Chapter 13 Flashcards
What is the photoelectric effect
This is when a form of EM radiation is shone on a metal and electrons escape and emitted
These emitted electrons are known as photo electrons
How to use the GOLD LEAF ELECTROSCOPE experiment to show the photoelectric effect in action
Electrons that escaped?
Perhaps I’d kept doing , then maybe more electroms would be emitted and it becomes positively charge and repulsion happens again?
- if you touch the zinc plate at the top with a negative electrode from a high voltage supply, it will negatively charge it
- the excess electrons spread to the stem and the leaf, charging them bith too
- as they are both negative , they repel, and the leaf can be shown to be repelled
- now if we shine UV radiation on the plate , we observe that the repulsion slowly decreases.
== this is because the photoelectric effect has taken place, which made electrons escape, and thus meaning the stem and leaf lost its charge and repulsion was less
2) these are known as photoelectrons
What three observations were found after doing this experiment about the PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT?
1) that only when a certain threshold frequency was met would photoelectrons be emitted. No matter how intense the radiation was, if it wasn’t above the threshold, no electrons would be observed
2) As soon as yiu crossed the threshold, the effect seen was INSTANTANEOUS
3) Once crossing the threshold frewuency an increase in intensity didn’t mean an increase in maximum kinetic energy of the electrons released, but rather greater numbers (properinsk to intensity increase )
The only way to increase the maximum kinetic energy was to increase the frequency
Who was the person that actually suggested em radiation actually existed as photons?
What did he discover
What did he want to change as a result and what to
He discovered that the em energy could only exist as discrete quanta of values in packets. Which were called photons
As a result he said the model of em should be as packets rather than a continuous stream of energy that are waves
What is the equation thst links energy of a photon
What is Planck constant
What new equation can you make
R,emend this is sssumign waves exist as photons lmao
Energy = H x f
Energy is = to Plancks constant x frequency of the wave
Essentially energy directly proprtional to frequency of wave
Planck constant = 6.63x10^-34Js
Thus f = c/wl
E = Hc/Wl
Why intereitjg
Equation has properties of both being modelled as photons with E but also as waves with wavelentgh
It shows energy is inversely proprtional to wvakentgh so short wavlentgh will have more energy than radio waves etc, that’s why they are damaging
A better unit if energy fir describing these ones which are so small at lower levels
As so small, can just divide answer by 1,6x10-19 to get into ev, and multiply by that to get to joules
How to do SIMPLEMPAG to determine Plancks constant
But what assumptions do we need
Basically using LEDS, which only turn on after a certain threshold pd is met. They emit VISIBLE PHOTONS
ASSUMING THAT THE WORK DONE BY ELECTRONS IS THE SAME AS EMITTED PHOTON, by finding the minimum voktage needed to turn LED on, and knowing the wavelength, we can pretty much find out Plancks constant
However using just one datA NEVER GOOD, in all prestcisls should aim to use few data points so graoh can be plotted and value found using gradient, as this provides a good average to eliminate more chance of uncertainties
A simple set up can be used , creating a potentiometer so that values for v can be tested from 0 to terminak pd
For that resistor in series, then safety resistor with component which is LED in parallel to that, and voltmeter in parallel to this (safety resistor limits current actions as safety) . Now arrow half way through resistor to show potentiometer. Now yiu ready
All we do is for different wavelengths find the minimum voltage needed for the LED TO LIGHT UP, this can be done using a black sheet to make it more obvious
Then equation is VQ= hf
Ev =hc/WL
Thus V =hc/eWL
And grsdient = hc/e when plotting v against 1/WL
Will be uncertainties here too but grsdient dividier by c/e gives you Planck constant value!
Need to preferably use data to make a graoh
Assumptions stated
Grsdient l
Means each time repeats
Best resolution and over larger distance to reduce uncertainty
Proper assumption for LED experiment again
Only at the THRESHOLD PD is it assumed that the energy of an electron is fully transferred to the Negev of the photon emitted
How to find out how many photojs emitted per second if you know power and energy of one
Power just means this much energy per second
If you have 20J of energy in a photon yiu essentially saying how many photons to get to thst power
So do power / energy and you get photons per second!
