Chapter 8 Flashcards
Electric ucrruent
Defined as the amount of charge that passes a point in a j it do time
Rate of flow of charge , units amps /Cs-1
Elementary charge?
What can carry charge
Proton has +1e and electron -1e, these are relative charged however
Anything that is a CHARGE CARRIER, so ions too, electrons etc
How many electrons in one column
If 2 Collin has charge 1mand electron 1.6. Then 1/1.6= 6.25x10^18
Charge is quantised?
It can only have certain values of multiples of 1.6, this is because half and quaterelectron can never be added, it has to be a multiple, only integer values!
What are electrolyted
This is a liquid that can carry current , so like ions etc
Current in metal atoms?
Metal atoms form ions of positive charge and delocalised electrons which make the strong metallic bonding
However if charge applied to ends then the electrons can move and carry a current
For example make one end of thr wire posit be and one end negative the you csn carry a current
Current direction
Actually negative to posit be, but conventionally positive to negative big to small terminal
How does current increase
Either more electrons passing through a point per second
(So like greater cross sectional area)
Or current ones move faster
So how does an electrolyte Cary current
Electrolyte is a solution of positive and negative ions whichare charge carriers
If a cathode and anode negative and positive electrodes are placed, then a current is produced as the movement of charged ions go to the eleftrodes
Measuring current using ammeters- what characteristic do they have
V=IR, I= V/R, ideally you want no resistance so that all the current can be read and no reffed ton current happens, as high resistances would decrease the amount of current available
Ideally zero resists for so noe ffect on current it measures and you actually get proper raw output
Conservation fi charge
Charge cannot be created or destroyed, and total amount of charge is constant in the universe and in a closed envrjkme t
Krichoffs First law
States that the current going into a junction is = to the sum of the current going out of a junction
This relates to the conservation of CHARGE, because charge is a product of current in time !
Can be written as Ein = Eout
Even if current is leaked how does does still abide
Earth will give back current to the circular so charge is conserved , here at the
Leer station it’s all one big circuit, and current returned
What is number density
So what does a higher number density mean
Essentially the number of FREE ELECTRONS per m3 of a material
Higher number density = more free electrons, so More ability to be a better conductor
Classify materials in order of number density?
Metals have highest , conductors
Insulators have the lowest that’s why insulate
Semiconductor in between and this varies when different cinditons applied to them
Wax insulator
Semiconductor silicon and germanium
Conductor copper else zinc GRAPHENE etc
As a result to reach same current s sic duct or a semiconductor electrons have tomkove so much faster
Electric current new equation
I= A x N x E x V
Where V is mean drift velocity
Where A is cross sectional area
So how dies Velocity relate to cross sectional area
Ugh equation your see that velocity si inversely proportional to are
So decrease are increase velocity
But not necaseily increase current because a DECREASE INNAREA ALSO INCREASES RESISTANCE (we will see later)
And area of circle is 4pi r2
Explain how electrons have a mean drift velocity in a wire (exam styled 3 marker)
- free electrons make collisions with the positive metal ions, giving them a RANDOM VELOCITY
- free electrons drift towards the positive terminal of the supply ACROSS THE LENGTH OF THE WIRE
- the distance travelled per unit time in the ln geht of the wire is the mean drift velocity
1) electrons free collide with positive ions to give a random velocity
2) these will difft towards the
Leitbegriffe end of thr supply across the length of the wire
3) the distance travelled per unit time is the mean drift velocity along the length of the wire