Chapter 7 - Working with the Bash Shell Flashcards
Used to read Standard Input from a user into a variable.
read command
The process of copying a Git repository from another computer.
A special syntax used in a shell script to alter the flow of the program based on the outcome of a command or contents of a variable. Common decision constructs include if, case, &&, and ||.
decision construct
Used to perform version control operations using Git.
git command
Used to view previously executed commands within a shell.
history command
A common open source version control program primarily used for software development.
Used to create special variables that are shortcuts to longer command strings.
alias command
A number that is returned by each command on a Linux system to indicate successful (0) or unsuccessful (1-255) execution. It can be used to provide the true/false functionality within shell script constructs.
exit status
A file that contains multiple functions for use in other programs and shell scripts.
function library
A syntax used to perform multiline input redirection.
here document
The variables that are created by the user and are not used by the system. These variables are typically exported to subshells.
user-defined variables
A file descriptor that represents the desired output from a command.
Standard Output (stdout)
Used to execute the contents of a shell script within the current shell, instead of using a subshell.
dot ( . ) command
Used to display a list of exported variables and functions present in the current shell.
printenv command
A special syntax used in a shell script to execute commands repetitively. Common decision constructs include for and while.
loop construct
Used to remove an alias from shell memory.
unalias command
A special variable that can accept positional parameters and is used to store commands and constructs for later execution.
Used to execute the contents of a shell script within the current shell, instead of using a subshell.
source command
The name of a variable.
variable identifier
A command that can take from Standard Input and send to Standard Output. In other words, a _______ is a command that can exist in the middle of a pipe.
A shell metacharacter used to pipe Standard Output from one command to the Standard Input of another command.
The first line in a shell script, which defines the shell that will be used to interpret the commands in the script file.
Used to send variables to subshells.
export command
The numeric labels used to define command input and command output.
file descriptors
The variables that store information commonly accessed by the system or programs executing on the system; together, these variables form the user environment.
environment variables
The default branch in a Git repo
master branch
A snapshot of files that are tracked by Git for version control.
A syntax used to test a certain condition and generate a True/False value.
test statement
The files used immediately after login to execute commands; they are typically used to load variables into memory.
environment files
The character combinations that have special meaning inside the echo command. They are prefixed by the \ character.
escape sequences
A shell metacharacter used to redirect Standard Output and Standard Error to a file.
Used to display a list of exported variables and functions present in the current shell.
env command
A shell metacharacter used to obtain Standard Input from a file.
An argument to a shell script or function.
positional parameter
Used to display or echo output to the terminal screen. It can use escape sequences.
echo command
A system that keeps track of changes made to files by users.
version control
Used to remove a variable or function from shell memory.
unset command
A file descriptor that represents any error messages generated by a command.
Standard Error (stderr)
Used to display a list of variables and functions within the shell.
set command
A file descriptor that represents information input to a command during execution.
Standard Input (stdin)
Used to generate a list of sequential numbers.
seq command
An area of memory used to store information. ___________ are created from entries in environment files when the shell is first created after login, and are destroyed when the shell is destroyed upon logout
The process of changing the default locations of Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error.
A shell started by the current shell.
The process of adding files to a Git index.
An argument to a shell script or function.
positional parameter
A string of commands connected by | metacharacters.
A variable that is altered by loop constructs to ensure that commands are not executed indefinitely
counter variable
Used to transform or change characters received from Standard Input.
tr command
A collection of files and commits that are used by Git. _________________ often represent software development projects.
Git repository
A separate section within a Git repository used to track changes made to files.
Used to perform mathematical operations.
expr command