Chapter 1 Intro To Hazmat Flashcards
Substancs that possess harmful characteristic are called:
Hazardous materials
Pg 9
When particularly dangerous hazardous materials sucks as certain chemical biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive are used as weapons the are referred to as:
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A hazardous materials incident is:
An emergency involving a substance that poses an unreasonable risk to people, the environment, and or property
Pg 9
NFPA 472 and OSHA identify two levels of training:
Awareness and Operations
P 13
Osha recognizes 3 levels above the operations level:
Hazmat Tech
Hazmat specialist
On scene commander
Pg 13
NFPA 472 identifies 5 levels above operations level:
Hazmat tech Hazmat branch officer Hazmat branch safety officer Hazmat Incident commander Private sector employee
Pg 13
Awareness level are expected to assume the following responsibilities when faced with an incident involving hazmat:
Recognize the presence or potential of a hazmat
Recognize the type of container at a site and identify the material in it if possible
Transmit info to the appropriate authority
Identify actions to protect themselves and others from hazards
Establish scene control by isolating the hazardous area and denying entry
Pg 13/14
Responders who are trained to the Operations level are:
Individuals who respond to releases of hazmat as part of their normal duties. They are expected to protect individuals, he environment, and property from the effects of the release in a defensive mannor.
Pg 14
Operational level must be able to perform the following actions:
Identify hazmat involved if possible
Analyze an incident to determine the nature and extent of the problem
Protect themselves, nearby persons, the environment, and property from the effects of a release
Develop a defensize plan of action to address the problems
Implement the planned response to mitigate or control a release from a safe distance and keep it from spreading
Evaluate the progress of the actions taken o ensure that response objectives are safely met
Pg 15
TRACEM stands for:
Thermal Radiological Asphyxiantion Chemical Etiological/biological Mechanical
Pg 16
A cryogen is a gas that turns to a liquid below:
-130 degrees F
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The least energetic form of radiation is the nonionizing radiation such as:
Visible light and radio wave
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The most energetic and hazardous form of radiation is the:
Ionizing radiation
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Alpha radiation:
Energetic positively charged alpha particles emitted from the nucleus during radioactive decay that rapidly lose energy when passing through matter
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Alpha particles can be blocked by clothing however if ingested or inhaled:
They are very harmful
They can be stopped by a sheet of paper
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Fast moving positively or negatively charged electrons emitted from the. Nucleus during radioactive decay
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As with alpha emitters beta emitters are generally more hazardous when:
They are inhaled of ingested
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High energy photons weightless packets of energy like visible light and x rays
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Standard firefighting protective clothing provides no protection against:
Gamma radiation
Pg 21
The health hazard that neutrons present arises from the fact that they cause the:
Release of secondary radiation when they ineract with the human body
Pg 21
Radiation can damage a cell by:
Ionizing the atoms and changing the resulting chemical behavior of the atoms and molecules in the cell
Pg 22
Asphyxiants can be divided into two classes:
Simple and chemical
Pg 23
Simple asphyxiants are:
Gases that displace the oxygen necessary for breathing. These gases dilute or displace the oxygen concentration below the level required by he human body
Pg 23
Chemical asphyxiants :
Substances that prohibit the body from using oxygen. Even though oxygen is avail these substances starve the cells of the body for oxygen
Pg 23
A chemical injury at the site of contact (typically the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes, nose, mouth or respiratory tract) is termed:
Local effect
Pg 24
A toxic chemical may be absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed to other parts of the body producing:
Systemic effects
Pg 24
The methods by which poisons attack the body vary depending on the type of poison. ______ and______ interfere with oxygen flow to the lungs and the blood. _________ acts on the bodys nervous system by disrupting nerve impulses.
Irritants and chemical asphyxiants
Pg 24
With the exception of liquid and gas fuels ________ comprise the largest usage class (by volume) in industry.
Pg 25
Corrosives are commonly divided into two categories:
Acids and bases (bases are sometimes called alkalis or caustics)
Pg 25
Acid definition:
Any chemical that ionizes (breaks down) to yield hydrogen ions in water.