Which observation showed waves to act like particles rather than waves
The first, the fact that a specific frequency hsd to be met, even do thst if a lower frequency but higher intensity wave wa sused nothing would happens, goes against the wave description as here the rate of energy transfer is proprtionsl to intensity for cisntsrncross sectional area
As a result , a new model had to be made. Einstein proposed that waves should be modelled as particles
Suggested that each electron inthe surface of thr metal must require a specific amount of energy to escape from the metal,
- and that each photon can could transfer its full energy to an electron in one to one interactions
assuming that waves have particle behaviour, the energy of a photon was proprtional its frewuency
How did new photon modele dplain first observation
The fact that photons energy can be modelled to be proprtionsl to its frewuency, it means the photons will have to be of a specific frequency in order to allow an electron to escape.
Thus no matter how intense the photons were (which is basically just how many there are per second), if they weren’t of a specific frequency, the electrons would never have the required energy to escape, thus wouldn’t be able to escape
And since these can only happen in one to one interactions, the electrons are unable to COLLECT ENERGY EITHER , as only one to one
This explains the second as as soon as the correct frequency wa meet the electrons could escape as they had the right energy to. As these happen in one to one interactions it happens instaneously, it wasn’t a matter of collecting energy for a while and then escaped = no, just get and go
Einstein also could explai;the third. Here the increased intensity past the threshold frewuency just means more ohtoons per second, and if they all have the required frequency, then it doesn’t means emitted electrons have more KE but rather more one to one interactions happens and more electrons are emitted!
However third observations mentions about max KE?
Einstein said depending on eelctrons position I metal, different metals would need different energies to escape.
However he defined a constant for each metal which was the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF ENERGY NEEDED TO FREE AN ELECTRON and called it the work function
Thus for a given energy thst was = to the work function, the electrons would just escape with no KE, fair enough
But when the frequency increased so that energy provided was more than the work function, by conservation of energy Einstein worked out freed electrons would have the MAX KE equal to the difference in starting energy and work function . This would lead to a maximum velocity too.
However this is the MAXIMUM, some electrons durther in the atom may have a higher amount of energy needed to escape them, thus the left over energy is less and velocity too. Thus this value is the MAXIMUM KE that any electron in the metal could ever have , snd the electrons that have these are the ones closest to the surface which are the ones that require the min energy to escape = work function
Thus only way ti increases MAX KE OF THE electrons was not by increasing intensity, but rather frewuency past the threshold.
Increasing intensity would increase s number of photons per second, and as we know that energy transfers could only happen in one to one it ers tions , this just means more photoelectrons emitted per second, rather than. Ore with higher KE
Summarise three ofnclusions using photon midel
Einstein said that waves should be modelled as a stream of packers of photons that have discrete quanta of energy Rather than a fk ti our beam of energy that the wave model suggests
- this way first observation explained as Einstein explained each electron has a certain amount of energy needed to escape and can only transfer energy in one to one interactions. Thus only until a certain frequency is met can an electron be escaped, and since they are one to one, no matter how intense a lower frequency photon is, as electrons can’t store energy, they can’t escape
It explains why the effect id instaneotued, as we said they can’t store energy and as soon as the first one to one interaction that meets the threshold frewuency happens one photogeelctron escaped indsynsluslg
And increasing intensity just means increasing amount of photons, which will increase the s,Lunt of electrons released in one to one interactions.
