Chapter 7 - Memory Flashcards
forming a memory code
maintaining encoded information in memory over time
recovering info from memory stores
deeper levels of processing result in longer lasting memory codes
levels of processing theory
linking a stimulus to other info at the time of encoding
Paivio - memory is enhanced by forming semantic and visual codes, since either lead to recall
dual-coding theory
the process of repetitively verbalizing or thinking about information
group of familiar stimuli stored as a single unti
limited capacity storage system that temporarily maintains and stores info by providing an interface between perception, memory and action
working memory
the tendency to remember similar of related items in group
multilevel classification system based on common properties among items
conceptual heirarchy
organized cluster of knowledge about a particular object or event abstracted from previous experience with the object or event
nodes representing concepts, joined together by pathways that link related concepts
semantic network
participants recall of an event they witnessed is altered by introducing misleading post event info
misinformation effect
process of deciding whether memories are based on external sources or internal sources
reality monitoring