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Acid ph value is:
Pg 25
Contact with acid typically causes:
Immediate pain
Definition of base (alkalis)
Water soluble compound that breaks apart in water to or a negativeLy charged hydroxide ion.
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Bases react with an acid to form a:
Salt by releasing an unshared pair of electrons to the acid or by receiving a proton from the acid
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Bases have a ph value of:
Pg 26
A common sign of exposure to a base is:
A greasy or slick feeling of the skin, which is caused by the breakdown of fatty tissues
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Acids and bases can be:
Toxic, flammable, reactive, and explosive and some are oxidizers
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Irritants attack:
The mucous membranes
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Convulsants are:
Toxic materials that can cause convulsions.
Pg 27
Chemicals considered to be convulsants are:
Strychnine, organophosphates, carbamates, and infrequently used drugs such as picrotoxin.
Pg 27
Convulsants cause death by:
Asphyxiation or exhaustion
Pg 27
Biological or etiological hazards are:
Microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria that may cause severe, disabling disease or illness
Pg 29
Viruses are the simplest types of microorganisms that can only replicate themselves in the:
Living cells of their hosts
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Definition of bacteria:
Microscopic single celled organisms.
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Most bacteria do not cause disease in people, but when they do two different mechanisms are possible:
Invading the tissues or producing toxins (poisons)
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Specialized bacteria that live and multiply in the gastrointestinal tract of arthropod carriers (such as fleas and tics)
They are smaller that most bacteria but larger than viruses
Pg 29
Rickettsias are like bacteria in that they respond to antibiotics they are also like viruses in that they:
Must replicate in a host cell
Pg 30
Biological toxins:
Are produced by living organisms however they biological organism itself is usually not harmful to people
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The two most common types of mechanical hazard are:
Striking and friction
Pg 31
Blast pressure wave:
Shock wave that travels outward from the center. As the wave increases in distance the strength decreases. This blast pressure wave is the primary reason for injuries and damage
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The distance a shock wave travels depends on:
The type and size of the explosion and the type of soil
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Process of taking in materials by breathing through the nose or mouth
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Process of taking in materials through the mouth by means other than simple inhalation
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Ingestion can also occur when:
Particles of insoluble materials become trapped in the mucous membranes and are swallowed after being cleared from the respiratory tract
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Skin contact:
Process of taking in materials when a chemical or hazardous material contacts the skin or exposed surface of the body
Pg 32
Toxic substances are more readily absorbed into the body when:
The skin is wet
The substance penetration into the skin occurs in two main pathways:
Skin cells (transepidermal) hair follicles and sweat glands (pilosebaceous) Pg 33
The DOT transportation regulation is title:
The purpose of the HMR (hazardous materials regulations) is to:
Provide adequate protection against the risks to life, property, and the environment inherent in transporting hazardous materials in commerce by improving the regulatory and enforcement authority of the secretary of transportation
Pg 38
Comprehensive environmental response, compensation and liabilty act. Or superfund act
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Emergency planning and community right to know act
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One of the primary benefits of an active LEPC (local emergency planning committee) is:
Opening the line of communication between the private and public sector
Pg 41
The resource conservation and recovery act rcra gave the epa he authority to:
Control hazardous waste and hold responsible party accountable for the hazmat they produce from creation to final disposal
Pg 41
The Nuclear regulatory commission (NRC) primary mission is to:
Protect the publics health and safety and the environment from the effects of radiation from nuclear reactors, materials, and waste facilities
Pg 42
Department of energy (DOE) manages:
The national nuclear research and defense programs including the storage of high level nuclear waste:
Pg 42
Department of homeland security DHS has 3 primary missions:
- Prevent terrorist attacks within the US
- Reduce americas vulnerability to terrorism
- Minimize the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters
Pg 43
Records have shown that the majority of hazmat incidents involve the following products:
Flammable combustible/liquids Corrosives Anhydrous ammonia Chloine Many occur while being transported Pg 51