The max KE is not affected by this. Einstein worked out a constant for Esch metal that shows the minimum amount of Ed’s to escape electrons as the work function, as some electrons deeper in may need more. Thus if frewuency they results in higher energy than the work function, by conservation if energy, the leftover is transferred into kinetic energy stored if the electrons . This means each electron has a max Ke it’s not guaranteed they are that because deeper electrons with anhigher thr hold frewuency might mean that they have loser ke but max ke is thst
And wave model is thst pose proprtionsl to intensity but this is incorrect as seen by gold leaf experiment
Remember about energy tanker
It is a one to one interaction
Ed is proprtionsl to f
And intrnsity means greater rate of photons
So what is full Einstein equation
Hf = work function + KE Max
And if the HF is just = to work function, then it means that escaped electrons near the surface can escape and thst too with no KE
Thus it becomes Hf = work function
Yh will al, hit max
No because work function is kinky, energy needed, the rest may need larger amounts of energ
If you hit the surface they will escape with max, hit lower wille scape with less + potentially no energy
Okay so say you did experiment to see how kEMAX varies with increase f past threshold what would happen
We know that Hf = work + ke max
So kEMAX = Hf - work
As y = mx and we know work function is a constant
From here the grsdient if our graoh is = to Planck constant
And the intercept is = - work function
What does this graoh show and how does it compare with other metals
It shows that until you reach the f0 of the metal, NO ELECTRONS ARE EMITTED WHATSOGER
The x intercept “” is thus the f0 of the metal
And extra
Olathe to y into other you get - work function
Esch graoh will look the same in terms of grsdient because this is Plancks constant
Yh also at f0 there isn’t ke
All that will change is where the x intercept starts from because that’s the threshold frewuency of the graph. As this is related to the work function this yninterfeot will change too
Obviously because threshold x h = work fucntion
What is always the same
Remember to covert to what during these calcs!
mass = 9.11x10-31
What de Broglie conclude about matter
He said that all matter have both wave like and particle like fewtured in the wave particle duality model
For example em radiation is though to be as particles to explain photoelectric effect, but also as waves when explaining things like diffractions
The smalles particle that this has been shown with is buckmimisterfullerenr , has shown to be diffracted
What does the wave particle duality model explain
That all matter can be modelled as both waves and matter
Give example of electron diffraction experiment that perfectly shows this
An electron can be modelled as a particle = this is because it has mass and charge and thus can be deflected by electric and magnetic fields
However if we could show a wave property then it can be modelled as a wave too
Here we showing diffraction and interference
In order to diffract an electron however we need a gap comparable to the wavlentgh of an electron which is assumed to be very small
For this, a thin piece of POLLYCRYSTALLINE GRAPHITE CAN BE USED, which has carbon atoms arranged in latticed and the gal created by indictable carbon atoms comparable to the wavlentgh of the electrons.
By using an electron gun, we are accelerating electrons into this polycrystalline graphite.
What happens next is that they are successfully diffracted and also form an interference pattern of distinct maxima and minima like waves normally do
How does this experiment show them existing ss. It’s waves and particles
At the start they work as particles, as they are being accelerated , then they behave as waves as they diffract and form an inter fence
Then they behave as particles again as they hit screens with impacts! You can also see this further using amnahetif the pattern is deflected by this, another particle feature
This shows wave and particle like features!,
So what is the de briglie wavlegth equation then
Wavelentgh = h/ p
What happens if you decrease the volateh used to accerlated the electrons
This means finsk velocity is decreased, so montum is decreased, so de briglie wavlentgh is increased, which means that the diffraction is further away and maxima and minima further apart as diffraction happens MORE!
With dame ideas why is it we don’t observe diffraction if more massive particles
Higher mass means at the Max velocity we can do it will just mean higher Montur so lower wvakentgh
Thus a lowe wavlentgh means we need a separation fomaprable to this in order for diffraction to be seen and thenninterfeence
But we don’t have a separation this small just yet so we can’t diffract neutrons protons or humans
Biggest is the buck,inisterfulleren
Why can’t humans etc be diffavtedthinking that if we move slow enough we double have a wvakentgh c9moarable
No we would have to move so so so slow it’s not possible
+ we would have to be modelled as a single particle which we can’t
How to get ke into de briglie
Ke = 1/2mv2
And then 2kem = m2v2
And square root 2kem = mv
So basically with h and m and 2 as a constant
De broglie wavlentgh of a particle is proprtionsl 1/ square root of the kinetic energy
So if I decrease ke by 2, I und by 1 /1 root 2= roo2
What gives evidence that em radiation exist as particles and waves
And electors
Through photoelectric effect and also waves because can interfere diffract redraft etc
Electrons as particles as they are deflected by magnetic sh felevtic fields, waves because they can be diffevwted whd produce jntefenceoatterns
How does increasing the voltage of electron gun in TEM make the picture better?
