. dermatome
a. type i chondrogenesis
b. type ii chondrogenesis
1. formation of cartilage
2. secretion of collagen & proteoglycan
a - 2
b - 1
this forms itself from remainders of the primitive streak, the chordoma from that of the notochord
sacro-coccygeal teratoma
a. dermis of the skin
b. vertebral colum, ribs, & skull
c. striated skeletal muscles
c. striated skeletal muscles
shallow median invagination of the ectoderm of the head
true or false: neural tube gives rise to the peripheral nervous system
false; peripheral nervous system -> central nervous system
lateral to the somites, the mesoderm splits to form the
embryonic development of the nervous system
what are the three parts of the mesoblast
paraxial, intermediate, lateral
this is the accumulation of cells along the midline
primitive streak
lateral plate mesoderm becomes divided into ____ and ____ mesoderm
somatopleural, splanchnopleural
a. nephrostone
b. pronephric duct
c. pronephric tubule
1. oviduct, vagina, uterus, epididymis
2. nephron
3. kidney tubules, collecting ducts, ureters
a - 2
b - 1
c - 3
how does the neural plate form
notochord and prechordal mesuderm induce ectoderm to thicken and form the neural plate
the ____ and ____ are formed by laterally immigrating cells located in the primitive streak
mesoblast, endoblast
it is responsible for the induction of neural plate
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B)
fetal membrane simply peel away without tearing
contact placent
striated skeletal muscles
organizes cranio-caudal axis which causes re-specification of cranial segments to caudal ones by regulating expression of homeobox gene
retinoic acid
true or false: lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to the urogenital system
false; intermediate plate mesoderm gives rise to the urogenital system
comprises a group of syndromes that affect the lower extremities and the intestines
caudal dysplasia
pronephric tubule ->
a. nephron
b. kidney tubules, collecting ducts, ureters
c. oviduct, vagina, uterus, urethra ductus deferens, epididymis
period of organogenesis; development of the 3 germ layers to different tissues and organs
embryonic period
this is where the central nervous system will arise
neural tube
mesoderm lateral to the notochord forms blocks called
what week does the period of organogenesis occur
3rd-8th week of development
true or false: the induction of neuroectoderm represents the initial event in neurulation
gives rise to oviduct, vagina, uterus, urethra ductus deferens, epidymis
pronephric duct
surrounds the yolk and its continuous with the embryonic gut
yolk sac
it becomes divided into the somatopleural and splanchnopleural mesoderm
lateral plate mesoderm
secretion of collagen & proteoglycan
type i chondrogenesis
odd one out
a. dermatome
b. nephrostome
c. sclerotome
d. myotome
b. nephrostome
fate of the lateral plate mesoderrm (hypomere)
somatic mesoderm (somatopleure), splanchnic mesodderm (splanchnopleure), extraembryonic membranes (EEM)
refers to the incomplete closure of the cranial folds of the neural tube
true or false: BMP-4, if present, causes ectoderm to become mesoderm
false; ectoderm becomes epidermis
this is the central indentation that appears in the neural plate as it begins to fold in on itself
neural groove
give the derivatives of epimere
dermatome, myotome, sclerotome
striated skeletal muscles
respiratory organ for gas exchange
allantois / chorioallantoic membrane
fluid filled sac surrounding the embryo for shock absorption and prevents dehydration
true or false: sacro-coccygeal teratoma comprises a group of syndromes that affect the lower extermities and the intestines
false; sacro-coccygeal teratoma -> caudal dysplasia
what are the derivatives of mesodermal germ layer
dorsa (epimere), intermediate (mesomere), lateral (hypomere)
smooth muscles of the GI tract
they become visible at the cephalic region by the time the neural tube closes
otic and lens placodes
BMP-4, if present, causes mesoderm to beccome
intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm
arise from the evagination of the archenterons towards the stomodeum
oral plate
vertebral column, ribs & skull
lateral mesoderm
a. epimere
b. mesomere
c. none of the choices are correct
c. ; hypomere
incomplete closure of the caudal part of neural tube
spina bifida
where laterally immigrating cells sink down to form deep layers of the mesoblast and endoblast
primitive streak
from the edges of the neural groove, the ___ ___ are released
neural crest cells
true or false: during the 5th week of its development, the epiblast experiences a number of complex changes that lead to differentiation of three germ layers
false; 3rd week
2nd eem arises from cloaca as a large sac-like evagination; grows into extraembryonic coelom
allantois + chorion =
chorioallantoic membrane
provide the derivatives of the otic and lens placodes
ear, lens, nose, hypophysis
it surrounds the neural tube and forms the somites
paraxial plate mesoderm
neural crest cells develop along the ___ ___ of vertebrates and form various parts of the embryo (nerves, parts of teeth, skull bones, and so on)
neural tube
sternum & distal parts of the ribs
through the dermis, where they will enter ectoderm through hokes in teh basal lamina forming the melanocytes
dorsal pathway
which blocks bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-4) and ventralizes ectoderm & mesoderm
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B)
odd one out
a. lateral and ventral body wall of trunk and parietal peritoneum
b. sternum & distal parts of the ribs
c. gonads: testis & ovary
d. pectoral and pelvic girdles
c. gonads: testis & ovary
new vessels arise from existing ones
through the anterior half of each somite to become sensory ganglia, sympathetic and enteric neurons, Schwann cells and cells of the adrenal medulla
ventral pathway
true or false: anencephalia is due to the incomplete closure of the caudal part of the neural tube
false; anencephalia is due to incomplete closure of the cranial folds of the neural tube
modified region of the eem lying in intimate assoc. w/ the female reproductive tract of viviparous vertebrates
these three inactivates BMP-4 & causes neurulation
noggin, chordin, and follistatin
these two induce caudal neurulation to form hindbrain or spinal cord
WNT-3a and FGF (fibrolast growth factor)
provide the two derivatives of neural placodes
otic and lens placodes
intermediate plate mesoderm gives rise to the _____ _____
urogenital system
BMP-4, if present, causes ectoderm to become
vessels arise from blood islands
paraxial plate mesoderm surrounds the ___ ___
neural tube
sacro-coccygeal teratoma forms itself from remainders of the ___ ___
primitive streak
incomplete closure in the ____ part of the neural tube results in spina bifida
the largest part of the peripheral nervous system is generated from
neural crest cells
appearance of the ____ and ____ mesoderm induces the overlying ectoderm to thicken and form the neural plate
notochord, prechordal
which two transitional structures can lead to developmental anomalies?
notochord and primitive streak
fate of blastopore leads to formation of
cloaca and anal
what are the fate of the intermediate mesoderm (mesomere)
nephrostome, pronephric tubule, pronephric duct