Chapter 7 Respiratory System- Diagnostic Procedures Flashcards
Testing sputum by placing it on a culture medium and observing any bacterial growth
Sputum culture and sensitivity
Examining sputum for malignant cells
Sputum cytology
X-Ray record of the bronchus produced by bronchography
X-ray of the lung after a radiopaque substance has been inserted into the trachea or bronchial tube
Taking a radiographic picture of the lungs and heart from the back and sides
Chest x-ray
Injecting dye into a blood vessel for the purpose of taking an x-ray of the arteries and veins of the lungs
Pulmonary angiography
Nuclear medicine diagnostic test that is especially useful in identifying pulmonary emboli
Ventilation-perfusion scan
Instrument used to view inside a bronchus during a bronchoscopy
Visual examination of the inside of the bronchi
Instrument used to view inside the larynx during a laryngoscopy
Examination of the interior of the larynx with a lighted instrument
Instrument that measures the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream
Measures the oxygen level in the blood using a device, an oximeter, placed on the patients fingertip or earlobe
Group of diagnostic tests that give info regarding air flow in and out of the lungs, lung volumes, and has exchange between the lungs and bloodstream
Pulmonary function test
Instrument to measure lung capacity used for spirometry
Procedure to measure lung capacity using a spirometer
Monitoring a patient while sleeping to identify sleep apnea
Test for cystic fibrosis
Sweat test
Applying the tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) under the surface of the skin to determine if the patient has been exposed to tuberculosis
Tuberculin skin test
TB test
Testing for the gases present in blood.
Arterial blood gases