2 reasons
- one consider image
- also brighter due to more speed snd electrons
Inc voltsge = inc soeed electron = inc momentum = decreased de briglie wavkentgh
Assuming size of aperture still small enough, a smaller wvakentgh means smaller diffraction so interference patterns are more closer to each other do Radier to see more detail
BUT ALSO Increaed voltsge means more electrons per decond so brighter image due to more speed too!
that 1) matter can exist and exhibit both wave and psrtifle like properties
- where the de Broglie wavelength is five h as h/ p where l I’d minuet make if particle
Again why does wave model nit explain photo effect due to ideas of gradual accumulation
For example no matter what wave of left there for some time then using midel if continues wave of energy grsdiusl accumulation would cause the electrons to escape, but because at no matter what intensity sd logn wd it is below the frequency and this effect is no tobserved tjis diesen happen
How does photoelectric effect show radiation tk be modelled as particles
- 1) I’d modelled as waves, then as electrons need a certain amount of energy to be escaped, no more what the frequency as I’m waves thr rwte of energy trasnfer is proprtionsl to the intrnsity, as long as intrnsity was there, eventually the electrons should have been able to escape
- however no matter wat what intensity , until the threshold frewuency was met, then electrons wouldn’t escape, which goes against the wave model of it being a cintinius beam of energy .
- however the particle mode, shows waves to be discrete packets of quanta energy as photons , which is proprtionsl to its frequency. Thus no matter what intrnsity, until the frequency allows an energy of the photons to be above the minimum energy it needs to escape an electron (work function) it wouldn’t escape
2) waves modelled as photons show thst energy transfers happen in one to one interactions . Thus increasing intensity should just increase number if one to one intervwtuond ehich does happen, rather than increasing ke of electron. The only way to do this is to increase frequency of photons which obeys conservation of energy
Basically two things
1) waves csn’t be modelled as continues beams of energy
- and that one to one interactions is particle behaviour too and explains why icnraigm intensity doesn’t increase ke like it was thiught to
Why dies max not increase
Energy does not depend on intensity lie,W ave model suggests
Instead it is dependent on frewuency as frequency proprtionsl to energy and conservation means that all energy transferred to the electron which is used in work function then also ke
Intensity means number of phtoojs emitted per second
Thudnicnreasemimtensity increases photons per second
Increasing one two one photons electron interactions somkore electrons release
Why dies max not increase
Energy does not depend on intensity lie,W ave model suggests
Instead it is dependent on frewuency as frequency proprtionsl to energy and conservation means that all energy transferred to the electron which is used in work function then also ke
Intensity means number of phtoojs emitted per second
Thudnicnreasemimtensity increases photons per second
Increasing one two one photons electron interactions somkore electrons release
What are equations for power number if electrons intrnsity etc
Poeer = total work done / time
So energy on one electron x number / time
Amd intensity is poeer over area but since area constant just power
So for same intensity , if energy GOES UP, then NUMBER MUST GO DOWN
So remember new equation
Intrnsity basically proprtionsl to energy x number, if constant intensity and energy goes up, number goes down etc
Remember how to derive
Remember why does wave theory not show photon
Because with it gradual accumulation of energy means itnhsoukd happen anwyayasnbutent fo
1) below throhold don’t work
2( one to one
3( increase eitnrnsoth increases more electrons not energy
Even low intensity radwitoe