Chapter 7 Terrorism Flashcards
Because terrorist acts can have such devestating consequences, response to any act of terrorism requires:
Coordination and cooperation among many different agencies
Pg 312
The unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.
Pg 313
The_____ component is the most important element seperating a terrorist organization and its actions from a legitimate organization.
Pg 313
For the most part terrorism is designed to cause_________, __________ and________ in order to draw attention to their cause;
Disruption, fear and panic
Pg 313
An act of terrorism is essentially different from normal emergencies in that it is:
Intended to cause damage, inflict harm, and kill
Pg 314
If an incident is not recognized as a terrorist attack quickly:
Valuable information may be lost or accidentally destroyed
Pg 315
Law enforcement will have jurisdiction over all:
Incidents involving terrorism
Pg 315
Traditional tactics of terrorism are:
Assassinations, armed assault, and bombings including suicide bombings
Pg 316
Weapon of mass destruction means:
Any weapon or device that is intended or has the capability to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination or impact of one of the following means:
Toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors
A disease organism
Radiation or radioactivity
Pg 316
Weapons of mass destruction can be divided into 5 categories CBRNE:
Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive Pg 316
The greatest wmd threat today are:
Pg 318
Explosive materials combine:
An oxidizing component with a fuel component
Pg 319
An explosion results when:
A material undergoes a physical or chemical reaction that releases rapidly expanding gases. The gases are formed in 1/10000th of a second
Pg 319
There are two phases to the blast pressure wave:
The positive pressure phase and the negative pressure phase sometimes called the suction phase. Both can be destructive
Pg 320
The positive pressure wave will continue outwards in an expanding radius until:
Its energy is diminished by distance or transferred to objects standing in its path such as buildings
Pg 320
The negative pressure phase of an explosion lasts about:
3 times longer than the positive pressure phase
Pg 320
Detonation velocities for high explosives range from:
3,300 ps to 29,900 fps. Faster than the speed of sound
Pg 322
Primary explosives:
Easily initiated and highly sensitive to hear; usually used as detonators. Small amounts such as a single grain of crystal can detonate.
Pg 322
Examples of primary explosives are:
Lead azide, mercury fulminae, and lead stypnate
Pg 322
Secondary explosives:
Designed to detonate only under specific circumstances usually by activation energy from a primary explosive. They are less sensitive to initiating stimuli such as heat or flame
Pg 322
Tertiary explosives:
Very insensitive materials based on ammonium nitrate, usually requiring initiation from a secondary explosive. Not all experts recognize this category and would consider AN and other blasting agents to be secondary explosives
Pg 322
In general high explosives have a bigger bang than low explosives and _______ explosives are more sensitive than_____ explosives
Pg 322
The most common type of IED found in the US is:
Pipe bomb
Pg 329
The design and implementation of IEDs are limited only by the imaginations of the bomber. Responders should be very cautious of:
Any item that attract attention because they seem out of place, anomalous, out of the ordinary, curious, suspicious, out of context, or unusual
Pg 334
The FBI has designated indicators of a possible suicide bomber using the acronym ALERT:
Alone and nervous Loose and bulky clothing Exposed wires Rigid mid section Tightened hands Pg 336
Regardless of who completes the primary search and subsequent rescue operations when required, the incident commander should:
Limit the number of personnel in the blast area to the minimum number of personnel required to carry out critical lifesaving operations
Pg 340
A chemical attack is:
The deliberate release of a toxic gas liquid or solid that can poison people and environment or toxic industrial materials
Pg 340
Nerve agents attack the nervous system by:
Affecting the transmission of impulses and are the most toxic of the known chemical warfare agents
Pg 340
Nerve agents in their pure state are:
Colorless liquids
Pg 342
Blood agents are the same as _______
Chemical asphyxiants
They interfere with the bodies ability to use oxygen
Pg 344
Choking agents:
Attack the lungs causing tissue damage
Pg 347
High hazard TIM:
Indicates a widely produced, stored, or transported TIM that has high toxicity and is easily vaporized
Pg 352
Medium hazard TIM:
Indicates a TIM that may rank high in some categories but is lower in others such as number of producers, physical state, or toxicity
Pt 352
Low hazard TIM:
Indicates that this TIM is not likely to be a hazard unless specific operational factors indicate otherwise
Pg 352
The primary operational objective at a chemical attack is to do:
The greatest good for he greater number
Pg 352
Chemical vs biological incidents:
Chemical is a rapid onset of medical symptoms and you may observe colored residue, dead foliage, pungent odor, dead insects or animals
Biological: onset usually. Days to weeks
Pg 358
Disease transmission:
Airborne, direct contact, ingesion, vectors, indirect contact, contact with droplets
Pg 359
The response to a bioterrorism incident requires that local emergency response and public health professionals acquire;
The necessary training and equipment to safely respond to an incident and manage the health care of the public.
Pg 360
Most agents of bioterrorism are:
Not transmitted from person to person
Pg 361
When the presence or nature of bioterrorism agent is not know, first responders should:
Adhere to universal precautions whenever they have contact with broken or moist skin, blood, or bodily fluids
Pg 361
Once a specific agent is identified, additional precautions are applied based on the agents:
Mode of transmission, whether airborne, droplet, or contact
Pg 361
If possible, individuals who have been exposed to biological agents should:
Not be allowed to leave the scene until a thorough risk assessment has been conducted and appropriate measures taken
Pg 362
In the event of a covert attack, isolation and containment issues will primarily deal with:
Managing infected victims and these will likely be managed by public health authorities
Pg 362
The only way to confirm the presence of a radiological hazard is with:
Radiological monitoring equipment
Pg 362
A radiation emitting device (RED) is a:
Powerful gamma emitting radiation source that can be placed in a high profile location suck as a high traffic urban area like a mall
Pg 363
A radiological dispersal device is a device intended to:
Disperse radioactive material over a large area, but it is no capable of producing a nuclear yield
Pg 363
A nuclear device is typically referred to as a:
Improvised nuclear device
Pg 363
An improvised nuclear device is a:
Crude nuclear bomb fabricated using fissile material
Pg 364
While conducting a scene size up or a radiological or nuclear attack responders need to look for:
Unusual or out of place incident scene indicators, size and shape of smoke plumes, odors, large debris fields or craters from explosions
Pg 366
Significant problems and hazards associated with illegal dumps:
Unlabeled containers Mixed chemicals Aged chemicals Environmental contamination Pg 368
At a scene the preservation of life is more important than the preservation of:
Pg 369